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A website for a personal trainer to promote his professional services to current and potential clients.

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supun maximus

Supun Maximus


This website is developed for one of the outstanding upcoming professional fitness trainers, Mr. Supun Dayarathna in Sri Lanka to communicate and engage with its target audience. This document the details technical as well as commercial aspects of the development of the website.

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Project Idea

Since, 2016, Mr Dayathanthe has been in the fitness industry where he has groomed himself as a true professional trainer not only with experience as a trainer but his continued passion for continuous professional development. He is currently reading for his bachelor’s while possessing several diplomas in the subject. Furthermore, he has been a lecturer in one of the leading educational institutes.

As a trainer, he has helped many individuals, including famous celebrities, kids with special needs, pregnant women, and clients suffering from both sports and non-sports injuries.

The above let Mr Dayarathna to stands out from the rest and it called for a much-needed website to engage with his potential and existing audience.

Design for User Experience (UXD)

This section covers a summary of the 5 planes of user experience design. We briefly discuss,

  1. Strategy Plane
  2. Scope Plane
  3. Structure Plane
  4. Skeleton Plane
  5. Surface Plane

Strategy Plane

For the site, in this section, we discuss Generic Strategy, target audience, and objectives (both internal and external), as a part of the strategy plane of UXD,

Generic Strategy & Differentiation – Niche Marketing

In line with his uniqueness, the site will support, Supun Maximus to target on high-value and a well-informed specific client base who not only have specific fitness objectives to pursue and looking for a true professional trainer to assist them but also to know what and why they do.

Target Audience

In par with the business strategy, the target audience shall be,

  • Income – Upper and upper-middle class
  • Gender – Male Female
  • Education: Well-educated or at least have a sound understating of their subject (e.g.: sportswoman)
  • Age: 13+ (for kids it will be their parents)
  • Lifestyle: outgoing & busy lifestyle, fitness enthusiast
  • Geography: within a 20km radius of the training center.
  • Profile examples: Professional individuals and couples, celebrities, couples to get married soon, sportsmen and women, Parents of children with special needs, individuals suffering from various injuries, high-class housewives

Site Objectives

We have looked into the purposes of both the client and the owner of the site for ensuring maximum mileage for both parties.

For Supun Maximus (site owner), the website is expected to,

  1. Provide relevant, authentic content with authority for fitness enthusiasts
    • Convey training philosophy
    • Convey his areas of specialization
    • Provide a convincing message on his capacity as a trainer
    • Training times, location and how to arrange a home visit
    • Technical explanations on tests, movement corrections, rehabilitations, and so on
    • Provide contact information and contact form
    • Social media to get engage with
  2. Reach and getting in touch with potential clients who appreciate the philosophy, willing and able to work with it.
  3. Share testimonials of clients
  4. Profile building, positioning and differentiating from rest of the competition

Purpose of the site – Visitor

  • Learn about, Supun
  • Training philosophy, areas of services,
  • Do an assessment of the skill set
  • Find out about class schedule and location
  • Learn something about Fitness and training
  • Build trust and minimize risk
  • To know how to get in touch with

Scope plane

The site will consist of features as follow, in line with the objectives of visitors and the owners.


For the whole site,


  • Using two letters of Supun Maximus a Favicon is displayed in the browser tab

  • This will help a user to easily identify the site among many tab opened in a browse


Page Title

  • A title tag that gives a brief description of the respective page is created for every page to appear on top of the page.

  • This will help not the only user to easily understand the content of the page but also appear on the search engine result page (SERP) and help search engine optimization (SEO).



  • A logo is used across the site

  • This will help for both ease of recognition and building the brand image of Supun Maximus

  • All the colors used in developing the site have been taken from the logo.

  • From any page, if you click on the logo, you will be directed to the home page.


Navigation Bar

  • The menu contains access to all three navigational pages

  • It is responsive to all devices

  • This helps users to navigate to any page on any device.

    navigation bar


  • In the footer, we have included social media icons. This allows a visitor to access the social media of Mr Dayarathne or Supun Maximus.

  • Use of social media icons that are clearly representational and familiar with well-defined meaning to be a better visual representation and useability

  • Use of aria-label may help visually impaired people as they are used in social media icons.

  • In addition, CSS validation and the GitHub name of the developer have been included for further authentication for those who know about the subject (IT)


Landing Page

  • The browser will direct the visitor to the landing page when they use a search engine to visit the website.

  • The hero section of the site is used to convey a powerful message to the visitor on his highly committed philosophy and fertility as a personal trainer.

  • When prospects analyse the whole page, the content has been developed to boost the confidence of prospective clients and reduce the risk of their buying decision.


Supun Maximus Services

  • This area is enriched with services or the specializations of the trainer.

  • The section supports the visitor to assess what extent the trainer’s offering matches their expectations

  • Furthermore, the selection relevant and authentic set of images and thoughtfully crafted content helped to convince the practical exposure and subject knowledge of Supun Maximus.

  • It helps to reduce risk and boost confidence.

  • Content is developed using keywords. Therefore, it helps to optimize SEO.


About the Trainer

  • The area gives a brief about the experience, education and also the passion for the subject of fitness training.

  • In this case, we have especially used the image to flip the perception to more ease and provide evidence of his academic commitment and authority to perform as a personal trainer.

  • Content is developed using keywords and the image has an alt-tag. Therefore, it helps to optimize SEO.

  • Image has an alt-tag it will help a visually impaired person, SEO optimization and indexing.


Training Sessions

  • We use this section to share his regular training location and timing.

  • Again, the image is used to communicate his attentiveness as your potential trainer.

  • Client could learn about the location, and training times, and could contact him if they wish to get more information on private sessions

  • A Google map is included for ease of navigation to the center.

  • Image has an alt-tag it will help a visually impaired person, SEO optimization and indexing


Case Studies

  • Case studies provide what Supun Maximus has practically done as a trainer in helping his various clients using his own clients’ images and his commitment to using correct biomechanism in training.

  • In addition, a brief has been given on the technicality behind each scenario.

  • In par with the owner’s expectation, this section improves his brand image as a qualified trainer.

  • A visitor could be able to know about his training philosophy, and know-how.

  • In the visitor’s point of view, they may get the sense that they will be on a safe pair of hands.

  • Content is developed using keywords and the image has an alt-tag. Therefore, it helps to optimize SEO.

  • Image has an alt-tag it will help a visually impaired person, SEO optimization and indexing


Contact Page

  • This page provides contact information if the visitor would like to contact him directly or send him a form so that he can contact the client.

  • Our client believes the selection of a trainer shall be a rational decision and need to research -knowledge, experience and expertise before deciding on it. Therefore, he has advised us to keep the contact details on the contact page and moreover as it may disturb training sessions. Accordingly, we have shared the contact details only on the contact page.

  • The contact form is so easy to fill

  • The contact form consists of mandatory fids of,

    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Mobile and
    • Email
  • A visitor has the option to share gender, age and brief on his requirement.

  • Importantly, the customer is assured of 24 hours resolution time


Existing Functional Features,

  • Responsive design
  • Contact form
  • Use of Social media icons
  • On mobile or tabs, customers can directly call without typing the number separately.
  • visitors can use the given email for sending message directly if required

Existing Non-functional Features

  • Simple well-defined navigation
  • Simple but consistent web designed for maximizing user experience
  • Content and images developed for SEO optimization
  • Optimize images for faster functioning of the site
  • The site is designed for scalability

Features to be Implemented

  • 404 error page in case of a page could not be found
  • Thank you, page, to confirm the receipt of the contact form details
  • Introduce casserole for my service area
  • Run a blog area on Fitness, conditioning and strengthening

Structure Plane

For the site, we propose a tree-based architect for organizing data to facilitate ease of navigation scalability. We ensured that the content is surrounded by sufficient white space.


Skeleton Plane

The following components shall be used to give a pleasurable and still objective experience for visitors of the site,

  • Use visual icons
  • Apply Progressive disclosure
  • Keep the shape of the page the same
  • Arrange navigation elements in order of importance
  • Maintain 3-4 features per page to maintain useability
  • Navigation: rely on a navigation system for browsing
  • Use of representational familiar icons with clear meaning be a better visual representation and useability
  • Ease access & visibility of navigation options
  • Consistent navigation and structure across the site

##Information design

  • Designing a contact form that is easy to be filled
  • Pleasing design
  • Accurate categorization of contents (e.g.: Service provided)
  • Use google map for location
  • Use a minimalist approach to designing
  • Wireframe


  • Home Page on Desktop


  • Home page on Mobile


  • Case study page on Desktop


  • Case Study page on Mobile


  • Contact page on Desktop


  • Contact page on Mobile


Surface Plane

In order to bring a visually appealing experience, we shall use,

Google fonts were used for all Headings and paragraph throughout the site.

  • Layout

Maintained a consistent layout across the site. It was prioritized to create more whitespace in so that reader will find it easy to read.

  • Forms

As stated above, to gather details and interact with potential client a form has been created.

  • Images

All the images were optimized by,

Identity, to ensure economy, readability (legible, contrast, consistency)

The above concludes the UXD section of the website.

Techno Used


The website is structured using Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) as the main language


To style, the website, the Cascade Style sheet is used as an external file

Git Pod

The website was developed in GitPod

Git Hub

Hosting of the source codes are on Git hub and Git pages are used to deploy the site

Font Awesome

The icons used in the footer and contact details were obtained from Font Awsome

Favicon is used for browser tabs created using Favicon


wireframes were created using Balsamiq

The site logo was created using canva


Google font was used to have a set of standardised fonts acrros the site.


Image of the contact form was obtained from pixbay


For identifing key words, SERanking was used.

Check for Code Differances

TO check code variations [Diffchecker] was used.

Formating and Indetation of HTML

Scott Granneman is used as a gudince when formating and indenting HTML


Testing covers will look into Responsiveness, Accessibility, Lighthouse testing, Functional testing, validator testing, and unfixed bugs


According to the WCAG 2.1 Reflow criteria for responsive design on Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera browsers, all pages were evaluated to ensure responsiveness on screen sizes starting at 320 pixels and up.

Process of Testing:

  1. Launch a browser and go to supun maximus.
  2. Go to the developer tools, and (right-click and inspect)
  3. Set to responsive, with a 320px reduction in width.
  4. 50% Zoom setting
  5. Drag the responsive window to its widest point.


No graphics are distorted or stretched, and the website is responsive across all screen sizes. There is no horizontal scroll. Nothing overlaps, except the horizontal view of some of the browsers.


The website performed as expected. Information is available in Unfixed Bugs.

Moreover, a website was launched on the following

  • Apple iphone 11
  • Samsug galaxy S22


Wave is used to check for any aid accessibility testing, an accessibility tool was utilized during development and for final testing of the launched website.

The following requirements were tested to make sure they were met:

  • All forms contain associated labels or aria-labels so that users who tab to form inputs can hear this information read out on a screen reader.
  • The WCAG 2.1 Contrast Guidelines' minimum ratio for colour contrasts is met. Except for one contrast issue in the footer.
  • Assure to highlight the significance of the content to a visitor, no heading level is missed or skipped.
  • For easy use of assistive technology, every content is with the landmark so that users could easily navigate by page region
  • Atl-tags were given to all the non-textual content
  • HTML page lang attribute is set
  • Aria properties are set correctly
  • Accordinglyly, best practices of WCAG 2.1 coding test are followed to a greater extent.

Lighthouse Testing

Home Page on a Desktop


Case Studies Page on a Desktop


Contact Page on a Desktop


Functional Testing

Navigational Testing

By clicking navigation on each of the pages, examined the navigation performance of all the navigation links.

Navigation Link Page to be loaded
Hone index.html
Case Studies case-studies.html
Contact contact.html

Required : Links to all the pages navigated as expected

Actual: the requirement is met

Contact Details Testing

The phone and email of the contact page were tested for their desired functionality

Call Testing


  1. Navigate to the contact page,
  2. Click on the mobile number given

Required: a popup will appear asking to pick up an app to call

Actual: the expectation was met


Email Testing


  1. Navigate to the contact page,
  2. Click on the email given

Required: a popup will appear asking to pick up an application to send a message or directed to the default application.

Actual: the expectation was met


Form Testing

The form on the contact page was manually tested. It performed as expected where required data is skipped or inserted without following the guidance given, will not be allowed to proceed.

Scenario 1 – Correct Input

  1. Navigate to Supun Maximus – Contact page
  2. Scroll down to the form and insert the below data,
  •   First Name: Peter
      Last Name: Jack
      Mobile: 770 088 586
      Email: peter.jack@test 
      Age Category: 20-34
      Gender: Male
      Message: this is a test
  1. Click submit
  2. User shall be landed in

Required: Proceed with submission with no warnings and errors to the congratulation page!

Actual: requirement was met

Scenario 2 – Missing Required Field, First Name

  1. Navigate to Supun Maximus – Contact page
  2. Scroll down to the form and inset below deta
  •   First Name: 
      Last Name: Jack
      Mobile: 770 088 586
      Email: peter.jack@test 
      Age Category: 20-34
      Gender: Male
      Message: this is a test
  1. Click submit

Required: Cannot proceed without the first name for submission, a warning appears

Actual: requirement was met

Scenario 3 – Missing Required Field – Last Name

  1. Navigate to Supun Maximus – Contact page
  2. Scroll down to the form and insert below data
  •   First Name: Peter
      Last Name: 
      Mobile: 770 088 586
      Email: peter.jack@test 
      Age Category: 20-34
      Gender: Male
      Message: this is a test
  1. Click submit

Required: Cannot proceed without the last name for submission, a warning appears.

Actual: requirement was met

Scenario 4 – Mobile Number in Wrong Format

  1. Navigate to Supun Maximus – Contact page
  2. Scroll down to the form and insert thr below data
  •       First Name: Peter
          Last Name: Jack
          Mobile: 0094 770 088 586
          Email: peter.jack@test 
          Age Category: 20-34
          Gender: Male
          Message: this is a test
  1. Click submit

Required: Cannot proceed without the correct format of the mobile for submission, a warning appears.

Actual: requirement was met

Scenario 5 – Email in Wrong Format

  1. Navigate to Supun Maximus – Contact page
  2. Scroll down to the form and insert below data
  •       First Name: Peter
          Last Name: Jack
          Mobile: 770 088 586
          Email: peter.jack.test 
          Age Category: 20-34
          Gender: Male
          Message: this is a test
  1. Click submit

Required: Cannot proceed without the correct format of the email for submission, a warning appears.

Actual: requirement was met.

Google Map

Google map in the training time section was manually clicked

Required: Landed in google map with the training center in the middle of the map.

Actual: the requirement was met.

Footer Social Media Links

Social media icons in the footer section, clicked manually to ensure the correct connection to external links.

Required: to proceed to respective social media pages of the client (Supun Maximus) or general page as he does not have twitter or YouTube channel.

Actual: the requirement was met.

Validator Testing


No errors were returned when passing through the official W3C validator

Index Page HTML Validation index-html

Case Studies page HTML Validation case-study

Contac Page HTML Validation contact-page


No errors were returned when passing through the official W3C validator



Version Control

The site as created using git pod and published in git hub to the remote directory “supun-maximus”.

The below git commands were used during the development to push code to the remote repo:

git add "<file>" - To add the file(s) to the staging area before they are committed.

git commit -m “commit message” - To the local repository queue ready for the final step.

git push - To push all committed code to the remote repository on github.

Deployment to Github Pages

GitHub pages was used deplyment.

The steps to deploy are as follows:

  1. In the GitHub repository, click on the Settings tab
  2. From the menu on left select 'Pages'
  3. From the source section drop-down menu, select the Branch: main
  4. Click 'Save'

A live link is revealed in a green banner once published successfully. The live link can be found here -


Credit shall go to below for guiding and lending technology to develop the site

The video simply and effectivly guides you to use flexbox in styling the content. Most of the areas in the site, where the flex elements were used was based on the above video

To convert the logo into a circle, guidence of the above site was used.

Guideline of the above vedio was used to insert a google map to the site.

Guide lines of the above video was used to get rid of the horizontal scroll bar of the site.

To create the contact page design inspirations and codes were barrowed from the mentioned video.

It has been a main source of codes for developing the site.


All the non-textual media except the background of the contact page, all were obtained from client's social media with his due permission. Fresh textual content was created for the site by factroing key words to them.

Special Thanks

Special thanks shall go to the client, Mr Dayarathna for his good support, Daisy, my mentor ,and last but not the least to my family for their exceptional care and understanding.


A website for a personal trainer to promote his professional services to current and potential clients.






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