- put newsletters into their own view and manage them as closely as possible from RSS feeds
https://martinralbrecht.wordpress.com/2016/05/30/handling-email-with-emacs/ Comment: Thorough mu4e setup
https://github.com/mkcms/mu4e-overview Comment: a bit like what you’d expect treemacs to be for emails
https://gitlab.com/ambrevar/mu4e-conversation Comment: Something to try one day
- need to learn the footnote minor mode
- something to check: line breaking does weird things on the receiving end
accepting doesn’t mark me as accepted in the organiser’s calendar
https://github.com/nex3/perspective-el Comment: perspective-el seems to be the tool I need to do window layout management in Emacs the right way
https://ess.r-project.org/Manual/ess.html#Controlling-buffer-display Comment: ESS doc has some good insights on display-buffer that is window management in Emacs
https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Dedicated-Windows.html#Dedicated-Windows Comment: bookmark on where I am in Emacs doc about window management. I should probably read that in the info straight from within Emacs :)
https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Displaying-Buffers.html#Displaying-Buffers Comment: actually that’s probably a better bookmark on where I am in reading Emacs display-buffer framework for window management
https://gitlab.com/matsievskiysv/display-buffer-control Comment: I should probably use that. The last section of readme is compelling.
Take inspiration from jethro and super-agenda
[2020-04-25 Sat 21:52] kidd/org-gcal.el: Org sync with Google Calendar. (active maintained project as of 2019-11-06)
https://github.com/kidd/org-gcal.el Comment: for when my emails will be in Emacs and my org-agenda workflow is in my fingers
[2020-04-26 Sun 22:04] org mode - Defining different fonts (color) per file in org-agenda - Emacs Stack Exchange
https://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/23824/defining-different-fonts-color-per-file-in-org-agenda Comment: org-agenda views are colorless, needs fixing
[2020-04-26 Sun 23:40] alphapapa/org-super-agenda: Supercharge your Org daily/weekly agenda by grouping items :grasp:emacs:org-mode
https://llazarek.com/2018/07/improving-the-agenda.html Comment: various ideas that seem useful. In particular, colorful agenda view
http://www.howardism.org/Technical/Emacs/getting-more-boxes-done.html Comment: another org-mode workflow, looks interesting
https://errickson.net/org_agenda_calendar.html Comment: Another example of applying color to org-agenda
[2020-05-08 Fri 19:40] org mode - Outlook Calendar in org agenda - Emacs Stack Exchange :grasp:emacs:org-mode
https://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/45803/outlook-calendar-in-org-agenda Comment: if one day I’d want my calendar fully hosted in org-mode
https://gitlab.com/lairsdragon/msgraph-orgmode Comment: Download outlook calendar as org-mode file.
https://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-google-sync.html Comment: google calendar <-> org-mode sync
https://github.com/kiwanami/emacs-calfw Comment: A proper calendar vizz in Emacs, I am stunned.
[2020-05-08 Fri 20:20] insanum/gcalcli: Google Calendar Command Line Interface :grasp:emacs:org-mode
https://github.com/insanum/gcalcli Comment: Could be useful for setting up calendar in org-mode
https://github.com/bnbeckwith/wc-mode Comment: could be a useful addition to my setup for blogging and writing in Emacs
https://github.com/emacsmirror/spray Comment: Speed reading in Emacs, gotta try it!
https://www.orgroam.com/manual/ Comment: Set up org-roam and start breaking mega files into small focused topics that are well inter-connected
[2020-04-26 Sun 23:47] Plain Text Accounting, a guide to Ledger and friends - plaintextaccounting.org
https://alhassy.github.io/ElispCheatSheet/CheatSheet.pdf Comment: stupendous cheat sheet for elisp
https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/refcards/pdf/dired-ref.pdf Comment: To be archived for easy reference
https://egli.dev/posts/using-org-mode-for-meeting-minutes/ Comment: I need to learn more about columnview. I should probably have a capture template for meeting minutes. Bonus point if it can be derived from PROPERTIES pertaining to meeting (e.g. attendees)
https://github.com/integral-dw/org-superstar-mode Comment: seems a more modern alternative to org-bullets
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9559753/emacs-org-mode-export-to-another-directory Selection:
(defun org-export-output-file-name-modified (orig-fun extension &optional subtreep pub-dir) (unless pub-dir (setq pub-dir “exported-org-files”) (unless (file-directory-p pub-dir) (make-directory pub-dir))) (apply orig-fun extension subtreep pub-dir nil)) (advice-add ‘org-export-output-file-name :around #’org-export-output-file-name-modified)
Comment: avoid clutter when you export org files
[2020-05-13 Wed 09:24] dot-emacs/README.org at 22f4c9dfa4de17537af8dccaba7d294382ded9e7 · zamansky/dot-emacs
https://github.com/zamansky/dot-emacs/blob/22f4c9dfa4de17537af8dccaba7d294382ded9e7/README.org#L414 Selection: org-msg Comment: c’est la Z emacs config, lots to take from starting with literate init.el
https://github.com/jethrokuan/.emacs.d/blob/218ea42779db9d8db5dfdd6c6524abac3f10855c/init.el#L1356 Selection: :init (with-eval-after-load ‘flycheck (flycheck-add-mode ‘proselint ‘org-mode)) Comment: inspiration for my agenda view
- http://irfu.cea.fr/Pisp/vianney.lebouteiller/emacs.html#orgf16d962
- https://github.com/malb/emacs.d/blob/master/malb.org
https://github.com/jeremy-compostella/org-msg OrgMsg is a GNU/Emacs global minor mode mixing up Org mode and Message mode to compose and reply to emails in a Outlook HTML friendly style.
Comment: reply to emails that requires HTML using org-mode
https://wiki.debian.org/Exim4Gmail Comment: what helped me configure SMTP for mu4e
https://rakhim.org/2020/01/fastmail-setup-with-emacs-mu4e-and-mbsync-on-macos/ Selection: mu4e-attachments-dir “~/Downloads” Comment: has been really useful in setting up emails in my Emacs