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zaphoyd edited this page Nov 26, 2011 · 1 revision

Note: this is a draft article from the 0.2.0 documentation that I am using to test wiki formatting.

An endpoint manages a list of active connections. Endpoint is a host template class with three policies. role and socket are enriched policies whose public member functions appear in endpoint’s interface. The interface described here represents only that of the host class. Please refer to the documentation for the policies you are using for the complete endpoint interface

template <
	template <class> class role,
	template <class> class socket = socket::plain,
	template <class> class logger = log::logger>
class endpoint;


Most of the types available in endpoint are aliases of those in its traits class endpoint_traits. If you just need those types (eg for a handler you can include only the traits class TODO

Name Description
alogger_type the type of the access logger
elogger_type the type of the error logger
handler_ptr the type of the abstract base class interface that handlers for this endpoint must implement

Member functions

Name Signature Description
endpoint endpoint(handler_ptr) constructor
alog alogger_type& alog() returns a reference to the access logger
elog elogger_type& elog() returns a reference to the error logger


endpoint is friends with its role and socket base classes so that these CRTP classes can call protected members without leaking them into the public interface.

Related functions


Thread safety

All built in policies for endpoint will have the same thread safety features. Third party policies need not.

Distinct Objects: safe
Shared Objects: will be safe when complete. 


