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Online Non-linear Centroidal MPC for Humanoid Robot Locomotion with Step Adjustment

G. Romualdi, S. Dafarra, G. L'Erario, I. Sorrentino, S. Traversaro and D. Pucci "Online Non-linear Centroidal MPC for Humanoid Robot Locomotion with Step Adjustment" in IEEE 2022 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)

2022 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)

Reproducing the experiments

We support running the experiments via the provided Docker image.

  1. Pull the docker image:
    docker pull
  2. Launch the container:
    xhost +
    docker run -it --rm  \
               --device=/dev/dri:/dev/dri \
               --user user \
               --env="DISPLAY=$DISPLAY"  \
               --net=host \
  3. Wait for gazebo running and then start the experiment

🎥 Please check this video if you want to watch a simulation experiment.

⚠️ Known issue: The gazebo real-time factor is scaled of factor 10. This is necessary since the linear solver used by IPOPT in the docker image is mumps. Unfortunately, other linear solvers (e.g. ma27) can be downloaded but not redistributed. Please check here. If you want to speed up the simulation you may install IPOPT 3.13.4 with CoinBrew + HSL solver as explained here.

Citing this work

If you find the work useful, please consider citing:

   author={Romualdi, Giulio and Dafarra, Stefano and L'Erario, Giuseppe and Sorrentino, Ines and Traversaro, Silvio and Pucci, Daniele},
   booktitle={2022 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
   title={Online Non-linear Centroidal MPC for Humanoid Robot Locomotion with Step Adjustment},


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