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Xiaoxiao Liu edited this page Mar 30, 2015 · 1 revision

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  • Change Pixel Value
  • about this plugin


  • upv
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   Usage : v3d -x updatepxlval -f upv -i <inimg_file> -o <outimg_file> -p <nx> <ny> <nz> <chval1> [<chval2> ...] 

     nx          pixel position to be changed in x direction, default 0
     ny          pixel position to be changed in y direction, default 0
     nz          pixel position to be changed in z direction, default 0
     chval1      the pixel value to be set on channel 1, default 0. 
                 chval number should be same as the channel number. Otherwise the left channel value will be set to 0.

   e.g. v3d -x updatepxlval -f upv -i input.raw -o output.raw -p 1 2 3 0
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