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Releases: TeamPorcupine/ProjectPorcupine

Milestone 0.2

08 Jan 11:16
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Milestone 0.2 Pre-release

As many of our early builds will continue to be, 0.2 has been about getting more of our base systems in place, and tuning those that perform badly. While we missed the 0.2 target (many features unimplemented, and a week late), we've gotten a good many features implemented, many of which will require further tuning. But we've gotten a lot done, so good job team!


  • Localize our localization
  • Save Load Logic for power system
  • Integrate Power System and Utilities
  • Fluids System
  • Main Menu
  • Rooms Span Multiple Levels
  • Pathfinding Optimization
  • 64 ppu base character sprite
  • Health system
  • C# Modding
  • Asynchronous Saving
  • Furniture status indicators
  • Changed from Uberlogger to UnityDebugger
  • DevConsole
  • Time Scale Indicator
  • New Sound System
  • Many new Sounds
  • Room-based Pathfinding
  • Custom Start areas, and framework for multiple world generators
  • Settings Menu overhaul
  • OrderActions (for Mining, Deconstructing, Building, and the like)
  • Inventory Claim
  • Wandering idle Characters
  • Save Format changed to JSON
  • Limited number of autosave files
  • Massive Optimizations

Version 0.1

05 Oct 02:22
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Version 0.1 Pre-release

Project Porcupine: A Base-Building Space!

This is v0.1 - a proof of concept build and the first official release of ProjectPorcupine!
Guaranteed delivery, only five days overdue and overbudget!

The game is still very feature incomplete, unbalanced and buggy as hell, but all of the basic gameplay elements are in place.

Milestone v0.1 in Issue Tracker, on the wiki.

Special thanks to all of our 105 contributors who made this possible!

NOTE: There will not be any bug fixes on this release. All development is now being focused on version 0.2.


Game Design



Feature set: Building the base

"Don't be a jerk. Find some work!" - abackwood

  • Live Power System - @Grenkin1988 #949 #968 #1079

    New power system is in place. Next would be save/load but I would prefer to wait with it before we finished or data format discussion.
    Further enhancements of power and integration with utilities can take place for 0.2 @koosemose

  • Character able to walk on empty tiles
  • Character build floor incl. job creation for floor building
  • Airlocks, (different door from internal doors or a small room with two doors that we frequently depressurize?)

    Final step in PR #1441

  • Atmosphere requirement for some buildings
  • No deconstruction of walls under pressure - @mikejbrown #701
  • Generate initial construction

    Further analyzation of what this even means and what we want our initial starting space to look like can come in later versions.

  • Expand atmosphere system. (Flow air between rooms)

Furniture and Inventory

  • Vents
  • Pipes

    Integration with power, and development of other systems to use Utilities will come in 0.2


Version 0.1-alpha (pre-release of version 0.1)

30 Sep 14:46
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There are just a few last PRs to get the milestone finished!
Effort should now be focused on getting these issues resolved for the official v0.1 release.