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zaphoyd edited this page Mar 7, 2013 · 4 revisions

NOTE: this documentation is for the 0.2.x release. 0.3.x is header only and so there is no library to build anymore.

Build static library


Build and install in system include directories

make install

Available flags:
- SHARED=1: build a shared instead of static library.
- DEBUG=1: build library with no optimizations, suitable for debugging. Debug library
is called libwebsocketpp_dbg
- CXX=*: uses * as the c++ compiler instead of system default

Build tested on

  • Mac OS X 10.7 with apple gcc 4.2, macports gcc 4.6, apple llvm/clang, boost 1.47
  • Fedora 15, gcc 4.6, boost 1.46
  • Ubuntu server, gcc, boost 1.42

Build on debian