LucidSpace is a fork of LucidWave by Tina#1998 and Compote#2406.
It was made to provide a skin that has a polished and good looking interface while not being an arcade version look-alike.
We strongly believe that even if no actual assets are used, reproducing the assets can be seen as on offense by the right holders and thus it is not very ethical to promote, share and use a skin made to imitate the original game.
With LucidSpace, we want to create an original identity and mood while retaining the features and layout of the LucidWave skin, which is the best skin to date in our opinion.
LucidWave - A SOUND VOLTEX VIVID WAVE inspired skin for Unnamed SDVX clone
No official SOUND VOLTEX VIVID WAVE assets/data were used in the creation of this skin.
Make sure your game is up-to-date before using by running 'updater.exe' inside your main USC folder or download USC here:
Showcase Video:
Created with:
Lasergame Test Release 1 Build 2 by fdigl#5990,
SDVX IV Skin for USC by Halo ID#9588
SOUND VOLTEX ViViD WAVE Skin by E1i#4583
USC Vivid Wave Skin by Some One
Unnamed SDVX Clone SOUND VOLTEX VIVID WAVE Skin by kanemiko#2984
Customized by Hoshikara#5973 (easiest way to reach me for bugs or issues)
Check 'Skin Settings' for various options
Depending on whether you play portrait or landscape, check background shaders, 'bg_p.fs' is for portrait, 'bg_l.fs' is for landscape, rename either one to 'bg.fs'
Change Appeal Card by choosing one from /textures/gameplay/user_panel/appeal cards and replacing the current one inside /textures/gameplay/user_panel, make sure to rename to 'appeal_card', .psd template included to create your own
If you want to use one background for every chart, place all desired background files inside /backgrounds/fallback and make sure 'fallback' is the only folder inside 'backgrounds'
Custom laser/track colors not supported, check this link for other available colors:
March 19, 2020
New landscape menus (titlescreen, song select, and results)
Widened lasers slightly
Adjusted early/late appearance slightly
January 12, 2020
New laser alert animations
New song and gameplay exit transitions for portrait and landscape
New visualizer and banner animation
New sound effects
Moved optional laser/track colors to google drive to free up space
Current volforce is now displayed during track select
Added stereoscopic effect to various texts
Added transparency to portrait and landscape banners
Added option in 'Skin Settings' to turn off passing effect
Slight visual adjustments made to: Critical hit text Score numbers Score difference FX hit animation Laser width, exit, and entry textures Console texture Track texture Rotating text animations for holds and lasers
Fixed a bug where notes were invisible
Organized 'textures' folder
December 31, 2019
Added effect to indicate passing 70% during gameplay
New laser textures/shaders
Removed support for custom colors for the sake of accuracy; red, blue, green, and yellow available for track, lasers, laser alerts, and laser animations included in the 'optional' folder
New button textures/shaders for bt/fx and bt/fx holds
Added display for current folder and level to song select, moved search bar
Fixed critical hit flickering
Updated multiplayer screen from default skin
Adjusted scorehit texture and colors
Changed landscape fill from white to black
December 20, 2019
Modified 'Skin Settings' options
Adjusted multiplayer lobby/gameplay font sizes
Removed various unneccessary files/lines
December 19, 2019
adjusted various hit animations
new default bg
December 17, 2019
adjusted lane light appearance and colors
fixed fx critical text not appearing higher than bt
December 15, 2019
Possible fix for performance issues introduced by 12_8_2019 update, again
Reduced asset file sizes
Changed out default button textures for larger ones
Added top fill for landscape
Added animation for score numbers
Adjusted crit bar and console for landscape
Adjusted title screen button size to accomdate for lower resolutions
Modified track select slightly to show button shortcuts
Changed track select cursor color
December 13, 2019
Possible fix for performance issues introduced by 12_8_2019 update
New placeholder console and crit bar
Adjusted various hit animation visuals
Fixed laser animation scaling
Volforce can now be turned off in 'Skin Settings'
Skill Level can now be selected in 'Skin Settings', ranging from 'none' to 'inf'
Swapped out laser textures
Added fix for laser shaders for specific gpus
December 8, 2019
Added hit animations to: critical bt/fx hits near bt/fx hits bt/fx holds active lasers and laser ends
Added "Upper++" option for early/late display
Added optional thicker chip buttons, swap out textures from 'optional' folder
Adjusted screenshot capture region for landscape
Skinned collections dialog, access with BTB+BTC
Adjusted chain text behavior during break sections
November 23, 2019
Fixed username and track title dim during intro and outro
Fixed score difference positioning
Fixed titlescreen image after exiting settings
Tweaked laser alert animation slightly
Tweaked banner slightly
November 20, 2019
Added animations to: score arrows score logo gauge laser alerts track progress
Custom laser colors now apply to laser alerts and track, turn off in Skin Settings and by swapping files inside 'optional' folder, both are off by default
More accurate banner