Releases: ServerMod/MultiAdmin
Releases · ServerMod/MultiAdmin
MutliAdmin 2.0.0
Move to YAML!
- add --convert-config parameter to convert all your config files (not very robust so you may still need to tweak the output, this will backup your configs)
- scp_multiadmin.cfg still uses the OLD config system, will be ported to YAML in the future
- change default config location to match new game location (you may need to tweak your scp_multiadmin.cfg if on linux to reflect this).
Other caveats for this release:
- there a multiple config files, right now multiadmin only supports config_gameplay.txt, config_remoteadmin.txt is not supported.
- The exe now requires DLL for the YAML, included in the zip below.
YamlDotNet.dll goes next to MultiAdmin.exe (same directory)
MultiAdmin 1.4.4
Re-uploaded to fix a bug with the change in this release
- Fixed a glitch where MultiAdmin would not correctly print out newlines in messages (Thanks Zero!)
MultiAdmin 1.4.3
- Added
config option, defaults to2048
, the amount of RAM your server can use in megabytes, the max on Windows is4096
and is whatever you want on Linux
MultiAdmin 1.4.2
- Fix single config mode not loading the correct config for MultiAdmin
- Added config option
(milliseconds (integer), default value is 150), the time in milliseconds in-between reading lines of console output (warning: affects CPU usage)
MultiAdmin 1.4.1
Re-uploaded to fix multi-line config values
- General optimizations (Set "enable_multiadmin_optimizations", to false to disable)
- Config optimizations and fixes
- Pretty printing fix
- Cleanup some hardcoded string references
MultiAdmin 1.4.0
- Add Pretty Printing for Smod2 plugin messages
- Add default mode to act as 100% drop in replacement for localadmin (ie you wont need servers folder if you want one server)
- Replace config reader with the one we made for servermod #143
- Fix a few bugs, some need testing. #138 #144
You can get help on discord:
ServerMod 1.7.5
Binary re-uploaded to fix all players being disconnected and to fix $warhead_detonated not displaying correctly
- Added sound exploit protection
- Server name now defaults to "Server"
- Fixed wording in SCP-914 debug
- Fixed game crash when the config is empty
- Fixed "smart_class_picker" freezing the game
- Added config option "maximum_MTF_respawn_amount", defaults to 15.
- Added new config option, "unlock_nuke_door_on_detonate", makes all locked doors openable without a keycard after the nuke detonates
- Added "nickname_filter", this will kick anyone who's nickname contains anything in this list
- Added new feature: Automated nuking after a set delay
- Added config option "auto_warhead_start" in seconds for nuke to automatically start, set to -1 to turn off
- Added config option "auto_warhead_start_lock" locks the warhead when it's automatically started, set to true to turn on
- Added "OPENSECURE" and "CLOSESECURE" options for the "DOORS" command
- Added "WEIGHTS" and "RECIPES" commands
ServerMod 1.7.4
- Updated ServerMod with two silent patches released today.
- ServerMod will now hard fail if you are running it on a different version of the game.
- Made a new class choosing feature: Smart Class Picker. This makes players getting the same class consecutively happen less.
- "SMART_CLASS_PICKER" - Config option, accepts a boolean value, defaults to false (Enables/Disables Smart Class Picker)
- If you don't like the default functionality, there's a variety of configurable options. The weight changes the chances of a player playing a certain class, the lower the weight, the lower the chance, the higher the weight, the higher the chance. The weights also differ for each player.
- "SMART_CLASS_PICKER_STARTING_WEIGHT" - Integer value, defaults to 5 (The weight a class starts out with)
- "SMART_CLASS_PICKER_WEIGHT_LIMIT" - Integer value, defaults to 10 (The maximum weight a class can have)
- "SMART_CLASS_PICKER_CLASS_<Class #>_WEIGHT_DECREASE" - Integer value, the default value is dynamic based on which team and class the player is (The amount a weight goes down when a player plays the specified class)
- "SMART_CLASS_PICKER_CLASS_<Class #>_WEIGHT_INCREASE" - Integer value, the default value is dynamic based on which team and class the player is (The amount a weight goes up when the player isn't the specified class)
- Added extra debug info and checks for SCP-914
- Fixed HWID checker kicking Linux players.
ServerMod 1.7.3
- Updated the game code to Open-Beta 3.1.0.
- Changed Staff access to mean only SCP:SL Staff. It no longer includes beta testers.
- Added config option "allow_scpsl_beta_tester_to_use_remoteadmin" to allow beta testers Remote Admin. Defaults to false.
- Added config option "allow_scpsl_patreon_to_use_remoteadmin" to allow SCP:SL Patreons Remote Admin. Defaults to false.
MultiAdmin 1.3.2 + ServerMod 1.7.2
It should feel a little smoother to use now :)
- Fix restartnextround crash
- restartnextround will work better with Smod version 1.7.2
- Server restarts now get new sessions
- Fix crash when too many messages are coming at once
- Decrease sleep time for input thread
- Fix inactivity shutdown
- Fix servermod version checker
- Add version checking, it will print a message to console if the game is not the expected version
- fix issue with NTF respawn
- modify config command to add CONFIG SET , you can change the value of any config setting until restart/reload.
- Make the game print a message when the round is about to restart. (for multiadmin)
- Add ban debug messages (enable with sm_debug)
- Add HID/HARDWAREID command, prints the players hardwareids (usage: HID <player/s>, leave it blank to print all)
1.7 missing change-log items:
- Add ENDROUND/END command to end the current round as if it was over
- Add DROPALL command to drop players items (usage: DROPALL <player/s>, leave it blank to drop for all players)
- Added various API's to use with smdev command/Smod2