Releases: SeriousBuggie/XVehicles
Releases · SeriousBuggie/XVehicles
- Fix not appear flags on vehicle roofs in online play.
- Fix flags floating in the air on online play.
- Reduce net usage.
- Fix hover physics.
- Add original fire sound for Goliath.
- Fix tanks shake magnitude.
- Fix anim on LinkCraft and Ion Tank.
- Fix flood in the log.
- Fix Flame from juggernaut stay after respawn.
- Fix transfer Flame from juggernaut to Carcass.
- Fix bots aim on vehicles if nothing interesting.
- Fix exit from vehicle behind movers.
- Return arc movement on fall for WheeledCarPhys and TreadCraftPhys.
- Stop move vehicles after game end.
- Fix AI bugs.
- Fix AI movement on top of movers.
- Prevent shoot same team by AI.
- Fix random explode on landing after fall.
- Greed: Try spawn skulls in any case, for not lost them on drop.
- Add Beetle. (by Baardman)
- Fix chrome on heli and turrets.
- Update bots in vehicles more often for not see empty vehicles.
- Make fall damage reliable.
- Adjusted camera for Juggernaut.
- Improved sloped physics.
- Fix fall a vehicle into the ground in some cases.
- Reduce collide damage between vehicles.
- Replicate VehicleGravityScale over net.
- Add Viper (by 100GPing100)
- Fix heli rocket lock in non-team games to same team.
- Fix passengers exit behind walls.
- Fix crash server in some cases when vehicle with passenger touch big damage trigger, caused vehicle to blow.
- Fix lost camera and weapon when collide with movers.
- Add Ghost (closed hull by DeepU)
- Add Scorpion (closed hull by DeepU)
- Greed: Reduce poly count on skulls.
- Add Hellbender (closed hull by DeepU)
- Reimport all skeletal meshes with perfect UV texture align for new clients (469e+) and improved UV texture align for old clients (pre-469e).
- Fix Grinder Fire sound. (Thanks to Deepu)
- Better use Tank Scorpion turret by bots.
- Better calculate usage for Badger Grenade.
- Greed: set end cam on last scorer who end the game.
- Recompile all code with improved compiler from 469e (faster/smaller code in some cases).
- Fix compile warnings.
- Prevent memory leak from VehiclesConfig.
- Make optional disable camera shake in vehicles.
- Add HoverBadger.
- Fix slowdown hover vehicles on slopes.
- Fix detect small water by hover vehicles.
- Better hover vehicles code.
- Fix spawn tracers for machine guns.
- Add Ion Tank.
- Resolve packages dependencies.
- Add LinkCraft.
- Fix drop flag on hover and fly vehicles.
- Add announcer for one flag.
- Improve tank engines sounds (Thanks to Deepu)
- Add announcer for Domination.
- Reduce net usage.
- Fix broken vehicle movement in demo in rare cases.
- Add Juggernaut.
- Improve give road by AI for vehicles with flag.
- Stop wait driver as passenger if driver take another vehicle.
- Fix overlay on spawn.
- Prevent damage same team by XV projectiles.
- Prevent shake view from vehicles on projectiles hit.
- Prevent show stub pawn in local game.
- Add Goliath.
- Add replace Tank GK-1 to Goliath mutator.
- Fix slide treads over ground for few tanks.
- Fix rotate tread tracks on tanks.
- Better mesh for Raptor.
- Improved spread for hitcan weapons.
- Add flag drop icon if try enter to vehicle which not support carry flag.
- Fix bot slow down on flag after cap/grab.
- Fix block flag carrier vehicle by bot vehicle.
- Better rules for attack empty vehicles.
- Greed: Make Gold and Red skulls bigger.
- Allow capture DOM points from vehicles.
- Unlock vehicle factories if team game mode not make spawn players in team area.
- Improve AI support for DOM.
- Improve manta handle lifts.
- Greed: Fix give bonuses on pickup skulls.
- Greed: Improve compatibility with other mods.
- Greed: Fix freezes caused by use together with broken mods.
- Greed: Speed up render players labels.
- Greed: Add info about skulls (more then 5) which hold teammates.
- Greed: Fix bot with skulls stuck with other bot without skulls as driver on defence.
- Fix replace Jeep TDX to Grinders mutator.
- Fix shake view for players in vehicles.
- Greed: Fix bots heal teammate vehicle instead of cap.
- Fix guide redemeer.
- Fix flicker bug, when player change zone with zoom or fov not 90.
- Fix wrong show vehicle enter icon for first 2 seconds of start/join game.
- Disable exit hint for vehicles which can use crouch for additional actions.
- Greed: Fix stay on enemy base after register skulls.
- Greed: Add ambient sound for flag bases.
- Greed: Improve sounds.
- Greed: Fix give bonuses for match UT3.
- Greed: Improve AI.
- Improve AS support.
- Greed: Add hacks for NewNet.
- Greed: Fix demo play flag bases.
- Allow passthru vehicle for pick important items.
- Greed: Fix enter travelers with skulls into teammate vehicles.
- Fix left zoom if driver zoomed and passenger enter and take gun from driver.
- Fix bot desireability for vehicles which bot not see.
- Improve defenders AI.
- Make bot jump if hover/fly vehicle blocked by same team vehicle on low speed.
- Prevent rotate manta and heli after game end.
- Allow use hud commands without spawned vehicles, just add XVehiclesHUD in mutator list.
- Optimize code.
- Add Raptor.
- Add mutator for swap heli and raptor: XChopVeh.XHeli2Raptor
- Improve Heli.
- Engine alter pitch now use same global properties for each vehicle type.
- Fix wrong direction of fire on close distance for dual guns.
- Fix bouncing chopper vehicles.
- Add Raptor in Summon mutator as "veh 10".
- Remove turret turn sound for resolve net play bugs with turrets in air.
- Add Grinder.
- Add mutator for swap JeepTDX and Grinder: XXMP.XJeepTDX2Grinder
- Add Grinder in Summon mutator as "veh 11".
- Fix Jeeps turrets passed through jeep body.
- Add hint how enter to vehicle if you enough close.
- Fix announcer in case when score increment in more then one.
- Add new game mode Greed.
- Show info how exit from vehicle if hold crouch inside it.
- Improve and fix exit from vehicle.
- Exit from vehicle in proper direction.
- Fix rare use alternate paths.
- Fix use StubPawn in some cases.
- Update vehicle textures with bigger quality.
- Fix disappear vehicles after pause game for a while.
- Prevent disappear vehicle during heal if vehicle on full health.
- Fix trace vehicle paths for jumpads in editor.
- Fix prevent unload previous levels from memory.
- Add support for Assault game.
- Fix stuck in BSP bugged obstacles in some cases.
- Fix touch actors on exit from vehicle.
- Prevent bots rotate in tanks in place when reach point.
- Stop rotate turret after game end.
- Prevent bot wait self as passenger.
- Fix ghost bots with negative health.
- Better bot drive manta.
- Prevent weird movement on hit wall vehicles.
- Better Hover vehicles movement code.
- Better Chopper vehicles movement code.
- Passenger bot exit for cap if can do this instant.