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49 new webpack build warnings about __ spreadArray in tslib #8967

3 tasks done
nypinstripes opened this issue Sep 29, 2021 · 9 comments
3 tasks done

49 new webpack build warnings about __ spreadArray in tslib #8967

nypinstripes opened this issue Sep 29, 2021 · 9 comments
Build Related to build issues first-time-contributor The contribution is the first for this user in the repo


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nypinstripes commented Sep 29, 2021

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JavaScript Framework


Amplify APIs


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Environment information

    OS: macOS 11.6
    CPU: (8) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6920HQ CPU @ 2.90GHz
    Memory: 1.88 GB / 16.00 GB
    Shell: 3.2.57 - /bin/bash
    Node: 16.8.0 - /usr/local/bin/node
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    standard: 10.0.2

npm notice
npm notice New minor version of npm available! 7.21.0 -> 7.24.1
npm notice Changelog:
npm notice Run npm install -g npm@7.24.1 to update!
npm notice

Describe the bug

There are 49 new build warnings in the webpack output, due to aws-sdk signature v3.


WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/signature-v4/dist/es/cloneRequest.js 13:94-107
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
@ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/signature-v4/dist/es/prepareRequest.js 2:0-46 10:70-82
@ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/signature-v4/dist/es/SignatureV4.js 10:0-50 48:53-67 181:34-48
@ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/signature-v4/dist/es/index.js 2:0-30 2:0-30
@ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-signing/dist/es/configurations.js 3:0-52 35:27-38 60:39-50
@ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-signing/dist/es/index.js 1:0-33 1:0-33
@ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/LocationClient.js 8:0-86 23:24-44 31:34-50
@ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 1:0-33 1:0-33
@ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
@ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
@ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
@ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
@ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

Expected behavior

No build warnings.

Reproduction steps

Run webpack5 in devmode with the latest aws-sdk.

Code Snippet

// Put your code below this line.
import Amplify from 'aws-amplify';

Log output

// Put your logs below this line

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/pagination/GetDevicePositionHistoryPaginator.js 16:71-84
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 29:0-63 29:0-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/pagination/GetDevicePositionHistoryPaginator.js 35:91-104
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 29:0-63 29:0-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/pagination/GetDevicePositionHistoryPaginator.js 60:80-93
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 29:0-63 29:0-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/pagination/GetDevicePositionHistoryPaginator.js 66:86-99
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 29:0-63 29:0-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/pagination/ListDevicePositionsPaginator.js 16:71-84
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 36:0-58 36:0-58
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/pagination/ListDevicePositionsPaginator.js 35:86-99
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 36:0-58 36:0-58
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/pagination/ListDevicePositionsPaginator.js 61:80-93
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 36:0-58 36:0-58
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/pagination/ListDevicePositionsPaginator.js 67:86-99
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 36:0-58 36:0-58
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/pagination/ListGeofenceCollectionsPaginator.js 16:71-84
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 38:0-62 38:0-62
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/pagination/ListGeofenceCollectionsPaginator.js 35:90-103
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 38:0-62 38:0-62
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/pagination/ListGeofenceCollectionsPaginator.js 61:80-93
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 38:0-62 38:0-62
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/pagination/ListGeofenceCollectionsPaginator.js 67:86-99
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 38:0-62 38:0-62
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/pagination/ListGeofencesPaginator.js 16:71-84
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 40:0-52 40:0-52
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/pagination/ListGeofencesPaginator.js 35:80-93
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 40:0-52 40:0-52
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/pagination/ListGeofencesPaginator.js 60:80-93
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 40:0-52 40:0-52
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/pagination/ListGeofencesPaginator.js 66:86-99
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 40:0-52 40:0-52
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/pagination/ListMapsPaginator.js 16:71-84
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 42:0-47 42:0-47
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/pagination/ListMapsPaginator.js 35:75-88
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 42:0-47 42:0-47
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/pagination/ListMapsPaginator.js 61:80-93
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 42:0-47 42:0-47
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/pagination/ListMapsPaginator.js 67:86-99
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 42:0-47 42:0-47
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/pagination/ListPlaceIndexesPaginator.js 16:71-84
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 44:0-55 44:0-55
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/pagination/ListPlaceIndexesPaginator.js 35:83-96
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 44:0-55 44:0-55
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/pagination/ListPlaceIndexesPaginator.js 61:80-93
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 44:0-55 44:0-55
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/pagination/ListPlaceIndexesPaginator.js 67:86-99
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 44:0-55 44:0-55
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/pagination/ListRouteCalculatorsPaginator.js 16:71-84
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 46:0-59 46:0-59
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/pagination/ListRouteCalculatorsPaginator.js 35:87-100
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 46:0-59 46:0-59
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/pagination/ListRouteCalculatorsPaginator.js 61:80-93
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 46:0-59 46:0-59
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/pagination/ListRouteCalculatorsPaginator.js 67:86-99
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 46:0-59 46:0-59
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/pagination/ListTrackerConsumersPaginator.js 16:71-84
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 49:0-59 49:0-59
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/pagination/ListTrackerConsumersPaginator.js 35:87-100
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 49:0-59 49:0-59
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/pagination/ListTrackerConsumersPaginator.js 61:80-93
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 49:0-59 49:0-59
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/pagination/ListTrackerConsumersPaginator.js 67:86-99
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 49:0-59 49:0-59
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/pagination/ListTrackersPaginator.js 16:71-84
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 51:0-51 51:0-51
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/pagination/ListTrackersPaginator.js 35:79-92
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 51:0-51 51:0-51
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/pagination/ListTrackersPaginator.js 61:80-93
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 51:0-51 51:0-51
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/pagination/ListTrackersPaginator.js 67:86-99
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 51:0-51 51:0-51
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-retry/dist/es/retryMiddleware.js 12:48-61
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-retry/dist/es/index.js 1:0-34 1:0-34
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/LocationClient.js 7:0-79 21:24-42 27:34-48
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 1:0-33 1:0-33
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-retry/dist/es/retryMiddleware.js 12:62-75
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-retry/dist/es/index.js 1:0-34 1:0-34
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/LocationClient.js 7:0-79 21:24-42 27:34-48
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 1:0-33 1:0-33
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-stack/dist/es/MiddlewareStack.js 59:74-87
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-stack/dist/es/index.js 1:0-34 1:0-34
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist/es/client.js 1:0-59 4:31-45
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist/es/index.js 1:0-25 1:0-25
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/LocationClient.js 10:0-61 44:2-10
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 1:0-33 1:0-33
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-stack/dist/es/MiddlewareStack.js 68:74-87
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-stack/dist/es/index.js 1:0-34 1:0-34
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist/es/client.js 1:0-59 4:31-45
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist/es/index.js 1:0-25 1:0-25
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/LocationClient.js 10:0-61 44:2-10
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 1:0-33 1:0-33
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-stack/dist/es/MiddlewareStack.js 110:44-57
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-stack/dist/es/index.js 1:0-34 1:0-34
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist/es/client.js 1:0-59 4:31-45
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist/es/index.js 1:0-25 1:0-25
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/LocationClient.js 10:0-61 44:2-10
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 1:0-33 1:0-33
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-user-agent/dist/es/user-agent-middleware.js 33:44-57
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-user-agent/dist/es/index.js 2:0-40 2:0-40
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/LocationClient.js 9:0-93 24:24-46 32:34-52
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 1:0-33 1:0-33
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-user-agent/dist/es/user-agent-middleware.js 33:58-71
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-user-agent/dist/es/index.js 2:0-40 2:0-40
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/LocationClient.js 9:0-93 24:24-46 32:34-52
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 1:0-33 1:0-33
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-user-agent/dist/es/user-agent-middleware.js 33:72-85
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-user-agent/dist/es/index.js 2:0-40 2:0-40
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/LocationClient.js 9:0-93 24:24-46 32:34-52
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 1:0-33 1:0-33
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-user-agent/dist/es/user-agent-middleware.js 34:40-53
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-user-agent/dist/es/index.js 2:0-40 2:0-40
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/LocationClient.js 9:0-93 24:24-46 32:34-52
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 1:0-33 1:0-33
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-user-agent/dist/es/user-agent-middleware.js 34:54-67
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-user-agent/dist/es/index.js 2:0-40 2:0-40
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/LocationClient.js 9:0-93 24:24-46 32:34-52
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 1:0-33 1:0-33
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/node_modules/@aws-sdk/protocol-http/dist/es/httpRequest.js 42:94-107
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/node_modules/@aws-sdk/protocol-http/dist/es/index.js 2:0-30 2:0-30
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/protocols/Aws_restJson1.js 2:0-109 32:25-42 36:42-55 77:25-42 81:42-55 122:25-42 126:42-55 169:25-42 173:42-55 214:25-42 218:42-55 261:25-42 265:42-55 306:25-42 310:42-55 367:25-42 371:42-55 402:25-42 406:42-55 438:25-42 442:42-55 474:25-42 478:42-55 508:25-42 512:42-55 542:25-42 546:42-55 583:25-42 587:42-55 623:25-42 627:42-55 663:25-42 667:42-55 703:25-42 707:42-55 743:25-42 747:42-55 784:25-42 788:42-55 824:25-42 828:42-55 864:25-42 868:42-55 904:25-42 908:42-55 944:25-42 948:42-55 995:25-42 999:42-55 1046:25-42 1050:42-55 1106:25-42 1110:42-55 1157:25-42 1161:42-55 1218:25-42 1222:42-55 1269:25-42 1273:42-55 1309:25-42 1313:42-55 1379:25-42 1383:42-55 1423:25-42 1427:42-55 1456:25-42 1460:42-55 1500:25-42 1504:42-55 1533:25-42 1537:42-55 1566:25-42 1570:42-55 1599:25-42 1603:42-55 1639:25-42 1643:42-55 1683:25-42 1687:42-55 1716:25-42 1720:42-55 1771:25-42 1775:42-55 1816:25-42 1820:42-55 1865:25-42 1869:42-55 1908:25-42 1912:42-55 1949:25-42 1953:42-55
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/commands/AssociateTrackerConsumerCommand.js 3:0-157 62:15-68 65:15-70
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 3:0-59 3:0-59
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist/es/lazy-json.js 15:50-63
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist/es/index.js 6:0-28 6:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/LocationClient.js 10:0-61 44:2-10
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 1:0-33 1:0-33
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17

WARNING in ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/signature-v4/dist/es/cloneRequest.js 13:94-107
export '__spreadArray' (imported as '__spreadArray') was not found in 'tslib' (possible exports: __assign, __asyncDelegator, __asyncGenerator, __asyncValues, __await, __awaiter, __classPrivateFieldGet, __classPrivateFieldSet, __createBinding, __decorate, __exportStar, __extends, __generator, __importDefault, __importStar, __makeTemplateObject, __metadata, __param, __read, __rest, __spread, __spreadArrays, __values)
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/signature-v4/dist/es/moveHeadersToQuery.js 2:0-46 10:69-81
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/signature-v4/dist/es/SignatureV4.js 9:0-58 48:34-52
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/signature-v4/dist/es/index.js 2:0-30 2:0-30
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-signing/dist/es/configurations.js 3:0-52 35:27-38 60:39-50
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/node_modules/@aws-sdk/middleware-signing/dist/es/index.js 1:0-33 1:0-33
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/LocationClient.js 8:0-86 23:24-44 31:34-50
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-location/dist/es/index.js 1:0-33 1:0-33
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Providers/AmazonLocationServiceProvider.js 51:0-127 153:37-51 158:38-68 209:37-51 214:38-72
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/Geo.js 50:0-90 114:34-63
 @ ./node_modules/@aws-amplify/geo/lib-esm/index.js 1:0-28 1:0-28
 @ ./node_modules/aws-amplify/lib-esm/index.js 35:0-39 35:0-39
 @ ./src/index.js 8:0-34 46:0-17


No response

Manual configuration

No response

Additional configuration

No response

Mobile Device

No response

Mobile Operating System

No response

Mobile Browser

No response

Mobile Browser Version

No response

Additional information and screenshots


@aws-eddy aws-eddy added the first-time-contributor The contribution is the first for this user in the repo label Sep 30, 2021
@chrisbonifacio chrisbonifacio self-assigned this Sep 30, 2021
@chrisbonifacio chrisbonifacio added Build Related to build issues pending-triage Issue is pending triage labels Sep 30, 2021
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pwnuk commented Oct 7, 2021

I have the same problem.

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jbellos commented Nov 5, 2021

I'm running into this as well. It started happening when I moved from aws-amplify v3.3.23 to v4.3.4.

Copy link

Upgraded from aws-amplify v3.3.3 to v4.3.5 and I'm now seeing the same issue. I have no direct dependency on tslib within my project

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I got this same problem

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Same here @chrisbonifacio @evcodes

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kmagilavy commented Nov 16, 2021

Seems to be an issue specific to the new geo module of aws-amplify, which is only available starting with 4.3.0.

I downgraded (npm i aws-amplify@4.2.11) and the issue went away. Going to hold there and look into it more.

It appears that @aws-amplify/geo introduced in 4.3.0 has a dependency on @aws-sdk/client-location: 3.22.0.

@aws-sdk/client-location: 3.22.0 has the dependency on tslib 2.0.0 but uses __spreadArray which isn't available in that version of tslib.

npm is showing that @aws-sdk/client-location latest is 3.41.0 and that version has the newer tslib 2.3.0. reference which does have __spreadArray (

Update: confirmed that @aws-sdk/client-location was released and 5 days later the tslib version was bumped to fix this exact issue: aws/aws-sdk-js-v3#2587


So maybe the @aws-sdk/client-location dependency in @aws-amplify/geo needs to get bumped, at least enough to include that fix??

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TreTuna commented Nov 18, 2021

We just shipped aws-amplify@4.3.8, which uses @aws-amplify/geo@1.1.8 and updates @aws-sdk/client-location to version 3.41.0. This should solve the problem here, but if you do still see this, please let us know!

@TreTuna TreTuna closed this as completed Nov 18, 2021
Copy link


svidgen added a commit that referenced this issue Feb 3, 2022
* feat(@aws-amplify/datastore): ObserveQuery performance and type enhancements (#9141)

* feat(@aws-amplify/datastore): constrain ObserveQuery options with explicit Type, add time interval/limit Promise race

* feat(@aws-amplify/datastore): address PR callouts

* feat(@aws-amplify/datastore): abstract SubscriptionBuffer to util class (TODO: add unit test)

* feat(@aws-amplify/datastore): add unit test for util class

* remove .only from test

* feat(@aws-amplify/datastore): address PR callouts

* remove .only from describe block

* feat(@aws-amplify/datastore): PR-callouts, adjust naming conventions

Co-authored-by: Sam Martinez <>

* fix(@aws-amplify/pushnotification): tap on notification opens the app when it is a killed state (#9055)

* feat: new script to improve local dev experience for RN

* feat: rn local dev script

* docs: adds the needed documentation for running the local rn dev script

* fix: pr review changes, formatting and code clean up

* fix: refactored the open tab function and minor code cleanup

* refactor: utility functions for lerna and wml cmd formation and added comments

* fix: attempt to fix the lgtm bot issue to sanitized the path input

* fix: attempt 2 to build cmds after sanitizing the path

* fix: attempt three at solving the bot warning, sanatizes alias,npm bin and cd commands

* refactor

* fix: attempt four at fixing the lgtm warning

* fix: clearer documentation on the usage of the script

* refactor: change get delay and open new tab names

* refactor: changed all caps wording to camel case for gotopackageroot element

* feat: all flag to indicate script should use all supported packages

* fix: adds a new UI packages list that is used to change their package name to directory name used in wml

* refactor: adds a clear note to indicate script is different from the linking method of development

* fix:handle reactContext is null by listening to changes

* refactor: rephrase comment

Co-authored-by: Chris F <>

* refactor: emitNotificationOpened has been refactored to a new function and other nits

* fix: adds an intent parameter to emitNotificationOpenedEvent

* refactor: makes variables final

Co-authored-by: Manoj NB <>
Co-authored-by: Chris F <>
Co-authored-by: Sam Martinez <>
Co-authored-by: Ashish Nanda <>

* feat(amplify-js): add CD support (#9171)

* fix: AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider websocket init fix

* Revert "fix: AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider websocket init fix"

This reverts commit 13e776e.

* fix: AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider websocket init fix (#9200)

* chore: preparing release

* chore(release): Publish [ci skip]

 - @aws-amplify/ui-angular@1.0.33
 - @aws-amplify/ui-components@1.9.4
 - @aws-amplify/ui-react@1.2.24
 - @aws-amplify/ui-storybook@2.0.24
 - @aws-amplify/ui-vue@1.1.18
 - @aws-amplify/analytics@5.1.4
 - @aws-amplify/api-graphql@2.2.13
 - @aws-amplify/api-rest@2.0.24
 - @aws-amplify/api@4.0.24
 - @aws-amplify/auth@4.3.14
 - aws-amplify-angular@6.0.24
 - aws-amplify-react-native@6.0.1
 - aws-amplify-react@5.1.7
 - aws-amplify@4.3.6
 - @aws-amplify/cache@4.0.26
 - @aws-amplify/core@4.3.6
 - @aws-amplify/datastore-storage-adapter@1.1.12
 - @aws-amplify/datastore@3.6.0
 - @aws-amplify/geo@1.1.6
 - @aws-amplify/interactions@4.0.24
 - @aws-amplify/predictions@4.0.24
 - @aws-amplify/pubsub@4.2.0
 - @aws-amplify/pushnotification@4.3.3
 - @aws-amplify/storage@4.4.7
 - @aws-amplify/xr@3.0.24

* chore(release): update version.ts [ci skip]

* fix(@aws-amplify/pushnotification): Upgrade Firebase Android package (#9191)

* feat: new script to improve local dev experience for RN

* feat: rn local dev script

* docs: adds the needed documentation for running the local rn dev script

* fix: pr review changes, formatting and code clean up

* fix: refactored the open tab function and minor code cleanup

* refactor: utility functions for lerna and wml cmd formation and added comments

* fix: attempt to fix the lgtm bot issue to sanitized the path input

* fix: attempt 2 to build cmds after sanitizing the path

* fix: attempt three at solving the bot warning, sanatizes alias,npm bin and cd commands

* refactor

* fix: attempt four at fixing the lgtm warning

* fix: clearer documentation on the usage of the script

* refactor: change get delay and open new tab names

* refactor: changed all caps wording to camel case for gotopackageroot element

* feat: all flag to indicate script should use all supported packages

* fix: adds a new UI packages list that is used to change their package name to directory name used in wml

* refactor: adds a clear note to indicate script is different from the linking method of development

* chore: upgrade firebase package and made required changes to getToken and onNewToken

* refactor: review comments, added exception handling to get token

* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-authored-by: Sam Martinez  <>
Co-authored-by: Chris F <>

* refactor: formatting updates

* refactor: formatting updates

* remove react event listener so no multiples are registered and adds an error callback to get token

Co-authored-by: Manoj NB <>
Co-authored-by: Ashish Nanda <>
Co-authored-by: Caleb Pollman <>
Co-authored-by: Sam Martinez  <>
Co-authored-by: Chris F <>

* chore: preparing release

* chore(release): Publish [ci skip]

 - @aws-amplify/ui-angular@1.0.34
 - @aws-amplify/ui-components@1.9.5
 - @aws-amplify/ui-react@1.2.25
 - @aws-amplify/ui-storybook@2.0.25
 - @aws-amplify/ui-vue@1.1.19
 - @aws-amplify/analytics@5.1.5
 - @aws-amplify/api-graphql@2.2.14
 - @aws-amplify/api-rest@2.0.25
 - @aws-amplify/api@4.0.25
 - @aws-amplify/auth@4.3.15
 - aws-amplify-angular@6.0.25
 - aws-amplify-react@5.1.8
 - aws-amplify@4.3.7
 - @aws-amplify/cache@4.0.27
 - @aws-amplify/core@4.3.7
 - @aws-amplify/datastore-storage-adapter@1.1.13
 - @aws-amplify/datastore@3.6.1
 - @aws-amplify/geo@1.1.7
 - @aws-amplify/interactions@4.0.25
 - @aws-amplify/predictions@4.0.25
 - @aws-amplify/pubsub@4.2.1
 - @aws-amplify/pushnotification@4.3.4
 - @aws-amplify/storage@4.4.8
 - @aws-amplify/xr@3.0.25

* chore(release): update version.ts [ci skip]

* feat(@aws-amplify/datastore): hasOne CRUD improvements (#9239)

* fix(geo): update client-location to fix tslib issue (#9247)


* chore: preparing release

* chore(release): Publish [ci skip]

 - @aws-amplify/ui-angular@1.0.35
 - @aws-amplify/ui-components@1.9.6
 - @aws-amplify/ui-react@1.2.26
 - @aws-amplify/ui-storybook@2.0.26
 - @aws-amplify/ui-vue@1.1.20
 - @aws-amplify/analytics@5.1.6
 - @aws-amplify/api-graphql@2.2.15
 - @aws-amplify/api-rest@2.0.26
 - @aws-amplify/api@4.0.26
 - @aws-amplify/auth@4.3.16
 - aws-amplify-angular@6.0.26
 - aws-amplify-react@5.1.9
 - aws-amplify@4.3.8
 - @aws-amplify/cache@4.0.28
 - @aws-amplify/core@4.3.8
 - @aws-amplify/datastore-storage-adapter@1.2.0
 - @aws-amplify/datastore@3.7.0
 - @aws-amplify/geo@1.1.8
 - @aws-amplify/interactions@4.0.26
 - @aws-amplify/predictions@4.0.26
 - @aws-amplify/pubsub@4.2.2
 - @aws-amplify/pushnotification@4.3.5
 - @aws-amplify/storage@4.4.9
 - @aws-amplify/xr@3.0.26

* chore(release): update version.ts [ci skip]

* chore(@aws-amplify/datastore): bump dexie packages (#9262)

* chore: mark ui packages as private (#9251)

* fix(@aws-amplify/datastore): belongsTo bug (#9268)

* fix(@aws-amplify/core): Use undefined for default sequence token with CloudWatch logging (#9181)

Co-authored-by: Aaron Michael Lamb <>
Co-authored-by: Ashika <>

* chore(@aws-amplify/analytics): Changed a couple file in dos format to unix (#9199)

* dos->unix

Co-authored-by: Sam Martinez  <>
Co-authored-by: Ashika <>

* fix(@aws-amplify/datastore): consecutive saves with timestamps (#9298)

* chore: preparing release

* chore(release): Publish [ci skip]

 - @aws-amplify/ui-angular@1.0.36
 - @aws-amplify/ui-components@1.9.7
 - @aws-amplify/ui-react@1.2.27
 - @aws-amplify/ui-storybook@2.0.27
 - @aws-amplify/ui-vue@1.1.21
 - @aws-amplify/ui@2.0.4
 - @aws-amplify/analytics@5.1.7
 - @aws-amplify/api-graphql@2.2.16
 - @aws-amplify/api-rest@2.0.27
 - @aws-amplify/api@4.0.27
 - @aws-amplify/auth@4.3.17
 - aws-amplify-angular@6.0.27
 - aws-amplify-react@5.1.10
 - aws-amplify-vue@2.1.6
 - aws-amplify@4.3.9
 - @aws-amplify/cache@4.0.29
 - @aws-amplify/core@4.3.9
 - @aws-amplify/datastore-storage-adapter@1.2.1
 - @aws-amplify/datastore@3.7.1
 - @aws-amplify/geo@1.1.9
 - @aws-amplify/interactions@4.0.27
 - @aws-amplify/predictions@4.0.27
 - @aws-amplify/pubsub@4.2.3
 - @aws-amplify/pushnotification@4.3.6
 - @aws-amplify/storage@4.4.10
 - @aws-amplify/xr@3.0.27

* chore(release): update version.ts [ci skip]

* fix(@aws-amplify/amplify-ui): change private property to false in package.json (#9303)

Resolving an issue with installing the library

* chore: preparing release

* fix(@aws-amplify/amplify-ui): remove private prop from package.json (#9304)

* fix(@aws-amplify/amplify-ui): change private property to false in package.json

* fix(@aws-amplify/amplify-ui): remove private property from package.json

Co-authored-by: Francisco Rodriguez <>

* fix(@aws-amplify/amplify-ui): remove private prop from package.json (#9304)

* fix(@aws-amplify/amplify-ui): change private property to false in package.json

* fix(@aws-amplify/amplify-ui): remove private property from package.json

Co-authored-by: Francisco Rodriguez <>

* chore(release): Publish [ci skip]

 - @aws-amplify/ui-angular@1.0.37
 - @aws-amplify/ui-components@1.9.8
 - @aws-amplify/ui-react@1.2.28
 - @aws-amplify/ui-storybook@2.0.28
 - @aws-amplify/ui-vue@1.1.22
 - @aws-amplify/ui@2.0.5
 - @aws-amplify/analytics@5.1.8
 - @aws-amplify/api-graphql@2.2.17
 - @aws-amplify/api-rest@2.0.28
 - @aws-amplify/api@4.0.28
 - @aws-amplify/auth@4.3.18
 - aws-amplify-angular@6.0.28
 - aws-amplify-react@5.1.11
 - aws-amplify@4.3.10
 - @aws-amplify/cache@4.0.30
 - @aws-amplify/core@4.3.10
 - @aws-amplify/datastore-storage-adapter@1.2.2
 - @aws-amplify/datastore@3.7.2
 - @aws-amplify/geo@1.1.10
 - @aws-amplify/interactions@4.0.28
 - @aws-amplify/predictions@4.0.28
 - @aws-amplify/pubsub@4.2.4
 - @aws-amplify/pushnotification@4.3.7
 - @aws-amplify/storage@4.4.11
 - @aws-amplify/xr@3.0.28

* chore(release): update version.ts [ci skip]

* fix(@aws-amplify/datastore): fixes observeQuery in local-only mode (#9300)

* fix(@aws-amplify/pushnotification): make eligible variables final (#9301)

Co-authored-by: Manoj NB <>
Co-authored-by: Caleb Pollman <>

* fix(@aws-amplify/aws-amplify-react-native): fix dev build for Windows (#9341)

* fix(@aws-amplify/api-graphql): Fix webpack build (#9358)

* chore: preparing release

* chore(release): Publish [ci skip]

 - @aws-amplify/ui-angular@1.0.38
 - @aws-amplify/ui-components@1.9.9
 - @aws-amplify/ui-react@1.2.29
 - @aws-amplify/ui-storybook@2.0.29
 - @aws-amplify/ui-vue@1.1.23
 - @aws-amplify/analytics@5.1.9
 - @aws-amplify/api-graphql@2.2.18
 - @aws-amplify/api-rest@2.0.29
 - @aws-amplify/api@4.0.29
 - @aws-amplify/auth@4.3.19
 - aws-amplify-angular@6.0.29
 - aws-amplify-react-native@6.0.2
 - aws-amplify-react@5.1.12
 - aws-amplify@4.3.11
 - @aws-amplify/cache@4.0.31
 - @aws-amplify/core@4.3.11
 - @aws-amplify/datastore-storage-adapter@1.2.3
 - @aws-amplify/datastore@3.7.3
 - @aws-amplify/geo@1.1.11
 - @aws-amplify/interactions@4.0.29
 - @aws-amplify/predictions@4.0.29
 - @aws-amplify/pubsub@4.2.5
 - @aws-amplify/pushnotification@4.3.8
 - @aws-amplify/storage@4.4.12
 - @aws-amplify/xr@3.0.29

* chore(release): update version.ts [ci skip]

* Fix typo in comment (psuedo) (#9389)

* fix(amazon-cognito-identity-js): added missing method param (#9276)

added missing method param for updateAttributes(...) method

fixes: #9275

* chore: add transformer v2 DataStore integ tests to CCI pipeline (#9354)

* modify config.yml to add v2 tests to pipeline

* comment out all non-v2 jobs for quick iteration

* needs integ_setup job

* modify v2 sample app path names for CCI

* re-enable auth v1 owner-and-group-same-model-default integ test for regression validation

* re-enable auth v1 owner-and-group-same-model-default integ test for regression validation

* re-enable auth tests

* enable v1 datastore integ tests

* fix(@aws-amplify/datastore): consecutive saves with timestamps (#9298)

* chore: preparing release

* chore(release): Publish [ci skip]

 - @aws-amplify/ui-angular@1.0.36
 - @aws-amplify/ui-components@1.9.7
 - @aws-amplify/ui-react@1.2.27
 - @aws-amplify/ui-storybook@2.0.27
 - @aws-amplify/ui-vue@1.1.21
 - @aws-amplify/ui@2.0.4
 - @aws-amplify/analytics@5.1.7
 - @aws-amplify/api-graphql@2.2.16
 - @aws-amplify/api-rest@2.0.27
 - @aws-amplify/api@4.0.27
 - @aws-amplify/auth@4.3.17
 - aws-amplify-angular@6.0.27
 - aws-amplify-react@5.1.10
 - aws-amplify-vue@2.1.6
 - aws-amplify@4.3.9
 - @aws-amplify/cache@4.0.29
 - @aws-amplify/core@4.3.9
 - @aws-amplify/datastore-storage-adapter@1.2.1
 - @aws-amplify/datastore@3.7.1
 - @aws-amplify/geo@1.1.9
 - @aws-amplify/interactions@4.0.27
 - @aws-amplify/predictions@4.0.27
 - @aws-amplify/pubsub@4.2.3
 - @aws-amplify/pushnotification@4.3.6
 - @aws-amplify/storage@4.4.10
 - @aws-amplify/xr@3.0.27

* chore(release): update version.ts [ci skip]

* fix(@aws-amplify/amplify-ui): change private property to false in package.json (#9303)

Resolving an issue with installing the library

* chore: preparing release

* fix(@aws-amplify/amplify-ui): remove private prop from package.json (#9304)

* fix(@aws-amplify/amplify-ui): change private property to false in package.json

* fix(@aws-amplify/amplify-ui): remove private property from package.json

Co-authored-by: Francisco Rodriguez <>

* chore(release): Publish [ci skip]

 - @aws-amplify/ui-angular@1.0.37
 - @aws-amplify/ui-components@1.9.8
 - @aws-amplify/ui-react@1.2.28
 - @aws-amplify/ui-storybook@2.0.28
 - @aws-amplify/ui-vue@1.1.22
 - @aws-amplify/ui@2.0.5
 - @aws-amplify/analytics@5.1.8
 - @aws-amplify/api-graphql@2.2.17
 - @aws-amplify/api-rest@2.0.28
 - @aws-amplify/api@4.0.28
 - @aws-amplify/auth@4.3.18
 - aws-amplify-angular@6.0.28
 - aws-amplify-react@5.1.11
 - aws-amplify@4.3.10
 - @aws-amplify/cache@4.0.30
 - @aws-amplify/core@4.3.10
 - @aws-amplify/datastore-storage-adapter@1.2.2
 - @aws-amplify/datastore@3.7.2
 - @aws-amplify/geo@1.1.10
 - @aws-amplify/interactions@4.0.28
 - @aws-amplify/predictions@4.0.28
 - @aws-amplify/pubsub@4.2.4
 - @aws-amplify/pushnotification@4.3.7
 - @aws-amplify/storage@4.4.11
 - @aws-amplify/xr@3.0.28

* chore(release): update version.ts [ci skip]

* fix(@aws-amplify/datastore): fixes observeQuery in local-only mode (#9300)

* uncomment tests, prepare for main pipeline addition

* add v2 tests to deploy job

* add observe query integ tests to the pipeline

* add SQLite adapter e2e test to pipeline

Co-authored-by: Ivan Artemiev <>
Co-authored-by: aws-amplify-bot <>
Co-authored-by: Francisco Rodriguez <>

* ci: upgrade macOS executors (#9431)

* fix(@aws-amplify/core): use empty string as translation (#9403)

* fix for using empty string as translation

* Update I18n.ts

strict inequality with undefined for the dictionary values

Co-authored-by: Eddy Varela <>
Co-authored-by: Nick Arocho <>

* Revert "fix(@aws-amplify/core): use empty string as translation (#9403)" (#9436)

This reverts commit 512fd99.

* chore: preparing release

* fix(aws-amplify-angular): removed old zone package (#9437)

* chore: preparing release (#9441)

Co-authored-by: James Au <>

* chore(release): Publish [ci skip]

 - amazon-cognito-identity-js@5.2.4
 - @aws-amplify/ui-angular@1.0.39
 - @aws-amplify/ui-components@1.9.10
 - @aws-amplify/ui-react@1.2.30
 - @aws-amplify/ui-storybook@2.0.30
 - @aws-amplify/ui-vue@1.1.24
 - @aws-amplify/analytics@5.1.10
 - @aws-amplify/api-graphql@2.2.19
 - @aws-amplify/api-rest@2.0.30
 - @aws-amplify/api@4.0.30
 - @aws-amplify/auth@4.3.20
 - aws-amplify-angular@6.0.30
 - aws-amplify-react@5.1.13
 - aws-amplify@4.3.12
 - @aws-amplify/cache@4.0.32
 - @aws-amplify/core@4.3.12
 - @aws-amplify/datastore-storage-adapter@1.2.4
 - @aws-amplify/datastore@3.7.4
 - @aws-amplify/geo@1.1.12
 - @aws-amplify/interactions@4.0.30
 - @aws-amplify/predictions@4.0.30
 - @aws-amplify/pubsub@4.2.6
 - @aws-amplify/pushnotification@4.3.9
 - @aws-amplify/storage@4.4.13
 - @aws-amplify/xr@3.0.30

* chore(release): update version.ts [ci skip]

* chore(amplify-js): consolidate react-native dependencies (#9451)

* Revert "chore(amplify-js): consolidate react-native dependencies (#9451)" (#9473)

This reverts commit d304f94.

* fix: Fix CircleCI integration tests (#9500)

* fix: pin jsdoc version (#9510)

The latest jsdoc requires node >= 14. Pinning it to an older version to avoid upgrading our docker images' node version.

* fix(geo): remove 'ensure to' from error message

* chore(geo): remove file that's no longer used

* chore(geo): fix type comment

* fix(geo): error if mutually exclusive options are given

* test(@aws-amplify/geo): fix failing tests

* chore(amplify-js): consolidate react-native dependencies (#9521)

* feat(@aws-amplify/auth): Delete user API exposed (#9428)

* fix for using empty string as translation

* feat(@aws-amplify/auth): delete user poc

* reverting internationalization commit

* adding hub event

* addressing feedback and beginning unit tests

* added unit tests within suite for deleteUser API call

* removing zone dependency to fix failing builds

* integ test commit

* fix e2e for delete user

* adding branch for deleteUser in sample staging repo

* pinning jsdoc dependency

* one more time

* adding fixes for hosted ui

* preventing signout race condition

* fixing circle ci

* hot fix

* circle ci configured for deleteUser

* fixing pr comments

* changing tests and updating circle ci

* reverting circle ci config

* adding integ tests

* staging url

* removing comments

* empty commit

* rerun integ test

* remove deploy and post release step

* run only delete user test

* correct config

* rerun integ test

* uncomment test

* fix unit test

* final auth

* revert i18N change

* addressing pr comments

* resolving promise

* remove missed signout

* ts nit

Co-authored-by: yanakatty <>
Co-authored-by: Ashika Kasiviswanathan Arumugakarthik <>

* chore: preparing release

* chore(release): Publish [ci skip]

 - amazon-cognito-identity-js@5.2.5
 - @aws-amplify/ui-angular@1.0.40
 - @aws-amplify/ui-components@1.9.11
 - @aws-amplify/ui-react@1.2.31
 - @aws-amplify/ui-storybook@2.0.31
 - @aws-amplify/ui-vue@1.1.25
 - @aws-amplify/analytics@5.1.11
 - @aws-amplify/api-graphql@2.2.20
 - @aws-amplify/api-rest@2.0.31
 - @aws-amplify/api@4.0.31
 - @aws-amplify/auth@4.4.0
 - aws-amplify-angular@6.0.31
 - aws-amplify-react@5.1.14
 - aws-amplify@4.3.13
 - @aws-amplify/cache@4.0.33
 - @aws-amplify/core@4.3.13
 - @aws-amplify/datastore-storage-adapter@1.2.5
 - @aws-amplify/datastore@3.7.5
 - @aws-amplify/geo@1.1.13
 - @aws-amplify/interactions@4.0.31
 - @aws-amplify/predictions@4.0.31
 - @aws-amplify/pubsub@4.2.7
 - @aws-amplify/pushnotification@4.3.10
 - @aws-amplify/storage@4.4.14
 - @aws-amplify/xr@3.0.31

* chore(release): update version.ts [ci skip]

* chore(react-native): upgrade React Native devDependency version to ^0.64.1 (#9525)

* upgrade next version to ^11.1.3 for security patch (#9533)

* import React Native headers from <React/*.h> (#9387)

This ensures compatibility with Expo SDK 44.

see expo/expo#15622 (comment)

Co-authored-by: Caleb Pollman <>
Co-authored-by: KJ(Kaijie) Huang <>

* fix(datastore): correctly apply config values (#9542)

* feat(@aws-amplify/geo): searchForSuggestions API (#9516)

* feat(geo): searchForSuggestions initial implementation

* chore(@aws-amplify/geo): update dependencies

* chore(@aws-amplify/geo): update test strings

* test(@aws-amplify/geo): update searchForSuggestion tests

* added missing import

* fix tests broken by merge

Co-authored-by: Nick Arocho <>
Co-authored-by: Sam Martinez <>
Co-authored-by: ManojNB <>
Co-authored-by: Manoj NB <>
Co-authored-by: Chris F <>
Co-authored-by: Ashish Nanda <>
Co-authored-by: David McAfee <>
Co-authored-by: aws-amplify-bot <>
Co-authored-by: Caleb Pollman <>
Co-authored-by: Sam Martinez  <>
Co-authored-by: Ashika Kasiviswanathan Arumugakarthik <>
Co-authored-by: Ivan Artemiev <>
Co-authored-by: Tré Ammatuna <>
Co-authored-by: William Lee <>
Co-authored-by: Aaron Lamb <>
Co-authored-by: Aaron Michael Lamb <>
Co-authored-by: Ashika <>
Co-authored-by: James Au <>
Co-authored-by: Nick Arocho <>
Co-authored-by: Francisco Rodriguez <>
Co-authored-by: Katie Goines <>
Co-authored-by: Bruno P. Kinoshita <>
Co-authored-by: Arthur Brandstetter <>
Co-authored-by: Yusuke Yanaka <>
Co-authored-by: Eddy Varela <>
Co-authored-by: Tré Ammatuna <>
Co-authored-by: hkjpotato <>
Co-authored-by: KJ(Kaijie) Huang <>
Co-authored-by: Manuel Schiller <>
svidgen added a commit that referenced this issue Feb 3, 2022
…ery, TS fixes (#9195)

* feat(@aws-amplify/datastore): ObserveQuery performance and type enhancements (#9141)

* feat(@aws-amplify/datastore): constrain ObserveQuery options with explicit Type, add time interval/limit Promise race

* feat(@aws-amplify/datastore): address PR callouts

* feat(@aws-amplify/datastore): abstract SubscriptionBuffer to util class (TODO: add unit test)

* feat(@aws-amplify/datastore): add unit test for util class

* remove .only from test

* feat(@aws-amplify/datastore): address PR callouts

* remove .only from describe block

* feat(@aws-amplify/datastore): PR-callouts, adjust naming conventions

Co-authored-by: Sam Martinez <>

* fix(@aws-amplify/pushnotification): tap on notification opens the app when it is a killed state (#9055)

* feat: new script to improve local dev experience for RN

* feat: rn local dev script

* docs: adds the needed documentation for running the local rn dev script

* fix: pr review changes, formatting and code clean up

* fix: refactored the open tab function and minor code cleanup

* refactor: utility functions for lerna and wml cmd formation and added comments

* fix: attempt to fix the lgtm bot issue to sanitized the path input

* fix: attempt 2 to build cmds after sanitizing the path

* fix: attempt three at solving the bot warning, sanatizes alias,npm bin and cd commands

* refactor

* fix: attempt four at fixing the lgtm warning

* fix: clearer documentation on the usage of the script

* refactor: change get delay and open new tab names

* refactor: changed all caps wording to camel case for gotopackageroot element

* feat: all flag to indicate script should use all supported packages

* fix: adds a new UI packages list that is used to change their package name to directory name used in wml

* refactor: adds a clear note to indicate script is different from the linking method of development

* fix:handle reactContext is null by listening to changes

* refactor: rephrase comment

Co-authored-by: Chris F <>

* refactor: emitNotificationOpened has been refactored to a new function and other nits

* fix: adds an intent parameter to emitNotificationOpenedEvent

* refactor: makes variables final

Co-authored-by: Manoj NB <>
Co-authored-by: Chris F <>
Co-authored-by: Sam Martinez <>
Co-authored-by: Ashish Nanda <>

* feat(amplify-js): add CD support (#9171)

* fix: AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider websocket init fix

* Revert "fix: AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider websocket init fix"

This reverts commit 13e776e.

* fix: AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider websocket init fix (#9200)

* chore: preparing release

* chore(release): Publish [ci skip]

 - @aws-amplify/ui-angular@1.0.33
 - @aws-amplify/ui-components@1.9.4
 - @aws-amplify/ui-react@1.2.24
 - @aws-amplify/ui-storybook@2.0.24
 - @aws-amplify/ui-vue@1.1.18
 - @aws-amplify/analytics@5.1.4
 - @aws-amplify/api-graphql@2.2.13
 - @aws-amplify/api-rest@2.0.24
 - @aws-amplify/api@4.0.24
 - @aws-amplify/auth@4.3.14
 - aws-amplify-angular@6.0.24
 - aws-amplify-react-native@6.0.1
 - aws-amplify-react@5.1.7
 - aws-amplify@4.3.6
 - @aws-amplify/cache@4.0.26
 - @aws-amplify/core@4.3.6
 - @aws-amplify/datastore-storage-adapter@1.1.12
 - @aws-amplify/datastore@3.6.0
 - @aws-amplify/geo@1.1.6
 - @aws-amplify/interactions@4.0.24
 - @aws-amplify/predictions@4.0.24
 - @aws-amplify/pubsub@4.2.0
 - @aws-amplify/pushnotification@4.3.3
 - @aws-amplify/storage@4.4.7
 - @aws-amplify/xr@3.0.24

* chore(release): update version.ts [ci skip]

* fix(@aws-amplify/pushnotification): Upgrade Firebase Android package (#9191)

* feat: new script to improve local dev experience for RN

* feat: rn local dev script

* docs: adds the needed documentation for running the local rn dev script

* fix: pr review changes, formatting and code clean up

* fix: refactored the open tab function and minor code cleanup

* refactor: utility functions for lerna and wml cmd formation and added comments

* fix: attempt to fix the lgtm bot issue to sanitized the path input

* fix: attempt 2 to build cmds after sanitizing the path

* fix: attempt three at solving the bot warning, sanatizes alias,npm bin and cd commands

* refactor

* fix: attempt four at fixing the lgtm warning

* fix: clearer documentation on the usage of the script

* refactor: change get delay and open new tab names

* refactor: changed all caps wording to camel case for gotopackageroot element

* feat: all flag to indicate script should use all supported packages

* fix: adds a new UI packages list that is used to change their package name to directory name used in wml

* refactor: adds a clear note to indicate script is different from the linking method of development

* chore: upgrade firebase package and made required changes to getToken and onNewToken

* refactor: review comments, added exception handling to get token

* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-authored-by: Sam Martinez  <>
Co-authored-by: Chris F <>

* refactor: formatting updates

* refactor: formatting updates

* remove react event listener so no multiples are registered and adds an error callback to get token

Co-authored-by: Manoj NB <>
Co-authored-by: Ashish Nanda <>
Co-authored-by: Caleb Pollman <>
Co-authored-by: Sam Martinez  <>
Co-authored-by: Chris F <>

* chore: preparing release

* chore(release): Publish [ci skip]

 - @aws-amplify/ui-angular@1.0.34
 - @aws-amplify/ui-components@1.9.5
 - @aws-amplify/ui-react@1.2.25
 - @aws-amplify/ui-storybook@2.0.25
 - @aws-amplify/ui-vue@1.1.19
 - @aws-amplify/analytics@5.1.5
 - @aws-amplify/api-graphql@2.2.14
 - @aws-amplify/api-rest@2.0.25
 - @aws-amplify/api@4.0.25
 - @aws-amplify/auth@4.3.15
 - aws-amplify-angular@6.0.25
 - aws-amplify-react@5.1.8
 - aws-amplify@4.3.7
 - @aws-amplify/cache@4.0.27
 - @aws-amplify/core@4.3.7
 - @aws-amplify/datastore-storage-adapter@1.1.13
 - @aws-amplify/datastore@3.6.1
 - @aws-amplify/geo@1.1.7
 - @aws-amplify/interactions@4.0.25
 - @aws-amplify/predictions@4.0.25
 - @aws-amplify/pubsub@4.2.1
 - @aws-amplify/pushnotification@4.3.4
 - @aws-amplify/storage@4.4.8
 - @aws-amplify/xr@3.0.25

* chore(release): update version.ts [ci skip]

* feat(@aws-amplify/datastore): hasOne CRUD improvements (#9239)

* fix(geo): update client-location to fix tslib issue (#9247)


* chore: preparing release

* chore(release): Publish [ci skip]

 - @aws-amplify/ui-angular@1.0.35
 - @aws-amplify/ui-components@1.9.6
 - @aws-amplify/ui-react@1.2.26
 - @aws-amplify/ui-storybook@2.0.26
 - @aws-amplify/ui-vue@1.1.20
 - @aws-amplify/analytics@5.1.6
 - @aws-amplify/api-graphql@2.2.15
 - @aws-amplify/api-rest@2.0.26
 - @aws-amplify/api@4.0.26
 - @aws-amplify/auth@4.3.16
 - aws-amplify-angular@6.0.26
 - aws-amplify-react@5.1.9
 - aws-amplify@4.3.8
 - @aws-amplify/cache@4.0.28
 - @aws-amplify/core@4.3.8
 - @aws-amplify/datastore-storage-adapter@1.2.0
 - @aws-amplify/datastore@3.7.0
 - @aws-amplify/geo@1.1.8
 - @aws-amplify/interactions@4.0.26
 - @aws-amplify/predictions@4.0.26
 - @aws-amplify/pubsub@4.2.2
 - @aws-amplify/pushnotification@4.3.5
 - @aws-amplify/storage@4.4.9
 - @aws-amplify/xr@3.0.26

* chore(release): update version.ts [ci skip]

* chore(@aws-amplify/datastore): bump dexie packages (#9262)

* chore: mark ui packages as private (#9251)

* fix(@aws-amplify/datastore): belongsTo bug (#9268)

* fix(@aws-amplify/core): Use undefined for default sequence token with CloudWatch logging (#9181)

Co-authored-by: Aaron Michael Lamb <>
Co-authored-by: Ashika <>

* chore(@aws-amplify/analytics): Changed a couple file in dos format to unix (#9199)

* dos->unix

Co-authored-by: Sam Martinez  <>
Co-authored-by: Ashika <>

* fix(@aws-amplify/datastore): consecutive saves with timestamps (#9298)

* chore: preparing release

* chore(release): Publish [ci skip]

 - @aws-amplify/ui-angular@1.0.36
 - @aws-amplify/ui-components@1.9.7
 - @aws-amplify/ui-react@1.2.27
 - @aws-amplify/ui-storybook@2.0.27
 - @aws-amplify/ui-vue@1.1.21
 - @aws-amplify/ui@2.0.4
 - @aws-amplify/analytics@5.1.7
 - @aws-amplify/api-graphql@2.2.16
 - @aws-amplify/api-rest@2.0.27
 - @aws-amplify/api@4.0.27
 - @aws-amplify/auth@4.3.17
 - aws-amplify-angular@6.0.27
 - aws-amplify-react@5.1.10
 - aws-amplify-vue@2.1.6
 - aws-amplify@4.3.9
 - @aws-amplify/cache@4.0.29
 - @aws-amplify/core@4.3.9
 - @aws-amplify/datastore-storage-adapter@1.2.1
 - @aws-amplify/datastore@3.7.1
 - @aws-amplify/geo@1.1.9
 - @aws-amplify/interactions@4.0.27
 - @aws-amplify/predictions@4.0.27
 - @aws-amplify/pubsub@4.2.3
 - @aws-amplify/pushnotification@4.3.6
 - @aws-amplify/storage@4.4.10
 - @aws-amplify/xr@3.0.27

* chore(release): update version.ts [ci skip]

* fix(@aws-amplify/amplify-ui): change private property to false in package.json (#9303)

Resolving an issue with installing the library

* chore: preparing release

* fix(@aws-amplify/amplify-ui): remove private prop from package.json (#9304)

* fix(@aws-amplify/amplify-ui): change private property to false in package.json

* fix(@aws-amplify/amplify-ui): remove private property from package.json

Co-authored-by: Francisco Rodriguez <>

* fix(@aws-amplify/amplify-ui): remove private prop from package.json (#9304)

* fix(@aws-amplify/amplify-ui): change private property to false in package.json

* fix(@aws-amplify/amplify-ui): remove private property from package.json

Co-authored-by: Francisco Rodriguez <>

* chore(release): Publish [ci skip]

 - @aws-amplify/ui-angular@1.0.37
 - @aws-amplify/ui-components@1.9.8
 - @aws-amplify/ui-react@1.2.28
 - @aws-amplify/ui-storybook@2.0.28
 - @aws-amplify/ui-vue@1.1.22
 - @aws-amplify/ui@2.0.5
 - @aws-amplify/analytics@5.1.8
 - @aws-amplify/api-graphql@2.2.17
 - @aws-amplify/api-rest@2.0.28
 - @aws-amplify/api@4.0.28
 - @aws-amplify/auth@4.3.18
 - aws-amplify-angular@6.0.28
 - aws-amplify-react@5.1.11
 - aws-amplify@4.3.10
 - @aws-amplify/cache@4.0.30
 - @aws-amplify/core@4.3.10
 - @aws-amplify/datastore-storage-adapter@1.2.2
 - @aws-amplify/datastore@3.7.2
 - @aws-amplify/geo@1.1.10
 - @aws-amplify/interactions@4.0.28
 - @aws-amplify/predictions@4.0.28
 - @aws-amplify/pubsub@4.2.4
 - @aws-amplify/pushnotification@4.3.7
 - @aws-amplify/storage@4.4.11
 - @aws-amplify/xr@3.0.28

* chore(release): update version.ts [ci skip]

* fix(@aws-amplify/datastore): fixes observeQuery in local-only mode (#9300)

* fix(@aws-amplify/pushnotification): make eligible variables final (#9301)

Co-authored-by: Manoj NB <>
Co-authored-by: Caleb Pollman <>

* fix(@aws-amplify/aws-amplify-react-native): fix dev build for Windows (#9341)

* fix(@aws-amplify/api-graphql): Fix webpack build (#9358)

* chore: preparing release

* chore(release): Publish [ci skip]

 - @aws-amplify/ui-angular@1.0.38
 - @aws-amplify/ui-components@1.9.9
 - @aws-amplify/ui-react@1.2.29
 - @aws-amplify/ui-storybook@2.0.29
 - @aws-amplify/ui-vue@1.1.23
 - @aws-amplify/analytics@5.1.9
 - @aws-amplify/api-graphql@2.2.18
 - @aws-amplify/api-rest@2.0.29
 - @aws-amplify/api@4.0.29
 - @aws-amplify/auth@4.3.19
 - aws-amplify-angular@6.0.29
 - aws-amplify-react-native@6.0.2
 - aws-amplify-react@5.1.12
 - aws-amplify@4.3.11
 - @aws-amplify/cache@4.0.31
 - @aws-amplify/core@4.3.11
 - @aws-amplify/datastore-storage-adapter@1.2.3
 - @aws-amplify/datastore@3.7.3
 - @aws-amplify/geo@1.1.11
 - @aws-amplify/interactions@4.0.29
 - @aws-amplify/predictions@4.0.29
 - @aws-amplify/pubsub@4.2.5
 - @aws-amplify/pushnotification@4.3.8
 - @aws-amplify/storage@4.4.12
 - @aws-amplify/xr@3.0.29

* chore(release): update version.ts [ci skip]

* Fix typo in comment (psuedo) (#9389)

* fix(amazon-cognito-identity-js): added missing method param (#9276)

added missing method param for updateAttributes(...) method

fixes: #9275

* chore: add transformer v2 DataStore integ tests to CCI pipeline (#9354)

* modify config.yml to add v2 tests to pipeline

* comment out all non-v2 jobs for quick iteration

* needs integ_setup job

* modify v2 sample app path names for CCI

* re-enable auth v1 owner-and-group-same-model-default integ test for regression validation

* re-enable auth v1 owner-and-group-same-model-default integ test for regression validation

* re-enable auth tests

* enable v1 datastore integ tests

* fix(@aws-amplify/datastore): consecutive saves with timestamps (#9298)

* chore: preparing release

* chore(release): Publish [ci skip]

 - @aws-amplify/ui-angular@1.0.36
 - @aws-amplify/ui-components@1.9.7
 - @aws-amplify/ui-react@1.2.27
 - @aws-amplify/ui-storybook@2.0.27
 - @aws-amplify/ui-vue@1.1.21
 - @aws-amplify/ui@2.0.4
 - @aws-amplify/analytics@5.1.7
 - @aws-amplify/api-graphql@2.2.16
 - @aws-amplify/api-rest@2.0.27
 - @aws-amplify/api@4.0.27
 - @aws-amplify/auth@4.3.17
 - aws-amplify-angular@6.0.27
 - aws-amplify-react@5.1.10
 - aws-amplify-vue@2.1.6
 - aws-amplify@4.3.9
 - @aws-amplify/cache@4.0.29
 - @aws-amplify/core@4.3.9
 - @aws-amplify/datastore-storage-adapter@1.2.1
 - @aws-amplify/datastore@3.7.1
 - @aws-amplify/geo@1.1.9
 - @aws-amplify/interactions@4.0.27
 - @aws-amplify/predictions@4.0.27
 - @aws-amplify/pubsub@4.2.3
 - @aws-amplify/pushnotification@4.3.6
 - @aws-amplify/storage@4.4.10
 - @aws-amplify/xr@3.0.27

* chore(release): update version.ts [ci skip]

* fix(@aws-amplify/amplify-ui): change private property to false in package.json (#9303)

Resolving an issue with installing the library

* chore: preparing release

* fix(@aws-amplify/amplify-ui): remove private prop from package.json (#9304)

* fix(@aws-amplify/amplify-ui): change private property to false in package.json

* fix(@aws-amplify/amplify-ui): remove private property from package.json

Co-authored-by: Francisco Rodriguez <>

* chore(release): Publish [ci skip]

 - @aws-amplify/ui-angular@1.0.37
 - @aws-amplify/ui-components@1.9.8
 - @aws-amplify/ui-react@1.2.28
 - @aws-amplify/ui-storybook@2.0.28
 - @aws-amplify/ui-vue@1.1.22
 - @aws-amplify/ui@2.0.5
 - @aws-amplify/analytics@5.1.8
 - @aws-amplify/api-graphql@2.2.17
 - @aws-amplify/api-rest@2.0.28
 - @aws-amplify/api@4.0.28
 - @aws-amplify/auth@4.3.18
 - aws-amplify-angular@6.0.28
 - aws-amplify-react@5.1.11
 - aws-amplify@4.3.10
 - @aws-amplify/cache@4.0.30
 - @aws-amplify/core@4.3.10
 - @aws-amplify/datastore-storage-adapter@1.2.2
 - @aws-amplify/datastore@3.7.2
 - @aws-amplify/geo@1.1.10
 - @aws-amplify/interactions@4.0.28
 - @aws-amplify/predictions@4.0.28
 - @aws-amplify/pubsub@4.2.4
 - @aws-amplify/pushnotification@4.3.7
 - @aws-amplify/storage@4.4.11
 - @aws-amplify/xr@3.0.28

* chore(release): update version.ts [ci skip]

* fix(@aws-amplify/datastore): fixes observeQuery in local-only mode (#9300)

* uncomment tests, prepare for main pipeline addition

* add v2 tests to deploy job

* add observe query integ tests to the pipeline

* add SQLite adapter e2e test to pipeline

Co-authored-by: Ivan Artemiev <>
Co-authored-by: aws-amplify-bot <>
Co-authored-by: Francisco Rodriguez <>

* ci: upgrade macOS executors (#9431)

* fix(@aws-amplify/core): use empty string as translation (#9403)

* fix for using empty string as translation

* Update I18n.ts

strict inequality with undefined for the dictionary values

Co-authored-by: Eddy Varela <>
Co-authored-by: Nick Arocho <>

* Revert "fix(@aws-amplify/core): use empty string as translation (#9403)" (#9436)

This reverts commit 512fd99.

* chore: preparing release

* fix(aws-amplify-angular): removed old zone package (#9437)

* chore: preparing release (#9441)

Co-authored-by: James Au <>

* chore(release): Publish [ci skip]

 - amazon-cognito-identity-js@5.2.4
 - @aws-amplify/ui-angular@1.0.39
 - @aws-amplify/ui-components@1.9.10
 - @aws-amplify/ui-react@1.2.30
 - @aws-amplify/ui-storybook@2.0.30
 - @aws-amplify/ui-vue@1.1.24
 - @aws-amplify/analytics@5.1.10
 - @aws-amplify/api-graphql@2.2.19
 - @aws-amplify/api-rest@2.0.30
 - @aws-amplify/api@4.0.30
 - @aws-amplify/auth@4.3.20
 - aws-amplify-angular@6.0.30
 - aws-amplify-react@5.1.13
 - aws-amplify@4.3.12
 - @aws-amplify/cache@4.0.32
 - @aws-amplify/core@4.3.12
 - @aws-amplify/datastore-storage-adapter@1.2.4
 - @aws-amplify/datastore@3.7.4
 - @aws-amplify/geo@1.1.12
 - @aws-amplify/interactions@4.0.30
 - @aws-amplify/predictions@4.0.30
 - @aws-amplify/pubsub@4.2.6
 - @aws-amplify/pushnotification@4.3.9
 - @aws-amplify/storage@4.4.13
 - @aws-amplify/xr@3.0.30

* chore(release): update version.ts [ci skip]

* chore(amplify-js): consolidate react-native dependencies (#9451)

* Revert "chore(amplify-js): consolidate react-native dependencies (#9451)" (#9473)

This reverts commit d304f94.

* fix: Fix CircleCI integration tests (#9500)

* fix: pin jsdoc version (#9510)

The latest jsdoc requires node >= 14. Pinning it to an older version to avoid upgrading our docker images' node version.

* fix(geo): remove 'ensure to' from error message

* chore(geo): remove file that's no longer used

* chore(geo): fix type comment

* fix(geo): error if mutually exclusive options are given

* test(@aws-amplify/geo): fix failing tests

* chore(amplify-js): consolidate react-native dependencies (#9521)

* feat(@aws-amplify/auth): Delete user API exposed (#9428)

* fix for using empty string as translation

* feat(@aws-amplify/auth): delete user poc

* reverting internationalization commit

* adding hub event

* addressing feedback and beginning unit tests

* added unit tests within suite for deleteUser API call

* removing zone dependency to fix failing builds

* integ test commit

* fix e2e for delete user

* adding branch for deleteUser in sample staging repo

* pinning jsdoc dependency

* one more time

* adding fixes for hosted ui

* preventing signout race condition

* fixing circle ci

* hot fix

* circle ci configured for deleteUser

* fixing pr comments

* changing tests and updating circle ci

* reverting circle ci config

* adding integ tests

* staging url

* removing comments

* empty commit

* rerun integ test

* remove deploy and post release step

* run only delete user test

* correct config

* rerun integ test

* uncomment test

* fix unit test

* final auth

* revert i18N change

* addressing pr comments

* resolving promise

* remove missed signout

* ts nit

Co-authored-by: yanakatty <>
Co-authored-by: Ashika Kasiviswanathan Arumugakarthik <>

* chore: preparing release

* chore(release): Publish [ci skip]

 - amazon-cognito-identity-js@5.2.5
 - @aws-amplify/ui-angular@1.0.40
 - @aws-amplify/ui-components@1.9.11
 - @aws-amplify/ui-react@1.2.31
 - @aws-amplify/ui-storybook@2.0.31
 - @aws-amplify/ui-vue@1.1.25
 - @aws-amplify/analytics@5.1.11
 - @aws-amplify/api-graphql@2.2.20
 - @aws-amplify/api-rest@2.0.31
 - @aws-amplify/api@4.0.31
 - @aws-amplify/auth@4.4.0
 - aws-amplify-angular@6.0.31
 - aws-amplify-react@5.1.14
 - aws-amplify@4.3.13
 - @aws-amplify/cache@4.0.33
 - @aws-amplify/core@4.3.13
 - @aws-amplify/datastore-storage-adapter@1.2.5
 - @aws-amplify/datastore@3.7.5
 - @aws-amplify/geo@1.1.13
 - @aws-amplify/interactions@4.0.31
 - @aws-amplify/predictions@4.0.31
 - @aws-amplify/pubsub@4.2.7
 - @aws-amplify/pushnotification@4.3.10
 - @aws-amplify/storage@4.4.14
 - @aws-amplify/xr@3.0.31

* chore(release): update version.ts [ci skip]

* chore(react-native): upgrade React Native devDependency version to ^0.64.1 (#9525)

* upgrade next version to ^11.1.3 for security patch (#9533)

* import React Native headers from <React/*.h> (#9387)

This ensures compatibility with Expo SDK 44.

see expo/expo#15622 (comment)

Co-authored-by: Caleb Pollman <>
Co-authored-by: KJ(Kaijie) Huang <>

* fix(datastore): correctly apply config values (#9542)

* feat(@aws-amplify/geo): searchForSuggestions API (#9516)

* feat(geo): searchForSuggestions initial implementation

* chore(@aws-amplify/geo): update dependencies

* chore(@aws-amplify/geo): update test strings

* test(@aws-amplify/geo): update searchForSuggestion tests

* added missing import

* added baseline observeQuery tests; prep for nested predicate observeQuery testing

* adjust test titles

* observeQuery test for isSync status

* test: observeQuery behavior after isSynced; also simple predicate case

* rebased

* observeQuery hasMany test; test cleanup and completness

* cleanup; harden has many predicate selection

* copy instead of mutate observe messages

* fixed rebase mistake

* fixed types

* fixed modelinit and copyof typing

* renames; cruft cleanup

* fixed LGTM, removed unused import

* yet another attempt to fix TS errors ...

* set alwaysStrict to find TS errors locally, fixed TS errors

* fix: TS casting errors in sync engine

* upgrade dexie

* stash TS strictness fixes

* fixed all TS erros?git add .??

* fixed TS for ds sqlite adapter

* removed accidentally added tsconfig

* fixed LGTM unused variable inits

* comment cleanup

* Update packages/datastore/__tests__/DataStore.ts

Co-authored-by: Nick Arocho <>

* removed some cruft

* revert superfluous null check; more error message details

* fixed tests after rebase

* cruft cleanup

Co-authored-by: Nick Arocho <>
Co-authored-by: Sam Martinez <>
Co-authored-by: ManojNB <>
Co-authored-by: Manoj NB <>
Co-authored-by: Chris F <>
Co-authored-by: Ashish Nanda <>
Co-authored-by: David McAfee <>
Co-authored-by: aws-amplify-bot <>
Co-authored-by: Caleb Pollman <>
Co-authored-by: Sam Martinez  <>
Co-authored-by: Ashika Kasiviswanathan Arumugakarthik <>
Co-authored-by: Ivan Artemiev <>
Co-authored-by: Tré Ammatuna <>
Co-authored-by: William Lee <>
Co-authored-by: Aaron Lamb <>
Co-authored-by: Aaron Michael Lamb <>
Co-authored-by: Ashika <>
Co-authored-by: James Au <>
Co-authored-by: Nick Arocho <>
Co-authored-by: Francisco Rodriguez <>
Co-authored-by: Katie Goines <>
Co-authored-by: Bruno P. Kinoshita <>
Co-authored-by: Arthur Brandstetter <>
Co-authored-by: Yusuke Yanaka <>
Co-authored-by: Eddy Varela <>
Co-authored-by: Tré Ammatuna <>
Co-authored-by: hkjpotato <>
Co-authored-by: KJ(Kaijie) Huang <>
Co-authored-by: Manuel Schiller <>
svidgen added a commit that referenced this issue Feb 7, 2022
* feat(@aws-amplify/datastore): ObserveQuery performance and type enhancements (#9141)

* feat(@aws-amplify/datastore): constrain ObserveQuery options with explicit Type, add time interval/limit Promise race

* feat(@aws-amplify/datastore): address PR callouts

* feat(@aws-amplify/datastore): abstract SubscriptionBuffer to util class (TODO: add unit test)

* feat(@aws-amplify/datastore): add unit test for util class

* remove .only from test

* feat(@aws-amplify/datastore): address PR callouts

* remove .only from describe block

* feat(@aws-amplify/datastore): PR-callouts, adjust naming conventions

Co-authored-by: Sam Martinez <>

* fix(@aws-amplify/pushnotification): tap on notification opens the app when it is a killed state (#9055)

* feat: new script to improve local dev experience for RN

* feat: rn local dev script

* docs: adds the needed documentation for running the local rn dev script

* fix: pr review changes, formatting and code clean up

* fix: refactored the open tab function and minor code cleanup

* refactor: utility functions for lerna and wml cmd formation and added comments

* fix: attempt to fix the lgtm bot issue to sanitized the path input

* fix: attempt 2 to build cmds after sanitizing the path

* fix: attempt three at solving the bot warning, sanatizes alias,npm bin and cd commands

* refactor

* fix: attempt four at fixing the lgtm warning

* fix: clearer documentation on the usage of the script

* refactor: change get delay and open new tab names

* refactor: changed all caps wording to camel case for gotopackageroot element

* feat: all flag to indicate script should use all supported packages

* fix: adds a new UI packages list that is used to change their package name to directory name used in wml

* refactor: adds a clear note to indicate script is different from the linking method of development

* fix:handle reactContext is null by listening to changes

* refactor: rephrase comment

Co-authored-by: Chris F <>

* refactor: emitNotificationOpened has been refactored to a new function and other nits

* fix: adds an intent parameter to emitNotificationOpenedEvent

* refactor: makes variables final

Co-authored-by: Manoj NB <>
Co-authored-by: Chris F <>
Co-authored-by: Sam Martinez <>
Co-authored-by: Ashish Nanda <>

* feat(amplify-js): add CD support (#9171)

* fix: AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider websocket init fix

* Revert "fix: AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider websocket init fix"

This reverts commit 13e776e.

* fix: AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider websocket init fix (#9200)

* chore: preparing release

* chore(release): Publish [ci skip]

 - @aws-amplify/ui-angular@1.0.33
 - @aws-amplify/ui-components@1.9.4
 - @aws-amplify/ui-react@1.2.24
 - @aws-amplify/ui-storybook@2.0.24
 - @aws-amplify/ui-vue@1.1.18
 - @aws-amplify/analytics@5.1.4
 - @aws-amplify/api-graphql@2.2.13
 - @aws-amplify/api-rest@2.0.24
 - @aws-amplify/api@4.0.24
 - @aws-amplify/auth@4.3.14
 - aws-amplify-angular@6.0.24
 - aws-amplify-react-native@6.0.1
 - aws-amplify-react@5.1.7
 - aws-amplify@4.3.6
 - @aws-amplify/cache@4.0.26
 - @aws-amplify/core@4.3.6
 - @aws-amplify/datastore-storage-adapter@1.1.12
 - @aws-amplify/datastore@3.6.0
 - @aws-amplify/geo@1.1.6
 - @aws-amplify/interactions@4.0.24
 - @aws-amplify/predictions@4.0.24
 - @aws-amplify/pubsub@4.2.0
 - @aws-amplify/pushnotification@4.3.3
 - @aws-amplify/storage@4.4.7
 - @aws-amplify/xr@3.0.24

* chore(release): update version.ts [ci skip]

* fix(@aws-amplify/pushnotification): Upgrade Firebase Android package (#9191)

* feat: new script to improve local dev experience for RN

* feat: rn local dev script

* docs: adds the needed documentation for running the local rn dev script

* fix: pr review changes, formatting and code clean up

* fix: refactored the open tab function and minor code cleanup

* refactor: utility functions for lerna and wml cmd formation and added comments

* fix: attempt to fix the lgtm bot issue to sanitized the path input

* fix: attempt 2 to build cmds after sanitizing the path

* fix: attempt three at solving the bot warning, sanatizes alias,npm bin and cd commands

* refactor

* fix: attempt four at fixing the lgtm warning

* fix: clearer documentation on the usage of the script

* refactor: change get delay and open new tab names

* refactor: changed all caps wording to camel case for gotopackageroot element

* feat: all flag to indicate script should use all supported packages

* fix: adds a new UI packages list that is used to change their package name to directory name used in wml

* refactor: adds a clear note to indicate script is different from the linking method of development

* chore: upgrade firebase package and made required changes to getToken and onNewToken

* refactor: review comments, added exception handling to get token

* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-authored-by: Sam Martinez  <>
Co-authored-by: Chris F <>

* refactor: formatting updates

* refactor: formatting updates

* remove react event listener so no multiples are registered and adds an error callback to get token

Co-authored-by: Manoj NB <>
Co-authored-by: Ashish Nanda <>
Co-authored-by: Caleb Pollman <>
Co-authored-by: Sam Martinez  <>
Co-authored-by: Chris F <>

* chore: preparing release

* chore(release): Publish [ci skip]

 - @aws-amplify/ui-angular@1.0.34
 - @aws-amplify/ui-components@1.9.5
 - @aws-amplify/ui-react@1.2.25
 - @aws-amplify/ui-storybook@2.0.25
 - @aws-amplify/ui-vue@1.1.19
 - @aws-amplify/analytics@5.1.5
 - @aws-amplify/api-graphql@2.2.14
 - @aws-amplify/api-rest@2.0.25
 - @aws-amplify/api@4.0.25
 - @aws-amplify/auth@4.3.15
 - aws-amplify-angular@6.0.25
 - aws-amplify-react@5.1.8
 - aws-amplify@4.3.7
 - @aws-amplify/cache@4.0.27
 - @aws-amplify/core@4.3.7
 - @aws-amplify/datastore-storage-adapter@1.1.13
 - @aws-amplify/datastore@3.6.1
 - @aws-amplify/geo@1.1.7
 - @aws-amplify/interactions@4.0.25
 - @aws-amplify/predictions@4.0.25
 - @aws-amplify/pubsub@4.2.1
 - @aws-amplify/pushnotification@4.3.4
 - @aws-amplify/storage@4.4.8
 - @aws-amplify/xr@3.0.25

* chore(release): update version.ts [ci skip]

* feat(@aws-amplify/datastore): hasOne CRUD improvements (#9239)

* fix(geo): update client-location to fix tslib issue (#9247)


* chore: preparing release

* chore(release): Publish [ci skip]

 - @aws-amplify/ui-angular@1.0.35
 - @aws-amplify/ui-components@1.9.6
 - @aws-amplify/ui-react@1.2.26
 - @aws-amplify/ui-storybook@2.0.26
 - @aws-amplify/ui-vue@1.1.20
 - @aws-amplify/analytics@5.1.6
 - @aws-amplify/api-graphql@2.2.15
 - @aws-amplify/api-rest@2.0.26
 - @aws-amplify/api@4.0.26
 - @aws-amplify/auth@4.3.16
 - aws-amplify-angular@6.0.26
 - aws-amplify-react@5.1.9
 - aws-amplify@4.3.8
 - @aws-amplify/cache@4.0.28
 - @aws-amplify/core@4.3.8
 - @aws-amplify/datastore-storage-adapter@1.2.0
 - @aws-amplify/datastore@3.7.0
 - @aws-amplify/geo@1.1.8
 - @aws-amplify/interactions@4.0.26
 - @aws-amplify/predictions@4.0.26
 - @aws-amplify/pubsub@4.2.2
 - @aws-amplify/pushnotification@4.3.5
 - @aws-amplify/storage@4.4.9
 - @aws-amplify/xr@3.0.26

* chore(release): update version.ts [ci skip]

* chore(@aws-amplify/datastore): bump dexie packages (#9262)

* chore: mark ui packages as private (#9251)

* fix(@aws-amplify/datastore): belongsTo bug (#9268)

* fix(@aws-amplify/core): Use undefined for default sequence token with CloudWatch logging (#9181)

Co-authored-by: Aaron Michael Lamb <>
Co-authored-by: Ashika <>

* chore(@aws-amplify/analytics): Changed a couple file in dos format to unix (#9199)

* dos->unix

Co-authored-by: Sam Martinez  <>
Co-authored-by: Ashika <>

* fix(@aws-amplify/datastore): consecutive saves with timestamps (#9298)

* chore: preparing release

* chore(release): Publish [ci skip]

 - @aws-amplify/ui-angular@1.0.36
 - @aws-amplify/ui-components@1.9.7
 - @aws-amplify/ui-react@1.2.27
 - @aws-amplify/ui-storybook@2.0.27
 - @aws-amplify/ui-vue@1.1.21
 - @aws-amplify/ui@2.0.4
 - @aws-amplify/analytics@5.1.7
 - @aws-amplify/api-graphql@2.2.16
 - @aws-amplify/api-rest@2.0.27
 - @aws-amplify/api@4.0.27
 - @aws-amplify/auth@4.3.17
 - aws-amplify-angular@6.0.27
 - aws-amplify-react@5.1.10
 - aws-amplify-vue@2.1.6
 - aws-amplify@4.3.9
 - @aws-amplify/cache@4.0.29
 - @aws-amplify/core@4.3.9
 - @aws-amplify/datastore-storage-adapter@1.2.1
 - @aws-amplify/datastore@3.7.1
 - @aws-amplify/geo@1.1.9
 - @aws-amplify/interactions@4.0.27
 - @aws-amplify/predictions@4.0.27
 - @aws-amplify/pubsub@4.2.3
 - @aws-amplify/pushnotification@4.3.6
 - @aws-amplify/storage@4.4.10
 - @aws-amplify/xr@3.0.27

* chore(release): update version.ts [ci skip]

* fix(@aws-amplify/amplify-ui): change private property to false in package.json (#9303)

Resolving an issue with installing the library

* chore: preparing release

* fix(@aws-amplify/amplify-ui): remove private prop from package.json (#9304)

* fix(@aws-amplify/amplify-ui): change private property to false in package.json

* fix(@aws-amplify/amplify-ui): remove private property from package.json

Co-authored-by: Francisco Rodriguez <>

* fix(@aws-amplify/amplify-ui): remove private prop from package.json (#9304)

* fix(@aws-amplify/amplify-ui): change private property to false in package.json

* fix(@aws-amplify/amplify-ui): remove private property from package.json

Co-authored-by: Francisco Rodriguez <>

* chore(release): Publish [ci skip]

 - @aws-amplify/ui-angular@1.0.37
 - @aws-amplify/ui-components@1.9.8
 - @aws-amplify/ui-react@1.2.28
 - @aws-amplify/ui-storybook@2.0.28
 - @aws-amplify/ui-vue@1.1.22
 - @aws-amplify/ui@2.0.5
 - @aws-amplify/analytics@5.1.8
 - @aws-amplify/api-graphql@2.2.17
 - @aws-amplify/api-rest@2.0.28
 - @aws-amplify/api@4.0.28
 - @aws-amplify/auth@4.3.18
 - aws-amplify-angular@6.0.28
 - aws-amplify-react@5.1.11
 - aws-amplify@4.3.10
 - @aws-amplify/cache@4.0.30
 - @aws-amplify/core@4.3.10
 - @aws-amplify/datastore-storage-adapter@1.2.2
 - @aws-amplify/datastore@3.7.2
 - @aws-amplify/geo@1.1.10
 - @aws-amplify/interactions@4.0.28
 - @aws-amplify/predictions@4.0.28
 - @aws-amplify/pubsub@4.2.4
 - @aws-amplify/pushnotification@4.3.7
 - @aws-amplify/storage@4.4.11
 - @aws-amplify/xr@3.0.28

* chore(release): update version.ts [ci skip]

* fix(@aws-amplify/datastore): fixes observeQuery in local-only mode (#9300)

* fix(@aws-amplify/pushnotification): make eligible variables final (#9301)

Co-authored-by: Manoj NB <>
Co-authored-by: Caleb Pollman <>

* fix(@aws-amplify/aws-amplify-react-native): fix dev build for Windows (#9341)

* fix(@aws-amplify/api-graphql): Fix webpack build (#9358)

* chore: preparing release

* chore(release): Publish [ci skip]

 - @aws-amplify/ui-angular@1.0.38
 - @aws-amplify/ui-components@1.9.9
 - @aws-amplify/ui-react@1.2.29
 - @aws-amplify/ui-storybook@2.0.29
 - @aws-amplify/ui-vue@1.1.23
 - @aws-amplify/analytics@5.1.9
 - @aws-amplify/api-graphql@2.2.18
 - @aws-amplify/api-rest@2.0.29
 - @aws-amplify/api@4.0.29
 - @aws-amplify/auth@4.3.19
 - aws-amplify-angular@6.0.29
 - aws-amplify-react-native@6.0.2
 - aws-amplify-react@5.1.12
 - aws-amplify@4.3.11
 - @aws-amplify/cache@4.0.31
 - @aws-amplify/core@4.3.11
 - @aws-amplify/datastore-storage-adapter@1.2.3
 - @aws-amplify/datastore@3.7.3
 - @aws-amplify/geo@1.1.11
 - @aws-amplify/interactions@4.0.29
 - @aws-amplify/predictions@4.0.29
 - @aws-amplify/pubsub@4.2.5
 - @aws-amplify/pushnotification@4.3.8
 - @aws-amplify/storage@4.4.12
 - @aws-amplify/xr@3.0.29

* chore(release): update version.ts [ci skip]

* Fix typo in comment (psuedo) (#9389)

* fix(amazon-cognito-identity-js): added missing method param (#9276)

added missing method param for updateAttributes(...) method

fixes: #9275

* chore: add transformer v2 DataStore integ tests to CCI pipeline (#9354)

* modify config.yml to add v2 tests to pipeline

* comment out all non-v2 jobs for quick iteration

* needs integ_setup job

* modify v2 sample app path names for CCI

* re-enable auth v1 owner-and-group-same-model-default integ test for regression validation

* re-enable auth v1 owner-and-group-same-model-default integ test for regression validation

* re-enable auth tests

* enable v1 datastore integ tests

* fix(@aws-amplify/datastore): consecutive saves with timestamps (#9298)

* chore: preparing release

* chore(release): Publish [ci skip]

 - @aws-amplify/ui-angular@1.0.36
 - @aws-amplify/ui-components@1.9.7
 - @aws-amplify/ui-react@1.2.27
 - @aws-amplify/ui-storybook@2.0.27
 - @aws-amplify/ui-vue@1.1.21
 - @aws-amplify/ui@2.0.4
 - @aws-amplify/analytics@5.1.7
 - @aws-amplify/api-graphql@2.2.16
 - @aws-amplify/api-rest@2.0.27
 - @aws-amplify/api@4.0.27
 - @aws-amplify/auth@4.3.17
 - aws-amplify-angular@6.0.27
 - aws-amplify-react@5.1.10
 - aws-amplify-vue@2.1.6
 - aws-amplify@4.3.9
 - @aws-amplify/cache@4.0.29
 - @aws-amplify/core@4.3.9
 - @aws-amplify/datastore-storage-adapter@1.2.1
 - @aws-amplify/datastore@3.7.1
 - @aws-amplify/geo@1.1.9
 - @aws-amplify/interactions@4.0.27
 - @aws-amplify/predictions@4.0.27
 - @aws-amplify/pubsub@4.2.3
 - @aws-amplify/pushnotification@4.3.6
 - @aws-amplify/storage@4.4.10
 - @aws-amplify/xr@3.0.27

* chore(release): update version.ts [ci skip]

* fix(@aws-amplify/amplify-ui): change private property to false in package.json (#9303)

Resolving an issue with installing the library

* chore: preparing release

* fix(@aws-amplify/amplify-ui): remove private prop from package.json (#9304)

* fix(@aws-amplify/amplify-ui): change private property to false in package.json

* fix(@aws-amplify/amplify-ui): remove private property from package.json

Co-authored-by: Francisco Rodriguez <>

* chore(release): Publish [ci skip]

 - @aws-amplify/ui-angular@1.0.37
 - @aws-amplify/ui-components@1.9.8
 - @aws-amplify/ui-react@1.2.28
 - @aws-amplify/ui-storybook@2.0.28
 - @aws-amplify/ui-vue@1.1.22
 - @aws-amplify/ui@2.0.5
 - @aws-amplify/analytics@5.1.8
 - @aws-amplify/api-graphql@2.2.17
 - @aws-amplify/api-rest@2.0.28
 - @aws-amplify/api@4.0.28
 - @aws-amplify/auth@4.3.18
 - aws-amplify-angular@6.0.28
 - aws-amplify-react@5.1.11
 - aws-amplify@4.3.10
 - @aws-amplify/cache@4.0.30
 - @aws-amplify/core@4.3.10
 - @aws-amplify/datastore-storage-adapter@1.2.2
 - @aws-amplify/datastore@3.7.2
 - @aws-amplify/geo@1.1.10
 - @aws-amplify/interactions@4.0.28
 - @aws-amplify/predictions@4.0.28
 - @aws-amplify/pubsub@4.2.4
 - @aws-amplify/pushnotification@4.3.7
 - @aws-amplify/storage@4.4.11
 - @aws-amplify/xr@3.0.28

* chore(release): update version.ts [ci skip]

* fix(@aws-amplify/datastore): fixes observeQuery in local-only mode (#9300)

* uncomment tests, prepare for main pipeline addition

* add v2 tests to deploy job

* add observe query integ tests to the pipeline

* add SQLite adapter e2e test to pipeline

Co-authored-by: Ivan Artemiev <>
Co-authored-by: aws-amplify-bot <>
Co-authored-by: Francisco Rodriguez <>

* ci: upgrade macOS executors (#9431)

* fix(@aws-amplify/core): use empty string as translation (#9403)

* fix for using empty string as translation

* Update I18n.ts

strict inequality with undefined for the dictionary values

Co-authored-by: Eddy Varela <>
Co-authored-by: Nick Arocho <>

* Revert "fix(@aws-amplify/core): use empty string as translation (#9403)" (#9436)

This reverts commit 512fd99.

* chore: preparing release

* fix(aws-amplify-angular): removed old zone package (#9437)

* chore: preparing release (#9441)

Co-authored-by: James Au <>

* chore(release): Publish [ci skip]

 - amazon-cognito-identity-js@5.2.4
 - @aws-amplify/ui-angular@1.0.39
 - @aws-amplify/ui-components@1.9.10
 - @aws-amplify/ui-react@1.2.30
 - @aws-amplify/ui-storybook@2.0.30
 - @aws-amplify/ui-vue@1.1.24
 - @aws-amplify/analytics@5.1.10
 - @aws-amplify/api-graphql@2.2.19
 - @aws-amplify/api-rest@2.0.30
 - @aws-amplify/api@4.0.30
 - @aws-amplify/auth@4.3.20
 - aws-amplify-angular@6.0.30
 - aws-amplify-react@5.1.13
 - aws-amplify@4.3.12
 - @aws-amplify/cache@4.0.32
 - @aws-amplify/core@4.3.12
 - @aws-amplify/datastore-storage-adapter@1.2.4
 - @aws-amplify/datastore@3.7.4
 - @aws-amplify/geo@1.1.12
 - @aws-amplify/interactions@4.0.30
 - @aws-amplify/predictions@4.0.30
 - @aws-amplify/pubsub@4.2.6
 - @aws-amplify/pushnotification@4.3.9
 - @aws-amplify/storage@4.4.13
 - @aws-amplify/xr@3.0.30

* chore(release): update version.ts [ci skip]

* chore(amplify-js): consolidate react-native dependencies (#9451)

* Revert "chore(amplify-js): consolidate react-native dependencies (#9451)" (#9473)

This reverts commit d304f94.

* fix: Fix CircleCI integration tests (#9500)

* fix: pin jsdoc version (#9510)

The latest jsdoc requires node >= 14. Pinning it to an older version to avoid upgrading our docker images' node version.

* fix(geo): remove 'ensure to' from error message

* chore(geo): remove file that's no longer used

* chore(geo): fix type comment

* fix(geo): error if mutually exclusive options are given

* test(@aws-amplify/geo): fix failing tests

* chore(amplify-js): consolidate react-native dependencies (#9521)

* feat(@aws-amplify/auth): Delete user API exposed (#9428)

* fix for using empty string as translation

* feat(@aws-amplify/auth): delete user poc

* reverting internationalization commit

* adding hub event

* addressing feedback and beginning unit tests

* added unit tests within suite for deleteUser API call

* removing zone dependency to fix failing builds

* integ test commit

* fix e2e for delete user

* adding branch for deleteUser in sample staging repo

* pinning jsdoc dependency

* one more time

* adding fixes for hosted ui

* preventing signout race condition

* fixing circle ci

* hot fix

* circle ci configured for deleteUser

* fixing pr comments

* changing tests and updating circle ci

* reverting circle ci config

* adding integ tests

* staging url

* removing comments

* empty commit

* rerun integ test

* remove deploy and post release step

* run only delete user test

* correct config

* rerun integ test

* uncomment test

* fix unit test

* final auth

* revert i18N change

* addressing pr comments

* resolving promise

* remove missed signout

* ts nit

Co-authored-by: yanakatty <>
Co-authored-by: Ashika Kasiviswanathan Arumugakarthik <>

* chore: preparing release

* chore(release): Publish [ci skip]

 - amazon-cognito-identity-js@5.2.5
 - @aws-amplify/ui-angular@1.0.40
 - @aws-amplify/ui-components@1.9.11
 - @aws-amplify/ui-react@1.2.31
 - @aws-amplify/ui-storybook@2.0.31
 - @aws-amplify/ui-vue@1.1.25
 - @aws-amplify/analytics@5.1.11
 - @aws-amplify/api-graphql@2.2.20
 - @aws-amplify/api-rest@2.0.31
 - @aws-amplify/api@4.0.31
 - @aws-amplify/auth@4.4.0
 - aws-amplify-angular@6.0.31
 - aws-amplify-react@5.1.14
 - aws-amplify@4.3.13
 - @aws-amplify/cache@4.0.33
 - @aws-amplify/core@4.3.13
 - @aws-amplify/datastore-storage-adapter@1.2.5
 - @aws-amplify/datastore@3.7.5
 - @aws-amplify/geo@1.1.13
 - @aws-amplify/interactions@4.0.31
 - @aws-amplify/predictions@4.0.31
 - @aws-amplify/pubsub@4.2.7
 - @aws-amplify/pushnotification@4.3.10
 - @aws-amplify/storage@4.4.14
 - @aws-amplify/xr@3.0.31

* chore(release): update version.ts [ci skip]

* chore(react-native): upgrade React Native devDependency version to ^0.64.1 (#9525)

* upgrade next version to ^11.1.3 for security patch (#9533)

* import React Native headers from <React/*.h> (#9387)

This ensures compatibility with Expo SDK 44.

see expo/expo#15622 (comment)

Co-authored-by: Caleb Pollman <>
Co-authored-by: KJ(Kaijie) Huang <>

* fix(datastore): correctly apply config values (#9542)

* feat(@aws-amplify/geo): searchForSuggestions API (#9516)

* feat(geo): searchForSuggestions initial implementation

* chore(@aws-amplify/geo): update dependencies

* chore(@aws-amplify/geo): update test strings

* test(@aws-amplify/geo): update searchForSuggestion tests

* added missing import

* Revert "Merge branch 'datastore-laziness' into datastore-laziness"

This reverts commit 20d803c, reversing
changes made to c50e13f.

Co-authored-by: Nick Arocho <>
Co-authored-by: Sam Martinez <>
Co-authored-by: ManojNB <>
Co-authored-by: Manoj NB <>
Co-authored-by: Chris F <>
Co-authored-by: Ashish Nanda <>
Co-authored-by: David McAfee <>
Co-authored-by: aws-amplify-bot <>
Co-authored-by: Caleb Pollman <>
Co-authored-by: Sam Martinez  <>
Co-authored-by: Ashika Kasiviswanathan Arumugakarthik <>
Co-authored-by: Ivan Artemiev <>
Co-authored-by: Tré Ammatuna <>
Co-authored-by: William Lee <>
Co-authored-by: Aaron Lamb <>
Co-authored-by: Aaron Michael Lamb <>
Co-authored-by: Ashika <>
Co-authored-by: James Au <>
Co-authored-by: Nick Arocho <>
Co-authored-by: Francisco Rodriguez <>
Co-authored-by: Katie Goines <>
Co-authored-by: Bruno P. Kinoshita <>
Co-authored-by: Arthur Brandstetter <>
Co-authored-by: Yusuke Yanaka <>
Co-authored-by: Eddy Varela <>
Co-authored-by: Tré Ammatuna <>
Co-authored-by: hkjpotato <>
Co-authored-by: KJ(Kaijie) Huang <>
Co-authored-by: Manuel Schiller <>
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@github-actions github-actions bot locked as resolved and limited conversation to collaborators Nov 22, 2022
@chrisbonifacio chrisbonifacio removed the pending-triage Issue is pending triage label May 22, 2023
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10 participants