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Calder Phillips-Grafflin edited this page Oct 22, 2013 · 6 revisions


hubo_launch provides the core set of launch files for starting ROS on DRCHubo.

Common launch files

Three core launch files are provided; these launch files start up the base software of the robot and communications datalink. You should not modify these launch files by yourself - instead, file an issue. Our intent is for these launch files to be applicable to all DRCHubo robots and all tasks, so no task-specific functionality is included in these files.

  1. backpack.launch - This launches robot-side TF, Primesense drivers, robot-side joint state publisher, and pointcloud and image compression. This can also launch the head controllers, but since the Hubo we've been testing with doesn't currently have the right head, this is commented out. Head controllers will be run by default starting 10/28/2013. Note - for testing, this launch file can be run on a normal desktop (with no robot at all) to make sure that your code/launch files are configured properly.

  2. workstation.launch - This launches workstation-side TF, pointcloud and image decompression, and all workstation components of the datalink between robot and workstation.

  3. workstation_experimental.launch - This launch file serves as a 'staging ground' for new features before they are moved to workstation.launch. Right now, this launches everything in workstation.launch with an additional interactive marker UI to quickly show errors and request pointclouds from the RGBD cameras.

Robot-specific launch files

One robot-specific launch files is provided.

  1. full_body_feedback_node.launch - This launches the "bridge" betwen hubo-ach and ROS that reads joint and sensor states our of ach channels and into ROS messages. This launch file is applicable to all tasks. Note that while this launch file is not realtime, in our experience, it is capable of running at the same speed as the 200hz realtime loop on the robot. Any warnings about missed frames can be safely ignored.

Starting the robot

In a SSH session on the robot's backpack computer:

$ roslaunch hubo_launch backpack.launch

In a SSH session on your workstation:

$ export ROS_MASTER_URI=
$ roslaunch hubo_launch workstation.launch

In a SSH session on the robot's body computer:

$ roslaunch hubo_launch full_body_feedback_node.launch