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Erik Rahka edited this page Oct 27, 2017 · 7 revisions


The usergroup list on the left shows all the usergroups on the server, you can select one or several usergroups. If several usergroups are selected then new weapons will be added to all the selected usergroups loadouts.

The items list on the right shows all the weapons that can be added to a usergroups loadout, you can select one or several weapons. This list can be searched through using the textbox above it, the search accepts patterns.

The two sliders on to top left is where you specify how much primary ammo and secondary ammo for new weapons you want the player to spawn with. If these are dragged all the way to the left it will set the ammo to def (default) which means that every weapon will be spawned with four times the maximum clip of the weapons ammo.

The big middle list in the middle shows all of the weapons in the of the selected usergroup(s) loadout, you can right click on an row to view more detailed info about the weapon. The first column shows what usergroup the limit belongs to, the second column shows the weapon, the third column shows the primary ammo for that weapon that the player will spawn with, the fourth column shows the secondart ammo for that weapon that the player will spawn with, and the last column shows what scope the weapon has.

The add button on the bottom right adds all the selected weapons from the selected usergroups. The delete button deletes all the weapons that are selected in the big middle list. The edit button edits the selected weapon, basically deleting it and re-adding it with specified options. Only one item can be edited at a time. The set primary button will sets whichever item is selected in the big middle list as the loadouts primary weapon, this means that the players will spawn holding this weapon. The cog button all the way to the bottom right hides or shows the things underneath the big middle list.

The ignore restrictions checkbox specifies wether or not you want new weapons you add to ignore restrictions. If it is checked then the player will spawn with the weapon even if that weapon has been restricted from the usergroup or player, if it is left unchecked then the player will not spawn with the weapon if it has been restricted.

The enforce loadout checkbox specifies wether or not the current loadout should be enforced or not. If it is enforced then the usergroup(s) or players(s) will only spawn with the weapons in the loadout. If it is not enforced then they will spawn with the weapons in their loadout as well as any other weapons that originate from another addon or from the gamemode. If a players loadout is not enforced then they will spawn with their personal loadout as well as their usergroups loadout (if the usergroup has a loadout) and any other weapons that originate from another addon or from the gamemode.

The scope list lets you select which scope you want the weapons you add to have.

The set as button on the bottom left shows a window where you can duplicate a players loadout.

set as window

The set as windows shows a list of all the players that are online, you can select on of them and use the set button on the bottom right to replace whichever usergroup(s) are selected in the main loadout interface with the selected players loadout. This will replace whichever loadout the usergroup(s) had before, the primary and secondary ammo will be set to the amount of ammo the selected player has.

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