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Xiaoxiao Liu edited this page Mar 30, 2015 · 1 revision

Check out location

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  • Label Image Objects
  • About


  • rg
  • help
   Usage : v3d -x regiongrow -f rg -i <inimg_file> -o <outimg_file>  -p <ch> <th_idx> <small> [<volsz> <threshold>]

     ch          the input channel value, default 1 and start from 1
     th_idx      threshold method index, 0: mean, 1: mean+stdv, 2: usr defined, default 0
     small       whether filtering out small object, 0: not, 1: filter out, default 0
     volsz       the size of objects in voxel number to be filtering out if <small> is 1, default 200
     threshold   user defined threshold value (th_idx is 2), default 0.0  

   e.g. v3d -x regiongrow -f rg -i input.raw -o output.raw -p 1 2 1 200 0.0
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