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3. Commands

Nicolas Perrier edited this page Feb 12, 2022 · 14 revisions

1. Commands list (for specific file type)

  -i,   --input=VALUE           input path
  -o,   --output=VALUE          output path
  -s,   --shaders=VALUE         input shader path
  -c,   --color                 enable color when generating heightmap
  -cm,  --color-from-file=VALUE load colors from file
  -cl,  --color-limit=VALUE     set the maximal number of colors for the palette
  -cs,  --chunk-size=VALUE      set the chunk size
  -dq,  --disable-quantization  disable post-processing step of quantization
  -e,   --excavate              delete all voxels which doesn't have at least one face connected with air
  -h,   --help                  help informations
  -hm,  --heightmap=VALUE       create voxels terrain from heightmap (only for PNG file)
  -p,   --palette=VALUE         set the palette
  -gs,  --grid-size=VALUE       set the grid-size
  -d,   --debug                 enable the debug mode

2. Commands compatibility

Command .asc .binvox .csv .ply .png .qb .schematic .tif .xyz

3. Mandelbulb3D

You can process a folder of pictures (all must be .PNG). This is usefull when you import export slices of fractal from program like Mandelbulb3D.

4. Shaders

You can apply shaders on your model. This is like a "post-process" operation. More details for each shaders in the JSON wiki page. ./FileToVox.exe --i [FOLDER] --o [OUTPUT] --shaders [PATH_SHADER.json]

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