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Releases: Techainer/sort-node


26 Apr 10:41
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This release fixed issue #4: Allow to set maxAge and IoUThreshold like this:

sortnode.SortNode(kMinHits, kMaxAge, kIoUThreshold, kMinConfidence);

The SortNode object can be initialize with 4 arguments in the following order:

  • kMinHits: (int) Minimum number of hits before a bounding box was assigned a new track ID (should be 3)
  • kMaxAge: (int) Maximum number of frames to keep alive a track without associated detections
  • kIoUThreshold: (float between 0 and 1) Minimum IOU for match (should be 0.3)
  • kMinConfidence: (float between 0 and 1) Bouding boxes with confidence score less than this value will be ignored


23 Apr 09:51
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This release fixed issue #2. Adding support for additional landmarks information for easier mapping.

The update method expect a single arguments that had a the format List[List[float]], which means a list of detected object in that frame. Each object will have the format: [x_top, y_top, width, height, confidence] or [x_top, y_top, width, height, confidence, landmark_x1, landmark_y1, ...] for additional landmark associated with each bounding box.

The update method will return a list of tracked object in the format List[Object], each object will have the following structure:

    bbox: List[(int) x_top, y_top, width, height],
    track_id: int,
    landmarks: List[(float) x1, y1, x2, y2, ..., x_n, y_n],


22 Apr 19:06
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The first official release of SortNode

A JS binding for SORT - Simple, online, and real-time tracking of multiple objects in a video sequence.

This package will be available under the name @techainer1t/sort-node on npmjs