7687ef9 fix: parse registry credentials when the auth property is blank (#859)
09283fd chore(ci) : setup golangci-lint action (#845)
a6f6024 chore(ci): publish mkdocs and Helm chart from the specified ref (#861)
c24e5bc chore(ci): release unversioned snapshot when integration tests pass (#846)
016cdf9 chore(deps): bump github.com/caarlos0/env/v6 from 6.7.2 to 6.8.0 (#843)
83627b3 chore(deps): upgrade base alpine container images from 3.14 to 3.15 (#844)
Docker images
docker pull docker.io/aquasec/starboard:0.13.2
docker pull public.ecr.aws/aquasecurity/starboard:0.13.2
docker pull docker.io/aquasec/starboard-scanner-aqua:0.13.2
docker pull public.ecr.aws/aquasecurity/starboard-scanner-aqua:0.13.2
docker pull docker.io/aquasec/starboard-operator:0.13.2
docker pull public.ecr.aws/aquasecurity/starboard-operator:0.13.2