Projects for the computer architecture course at Tehran university.
Projects for the computer architecture course at Tehran university. Some parts were inspired by last semester projects that you can find here, the archive folder is linked to that repository.
In this project we read maze data from a file and then try to find a way from our mouse to the cheese. the priority for moving is up, right, left, down so the route we find is unique.
: Some useful python code for generating map and also checking accuracy of project and visualizing the path -
: List of maps, in each file if you convert the 4 digit hex string to binary format, each 1 represent wall and each 0 shows empty cells that we can move between those. There is 16 lines each 4 digit hex, so the map is 16 * 16.-
maps with solution
: in this folder we have maps that there exists a way to get the cheese..dat
file are original map,.txt
file contains binary converted map, and$result_{i}.txt$ are python code's results, and the$code result_{i}.txt$ file contains Verilog simulation results. result means the way we move in maze. you can understand it with this map.00 up 01 right 10 left 11 down
maps without solution
: in this folder we have maps that doesn't exist a way to get the cheese.
: contains datapath and controller designs
Verilog files that you can use to simulate the project using ModelSim. When simulating make sure that a .dat
file is in the project of ModelSim.
The next three projects are different implementation of RISC-V
In these projects we designed a RISC-V processor using Verilog but with different approaches. The first approach is to use a simple Single-Cycle model which is not very good when it comes to hardware-utilization. The second approach is to use a shorter cycle but multiple cycles (i.e. Multi-Cycles) so each command use as many cycles as it needs and we have better performance. The last is the Pipeline approach which combines some instructions and gave us the best performance.
Supported commands are(for now):
- R-Type: add, sub, and, or, slt
- I-Type: lw, addi, xori, slti, jalr
- S-Type: sw
- J-Type: jal
- B-Type: beq, bneq, blt, beg
- U-Type: lui
: Assembly code of RISC-Vcontroller
: General design of RISC-Vmemory
which shows the data storage andinstructions.mem
which have the instructions that our processor will execute. Note that for Multi-Cycles as shown in it's datapath, data memory and instruction memory are not apart so they are indata.mem
: Some utility functions-
: In this folder you can find a link to an online assembler and also an assembler that we designed for our processor, if you are familiar with python just run thispython
if not just the
files, you can run each like this./bat_filename.bat
data generator
: Here you can generate data memory based on numbers you provided inArrayData.txt
in memory folder.
Verilog files that you can use to simulate the project using ModelSim. When simulating make sure that a .mem
files are in the project of ModelSim.