Release 12.0.2
From CGI:
SAT - Mandatory field check is not being executed on the 3rd page of the Create SA Request
SAT - HIBC Portal - Patient Identifier is not being saved to the case and it is not displaying in the case on MoH side
SAT - Build Errors
SAT - Error occurred "MoH Standard User: Unknown user permission: SocialInsightsLogoAdmin" when running Deploy to Staging workflow
Pool Ticket EDRD - EDRD Development Environment Pipeline Setup
From Accenture (Sprint 6):
SF- Change date calculator to calculate based on Effective Date (ESA-2107): This functionality would help the user to calculate termination dates till five years, if termination dates are not already prepopulated from the drug rules, based on effective date. If the effective date is not provided, the system would automatically take today’s date.
SF Users would be able to sort the SA History Lookup widget (ESA-2125): This functionality will give the user the ability to sort the SA records by Drug description, RDP code, effective and termination dates.
BUG - PROD issue - affecting the validation rule on Account (ESA-2238): The resolving of this production issue will now let us enable the validation on Accounts which wouldn’t allow the users edit the patient or provider name and identifier while checking that information from case management app which was deployed in an earlier story ESA-1674.
Null check for drugs having blank RDP codes in drug records (ESA – 2257): This task will now allow users to visualize the approval history records in a proper manner even when the drugs wouldn’t have RDP codes assigned to them.
Capturing meeting minutes (ESA-1492): This functionality will help users to be able to report on the meeting minutes so that all the points for all the cases discussed in the external committee meetings are well visible and are sent out as emails.
Drug Closed Case "super stamp" reasons (ESA-824): This functionality will now help users to add certain wordings to the response faxes from a preexisting list of options provided for generic purposes and drug specific responses, thus assisting the user to inform the prescriber quickly.