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Build Process

Alan Płócieniak edited this page Mar 31, 2017 · 2 revisions

WikiContributingBuild Process


This document explains how build process look like.

Build commands

Main commands


build command can be used to run whole build procedure once


package command can be used to run whole build procedure and execute post steps to create release package. Release package will be stored in package folder.


watch use this command if you want background watcher to control your changes in files and auto rebuild output files.

This task executes task set_mode and passes 'watch' value into it.

Build blocks


set_mode sets the global variable mode

Depending on that value, build error handling behaviour will vary:

  • build - if any error occur during build, main task will be interrupted and process will exit with status code 1
  • watch - if any error occur during build, main task will continue work


typescript_all cleanup project folder and invoke all typescript tasks

Each micro project contains one task. Invoked tasks:

  • typescript_sc_ext
  • typescript_chrome
  • typescript_options
  • typescript_common

Learn more about micro projects [here](Code Organization).

As a part of typescript task tslinting pipe processing is performed. After that you can see report about code styling issues. Learn more about code styling in [coding guidelines](Coding Guidelines) article


publish_all invoke all publish tasks

Each micro project contains one task. Invoked tasks:

  • publish_sc_ext
  • publish_chrome
  • publish_options
  • publish_options_libs
  • publish_common

Learn more about micro projects [here](Code Organization).


sass_all invoke all sass tasks

Each micro project contains one task (if applicable). Invoked tasks:

  • sass_sc_ext
  • sass_popup

Learn more about micro projects [here](Code Organization).


chromeManifest edit manifest.json file on the fly and copy it to the output directory.

During editing unneccessary dev entries are removed.


extras deploy general files, for example localiastion files: