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Hello! Please don't open pull requests on this repo, but rather open them for, I really appreciate pull requests! is a Turing Complete stack-based esolang named after a stray cat I found!

The interpreter reads the program left-to-right, character per character, and always moves right.


The interpreter ignores every other character than these, making them no-op.

Main commands

Command Description
> Push the value next to it
< Pop the last value
N Push the numeric user input
I Push the user input
, Push the user input as an ASCII value
O Output the last value to the console then pop it
o Output the last value to the console then pop it w/newline
X Clear the output
. Output the last ASCII value to the console then pop it
@ Swap the last two values
$ Reverse the whole stack
: Duplicate the top value
+ Add last two values together, leaving only the result
- Subtract last two values together, leaving only the result
* Multiply last two values together, leaving only the result
/ Divide last two values together, leaving only the result
^ Raise last two values together, leaving only the result
z Square root the last value, leaving only the result
% Modulo last two values together, leaving only the result
c Ceil the last number
f Floor the last number
r Push a random number
b Push a random bit (either 0 or 1)
B Push a random byte
[ Jump past the matching ] if last value is 0
] Jump back to the matching [ if last value is 1
? If the popped value in non-zero, skip value next to it times
= Set the IP position to the value next to it (GOTO)
W Set the IP position to 0 (repeat the program) arithmetic is NOS × TOS, meaning that >3>2*, for example, will duplicate 3 (2nd value) by 2 (last value).


You can define strings using "", for example, >"Hi"O pushes the string Hi and then outputs it.


You can even define comments in using the following syntax: ~~ comment ~~

Strings in are the same as Lua strings, so they might have weird behavior


You can define variables in, |variable|"string" is an example.

|stk|<      ~~ This sets the variable to the popped value ~~

Example programs

Here are some example programs! There are a lot of them (send help they spawn every single nanosecond I breathe)

Cat program


Numerical cat program


Bit inverter


Hello world

>"Hello, world!"O

Simple adder


Cooler adder

NN@:O>" + "O:O+>" = "OO

Rectangle area

>"Width: "O N
>"Height: "O N*O

Generate random bytes over and over


Random character generator


Random CJK character generator

Note: might not work on all terminals

r>28607*f>12353+   ~~ generate a code point ~~
::>64/f>64*-       ~~ get the bottom 6 bits ~~
>128+@             ~~ store the last byte ~~
>64/f              ~~ remove the bottom six bits ~~
::>64/f>64*-       ~~ get the bottom 6 bits ~~
>128+@             ~~ store the next byte ~~
>64/f              ~~ remove the bottom six bits ~~
>224+              ~~ store the first byte ~~
...                ~~ print the character ~~

99 bottles of beer

>" bottles of beer on the wall, "O :O >" bottles of beer.
Take one down and pass it around, "O
:O >" bottles of beer on the wall.


Other variations legacy (unofficial)