Releases: artscout/Broker_portals
Releases · artscout/Broker_portals
TOC update for the Anniversary Classic release
Vanilla Classic TOC
1.14.3c Add Vanilla classic TOC and supporting variable
Fixed minimap toggle
1.14.3b Fixed minimap toggle
Add spell description to ToolTip for spells on items and other spells
1.14.3 Add spell description to ToolTip for spells on items and other spells
Items sort order configuration (#12)
1.14.2 Code reformat
Item cooldowns for Engineering items by Amadeus
Merge pull request #15 from Amadeus-/AddEngineeringItemsCooldowns Add Engineering Item Cooldowns (but only when cooldown is active)
Fixed spell cooldown for retail
1.13.13a Deploy fixed version
Settings panel update
1.13.13 Setting panel update