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Ben Manes edited this page Sep 16, 2024 · 8 revisions
Cache<Key, Graph> graphs = Caffeine.newBuilder()

By using Caffeine.recordStats(), you can turn on statistics collection. The Cache.stats() method returns a CacheStats which provides statistics such as

  • hitRate(): returns the ratio of hits to requests
  • evictionCount(): the number of cache evictions
  • averageLoadPenalty(): the average time spent loading new values

These statistics are critical in cache tuning and we advise keeping an eye on these statistics in performance-critical applications.

The cache statistics can be integrated with a reporting system using either a pull or push based approach. A pull-based approach periodically calls Cache.stats() and records the latest snapshot. A push-based approach supplies a custom StatsCounter so that the metrics are updated directly during the cache operations.

See metrics-caffeine if using Dropwizard Metrics.

Try prometheus-java if using Prometheus.

Can't choose? Try the Micrometer integration.

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