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Releases: bcgov/MoH-SAT

Release 12.0.8

29 Aug 15:30
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From CGI - SAT Release Notes:

BCMOHAD-23176 SAT - DIN Filter Issue
BCMOHAD-23197 SAT - Winter '25 release update grant flow permissions
BCMOHAM-15625 Object Privacy and List View Updates
BCMOHAD-21498 Operational support permission set for SAT
BCMOHAD-20880 SAT - Node.js warning in YML file
BCMOHAD-23188 SAT - Update APIs to Next Version

EDRD Technical Release Go Live
From Accenture - EDRD Release Notes:

Sprint 1 SOW (Statement of Work)
User Management containing basic profile setup.
EDRD-61 Creating new patient record
EDRD-154 Create a permission set for EDRD Default/Standard Users
EDRD-155 Create a permission set for EDRD Physicians
EDRD-156 Create a permission set for EDRD PHSA PSP Staff
EDRD-157 Create a permission set for EDRD MoH Staff
EDRD-160 Defining Role Hierarchy for EDRD Users
Patient management -I (basic setup including Provider basic setup)
EDRD-164 Create new Provider record
EDRD-176 Field level security for Account (provider and patient)
Case Management I: A configuration-based case management application for the EDRD process. (including basic drug information) EDRD-130 EDRD Case Information
EDRD-149 Create new case management application for EDRD
EDRD-166 Configure and set up care observation object
EDRD-174 Create & Configure Unit of Measure object
EDRD-175 Create lightening record page for case (technical story)
Creation of case paths
EDRD-94 Case adjudication pathways
Incident process and handling (case closure reasons)
EDRD-82 Capturing case closure reasons

Sprint 1+ 2 SOW
User Management containing basic profile setup.
EDRD-143 OWD - EDRD should not be able to see SAT Cases
EDRD-169 Field level security on the fields displayed on Case
EDRD-179 Sharing Settings for EDRD Cases (Technical)
EDRD-147 Sharing Settings for EDRD Account (Technical)
EDRD-199 Create a permission set for EDRD Super User (Business Admins)
EDRD-281 Create a role for EDRD Staff
Patient management -I (basic setup including Provider basic setup)
EDRD-218 Create profile for EDRD Physicians to access portal
Case Management I: A configuration-based case management application for the EDRD process. (including basic drug information) EDRD-136 EDRD Drug Information - Configure Medication Object
Case Management II: A configuration-based case management application for the EDRD process. (including drug data model updates) EDRD-180 Create and configure manufacturer object
EDRD-249 Create and configure medicinal ingredient object
EDRD-198 Field Level Security for fields on Medication
Creation of case paths
EDRD-114 MOH decision on Case: Capturing case approval/rejection
EDRD-171 Configure EDRD Case Ques
EDRD-170 EDRD Case assignment rules
EDRD-284 Create a status for Sent to MoH
EDRD-286 Case Status Changes
EDRD-332 Create sharing rules for unit of measure (technical)
Incident process and handling (case closure reasons)
EDRD-173 Pharmacist, SC Recommendation, AC Recommendation sections on Case Information
Case approvals and review
EDRD-47 Physician login to online portal
Online Portal build & login
EDRD-220 EDRD eForm submission portal - Landing page
EDRD-264 Create a button on Care program - lightning record page (Technical)
Submission form intake & processing (eForm data model POC) Eligibility eforms OUT OF SCOPE
Internal case creation flow.
EDRD-265 Create and configure care programs & care program enrollee
EDRD-345 Create sharing rules for unit of Measure (technical)
EDRD-349 Sharing setting for EDRD Care program and care program enrollee
Sprint 3 SOW
Submission form intake & processing (eForm data model) - working on
EDRD-138 Create new case directly in Salesforce from Utility Bar
Development of EDRD eForms solution-I (basic setup) - (Omni script) - being worked on (E4)
EDRD-379 Create new case directly in Salesforce from Utility Bar - Continuation
EDRD-58 Initiation of submission form for new case/requests
EDRD-63 Capturing patient details in submission form
EDRD-68 Capturing Physician signature on submission form
EDRD-172 Prescriber requested - Financial segment on medication request
EDRD-282 Create and configure medication request object
EDRD-272 Removal of fields from Case
EDRD-309 Capturing the data of the next subcommittee and Advisory committee meeting
EDRD-323 On drug selection, SNOMED code needed to be shown in eForms for doctor's convenience
EDRD-350 EDRD specific list of visible queues (list views)
EDRD-351 EDRD Specific list of queues
EDRD-371 Ministry approved branding and logo for Expensive drugs for rare diseases
EDRD-387 Configure medication object - changes
EDRD-406 Security & Access for Medication request Object
Out of the box Document upload and storage (attachment handling in case)
EDRD-79 Attaching documents to existing internal case (Internal Salesforce use only)
EDRD-201 Attaching relevant documents from Portals (eForm) - submission forms
EDRD-129 Basic data encryptions using salesforce shield
EDRD-608 Need to resolve the queue issue whereby EDRD users can see and access SAT queues
Enabling out of the box Notes Feature (Notes Related list on the case layout) - Grooming for sprint 4
EDRD-103 Documents and Notes saved in Salesforce
Sprint 4 SOW
Development of EDRD eForms solution-I (basic setup) - (Omni script)
EDRD-292 As a Physician, I would like to see my own EDRD patients only in the EDRD eForms portal
EDRD-287 Questionnaire for the new submission forms
EDRD-150Creating an Omni script flow for the submission/renewal (technical)
Submission form intake & processing (eForm data model) - focused on renewal process
EDRD-325 Create & configure custom junction object between Medication & Code set bundle (technical)
EDRD-139 Calculating Drug Cost Forecast - On Case - MoH Section
EDRD-93 Differentiating new vs renewal applications through automation eForms
EDRD-59 My eForm Drafts - Drafting submission form in eForms portal
EDRD-233 My EDRD Patients - configuring EDRD patient page in eForms portal
EDRD-338 Calculate funding expiry date
EDRD-382 Eligibility form attachment - notification
EDRD-438 EDRD PHSA PSP/MoH staff capturing diagnosis, drug and other patient details per drug for patient - Utility bar
EDRD-466 When use selects "other" for medication - internal case utility bar
EDRD-370 Create Sharing rules for Medicinal Ingredients (Technical)
EDRD-477 [Technical] Configure Discovery Framework Related Objects
EDRD-305 Eligibility form signed date is required only on the case information
EDRD-433 Sprint 3 Defects
EDRD-448 [Technical] Permission set for EDRD Physicians - Medication Object Access
EDRD-459 Error Message: Case Capturing Case Approval/Rejection
EDRD-525 [Technical] Linked to EDRD-399
EDRD-538 Release Note - Build Manifest
EDRD-492 EDRD Admin (PSP Staff) unable to access Patient Identifier and Birthdate fields when creating a new patient account
EDRD-544 Provider should not be able to see the New button in the list view of My EDRD Open Cases or any other list view
EDRD-545 In the Create EDRD Case widget the upload supporting documents does not allow multiple files to be selected for upload
EDRD-546 In the provider portal SF is not filtering cases to only show the cases for the provider logged in
EDRD-547 Provider portal list view controls button and select list display button should be hidden if they can't be utilized
EDRD-554 Change patient enrollee status appears to make changes when the user selects No in the Change Patient Enrollee page
EDRD-556 In the provider portal on the search patient button is a wide as the patient information page
EDRD-557 In Provider Portal on the Declaration page the Signature date field should default to current date and not be modifiable
EDRD-567 When a provider in the portal enters a PHN that does not exist in Salesforce, they need to receive a user-friendly message
EDRD-574 The format of the EDRD declaration and Signature is not correct
EDRD-575 Success page that the Provider sees when the eform has been successfully submitted should not have the save for later
EDRD-576 In the provider portal when a Provider clicks on any of the tabs (excluding New/Renewal submission form), if there are not cases the user should receive a message
EDRD-577 In the Create EDRD Case Search for Provider in the Provider Information page SF does not handle multiple Provider Types with Same Provider ID
EDRD-578 In the Create EDRD Case widget when user clicks on Previous to review their input, the data in the Previous page is cleared
EDRD-613 Patient Health Number (PHN) is not being picked up in the Portal in My Open Cases or in Salesforce case
EDRD-614 Case Type is not being populated in the Case Details under My EDRD Open Cases or in the Salesforce case
Sprint 5 SOW
User Access including roles, permissions (key cloak)
EDRD-46 Create new user credentials for Prescribers
EDRD-217 [Technical] Single Sign On for user logging in - Internal Salesforce
EDRD-375 [Technical] SF Shield - Field encryption
EDRD-161 [Prod Activity] - Set up Roles for each EDRD User in PROD Environment
EDRD-163 [Training] - Create users for each role
EDRD-505 Internal SF User access for Assessment questions/related object/table
EDRD-558 FLS - For Provider on patient account
Basic list views
EDRD-491 Create list view for objects
Basic case reports and dashboards
EDRD-91 [Report] Case reports
EDRD-109 [Report] Sending reports out
EDRD-113 [Report] Review the upcoming renewal cases
EDRD-116 [Report] EDRD Committee Case Review
EDRD-120 [Report] Submission
EDRD-374 [Report] Create dashboard/report to reflect the case journey to communicate to stakeholders
Patient management -II (deduplication logic- (incl Guardian info) on Patient and Provider)
EDRD-403 EDRD Reff No - Tracking of patient on multiple EDRD drugs
EDRD-334 EDRD Staff to Transfer Patient to New P...

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Release 12.0.6

26 Jan 21:10
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From CGI:
BCMOHAD-20556 | SAT - DIN Filter Issue
BCMOHAD-20321 | SAT - Patients Prescription History Error

Release 12.0.5

19 Jan 18:05
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From CGI:
Hot-Fix: Fixing the Sort order of the Prescription History Records that are displayed under the RX history.

Release 12.0.4

18 Jan 17:13
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From CGI:

BCMOHAD-18354 | SAT - Build Errors
BCMOHAM-14715 | Update Scratch org definition file
BCMOHAD-16836 | SAT - API Change - Webservice Update GET to POST
BCMOHAM-15308 | Security Setting Update- Enable Xss Protection Removed
BCMOHAD-18447 | SAT - Automation Conversion (SFDX to SF)

Release 12.0.3

03 Nov 17:53
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From Accenture (Sprint 6):

  1. HOTFIX -SF- Change date calculator to calculate based on Effective Date (ESA-2107): This functionality would help the user to calculate termination dates till five years, if termination dates are not already prepopulated from the drug rules, based on effective date. If the effective date is not provided, the system would automatically take today’s date.

Release 12.0.2

26 Oct 13:58
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From CGI:
SAT - Mandatory field check is not being executed on the 3rd page of the Create SA Request
SAT - HIBC Portal - Patient Identifier is not being saved to the case and it is not displaying in the case on MoH side
SAT - Build Errors
SAT - Error occurred "MoH Standard User: Unknown user permission: SocialInsightsLogoAdmin" when running Deploy to Staging workflow
Pool Ticket EDRD - EDRD Development Environment Pipeline Setup

From Accenture (Sprint 6):

SF- Change date calculator to calculate based on Effective Date (ESA-2107): This functionality would help the user to calculate termination dates till five years, if termination dates are not already prepopulated from the drug rules, based on effective date. If the effective date is not provided, the system would automatically take today’s date.
SF Users would be able to sort the SA History Lookup widget (ESA-2125): This functionality will give the user the ability to sort the SA records by Drug description, RDP code, effective and termination dates.
BUG - PROD issue - affecting the validation rule on Account (ESA-2238): The resolving of this production issue will now let us enable the validation on Accounts which wouldn’t allow the users edit the patient or provider name and identifier while checking that information from case management app which was deployed in an earlier story ESA-1674.
Null check for drugs having blank RDP codes in drug records (ESA – 2257): This task will now allow users to visualize the approval history records in a proper manner even when the drugs wouldn’t have RDP codes assigned to them.
Capturing meeting minutes (ESA-1492): This functionality will help users to be able to report on the meeting minutes so that all the points for all the cases discussed in the external committee meetings are well visible and are sent out as emails.
Drug Closed Case "super stamp" reasons (ESA-824): This functionality will now help users to add certain wordings to the response faxes from a preexisting list of options provided for generic purposes and drug specific responses, thus assisting the user to inform the prescriber quickly.

Release 12.0.1

26 Sep 13:59
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From CGI:

OWD Changed from Public to Private
SAT - Github Build Check Error

From Accenture (Sprint 5):

  1. HotFix to the Sprint-4 deployment.
    Enabling OWD to changes and adding transfer case permission to MOH permission set.
    Adding opportunity object to repo as it as dependency to Account OWD.
  2. Adjust date sort view in Patient Related Cases (EC member Portal) (ESA-1964): This story will show the most recent closed cases at the top of the list in the EC member portal.
  3. EC Portal: Change view filter to allow meetings with dates in the past to be viewed (ESA-1965): This story will allow the EC portal users to view meetings scheduled in the past meaning all the open meetings will be easily available to them.
  4. SF - DEC - Fax No. entered in SA Create not updating Case Details (ESA-1876): This story will populate the provider fax number when a SA request gets created with DEC and will be visible in the Patient & Provider information segment.
  5. Automatically route the pending cases to a new meeting (ESA – 738): This will allow users to clone an external committee meeting on a new date and automatically link all the open cases to the cloned meeting.
  6. SF - Users would like the ability to sort the SA Approval History by Termination date (ESA-2143): This will allow users to sort the SA approval history information by Termination date. As a part of previous sprints, users were provided the functionality to filter and sort the SA approval history data by other fields like description, effective date. This is an addition to that functionality for making it more user friendly.
  7. Bug ESA-2240 – In the Create SA Request flow, patient details displays provider date of birth s/b Patient Date of Birth – This was more of a misprint which is now updated properly. The issue displayed the word ‘Provider’ in patient details of the Create SA Request flow, which is now correctly updated to ‘Patient’.

Release 11.0.19

30 Aug 17:24
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From Accenture (Sprint 4):

  1. OWD - Create Case Internal Access as Private (ESA-2154): This story will help in configuring the default internal access of Case to private.
  2. OWD - Set up Role hierarchy in SAT (ESA-2165): This user story implements the Role hierarchy in SAT org for establishing OWD.
  3. OWD - Create sharing rules based on Case Internal access Private (ESA-2150) This story will help in configuring proper sharing rules when the default internal access of Case is set to private.
  4. OWD - Create Accounts Internal Access as Private (ESA-2170) This story will help in configuring the default internal access of Account to private.
  5. OWD - Create sharing rules based on Account Internal access Private (ESA-2171) This story will help in configuring proper sharing rules when the default internal access of Account is set to private.
  6. OWD - Create sharing rules for Queues based on Case Internal access Private (ESA-2172): This story will help in configuring proper sharing rules for Queues when the default internal access of Case is set to private.

Not available currently for all users:
ESA-2154, ESA-2165, ESA-2150, ESA-2170, ESA-2171, ESA-2172

Release 11.0.18

29 Mar 23:37
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From CGI:
SAT- Error element Apply_permission_sets (FlowActionCall). Updated with try/catch
Hyperforce Sandbox Migration. Modified the Hardcoded reference
SAT Package ID issue
SAT - Account/Contact issue. Changed the related lists from Contacts to Accounts according to the salesforce recommendation
SAT - EMPI / ODR Integration Timeout in Staging
ISBINC0007597 - SAT - Mandatory field check is not being executed on the 3rd page of the Create SA Request

From Accenture (Sprint 2&3):
Indicating internal vs. external fields (UAT) (ESA-614)
Make patient / provider Name & Identifier not editable by standard user on account layout (ESA-1674)
SF – Auto populate approval dates into the Rationale section (ESA-1316)
SF - Users would like the ability to sort the SA Approval History by columns (ESA – 1408)
SF Users would be able to sort the Prescription History (ESA-2109)
Not available currently for all users:
Criteria based action interactions - request type and priority (ESA-1860): This functionality will provide the drug managers the ability to create criteria-based actions.
Criteria based action interactions - request type and priority continued (ESA-2131): This functionality is an extension of the previous user story (ESA-1860)
These items will allow for more flexible drug rules, and payload and queue assignment options.

Release 11.0

21 Mar 23:59
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Apply package upgrade file

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