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RAM ‐ Definitions with links to related issues

Mehmet Kuzulugil edited this page Nov 2, 2023 · 2 revisions

Browse down to reach the textual definitions with links to related issues image image image image image image

Definitions with links on
Evaluate Feedbacks
Re-verify the Requirements
Decide on what technologies are going to be used for the Backend development
Reviewing the Project Details from CMPE352 by the new members
Revisiting the issues from previous year
Update the Use Case Diagrams with respect to the changes in the requirements
Create personal wiki pages of the new members
Edit & Update the Home page of Wiki
Update the Class Diagrams with respect to the changes in the requirements
Update the Sequence Diagrams with respect to the changes in the requirements
Select a sub-team
Deciding on communication tools
Decide on what technologies are going to be used for the Front-end development
Cross-Team Technology Sync
Decide on what technologies are going to be used for the Mobile development
Update Screenshots of Sequence Diagrams
Update Screenshots of Use Cases
Collaborative Platform Exploration
Create a project for DaRP
Milestone 1
Mobile - Navigation route page structure
Frontend - Self-training of decided technologies
Initial Database - Installation and Design Setup
Backend - Self-training of decided technologies
Mobile - Self-training of decided technologies
Backend - API Convention: Data Structure, Error Handling, Response Codes
Mobile - Create Network Utility Class
Frontend - Simple map page initialization
Backend Team Meeting #1
Frontend - Simple main page and navigation component
CI/CD - Prepare a CI/CD pipeline
CI/CD - Prepare a Wiki document about the usage & local implementation of docker
Self Training of CICD
Frontend - Defining routes
Mobile - Simple main page and navigation bar
Backend - Profile edit-create-delete endpoint implementation
Backend - Resource CRUD endpoint implementation
Backend - Need CRUD endpoint implementation
Frontend - Authentication pages' design and implementation
Frontend - Adding Main CSS effects
Frontend - Organizing MainLayout and Creating MapLayout
Backend - Authentication related endpoint implementation
Mobile - profile page design and implementation
Backend - Team Meeting #2
Mobile - Authentication related page initialization
Mobile - CRUD Need Pages
Frontend - profile page design and implementation
Mobile - Creating local database for offline records
Frontend - Milestone 1 Mid-review
Mobile - Team Meeting #1
Mobile - User Classes
Mobile - Simple map page initialization
Mobile - CRUD Resource Pages
Backend - Improvements on Resource CRUD & Additional Endpoints
Backend - Add Coordinates to Resource & Need
Test - Backend - Authentication endpoints
Test - Backend - Profile CRUD endpoints
Test - Backend - Resource CRUD Endpoints
Test - Backend - Need CRUD Endpoints
Backend - Milestone 1 review
Frontend - Milestone 1 review
Mobile - Milestone 1 Review
Milestone 1 Preparation - Deploy Check
Milestone 2
Review of Project Plan
Mobile - Learning Unit/JUnit Testing
Frontend - Milestone 2 plan review
Backend Team Meeting #3
Frontend - Email verification page design and implementation
Backend - Email verify endpoint implementation
Backend - Event CRUD endpoints
Backend - Action implementation
Frontend - CRUD Activity Pages
Frontend - Admin page design and implementation
Backend - User role implementation
Backend - Feedback system create-update-delete endpoint
Mobile - CRUD Action Pages
Frontend - user upvote-downvote feature
Mobile - CRUD Event Pages
Frontend - Main Page list design and implementation
Frontend - Milestone 2 Mid-review
Frontend - Sort and filter components and implementations
Backend Team Meeting #4
Mobile - CRUD Emergency Pages
Mobile - Admin page design and implementation
Mobile Team Meeting #2
Mobile - Email verification page design and implementation
Mobile - Unit Testing for Data Access Object
Mobile - User upvote/downvote feature
Backend- Emergency form implementation
Frontend - Map visualization for need, action, event and resources
Backend Team Meeting #5
Backend - Admin CRUD and specific endpoint implementations
Test -Backend - Event, Action CRUD endpoints
Test - Backend - Feedback endpoints
Test - Backend - User role endpoints
Test - Backend - Email verify Endpoints
Backend - Filter, Sort endpoints for action-need-resource-event
Mobile - Feedback component design and implementation
Frontend - Feedback component design and implementation
Test - Frontend - Activity add - delete - update
Frontend - Email Template Implementation
Learning annotation system
Mobile - Sort and filter components and implementations
Mobile - Map visualization for need, action, event and resources
Test - Backend - Filter, Sort endpoints
Test - Backend - Admin endpoints
Milestone 2 report - wrap up - deploy check
Backend - Milestone 2 review
Mobile - Milestone 2 Review
Frontend - Milestone 2 review
Milestone 2 review (Customer meeting)
Final Milestone
Backend Team Meeting #6
Frontend - Final Milestone plan review
Backend - Notification endpoints
Frontend - Notification management page
Mobile - Notification management page
Frontend - Emergency form implementation
Backend - Search activities endpoints
Frontend - Register page design
Mobile - Emergency form implementation
Backend- Annotation endpoints
Mobile - Search activities implementation
Backend Team Meeting #7
Mobile - Annotation implementation
Frontend - Search activities implementation
Frontend - Annotation implementation
Mobile Team Meeting #3
Frontend - Final Milestone Mid-review
Backend Team Meeting #8
Mobile - Report malicious activities/users to admin
Mobile - User Role Implementation
Frontend - Add activity from map implementation
Mobile - Add activity from map implementation
Backend- Add activity from map implementation
Frontend - Report malicious activities/users to admin
Backend- Report malicious activities/users to admin
Backend - SMS verification implementation
Test - Backend - Notification endpoints
Test - Backend - Search endpoint
Test - Backend - Annotation endpoints
Test - Backend - Add from map endpoints
Test - Backend - Report endpoints
Test - Backend - SMS verification endpoints
Frontend - Final Milestone review
Backend - Final Milestone review
Mobile - Final Milestone Review
Validate the product with Requirements Document
Final Report
Customer meeting - Demo of the final product
Defining branch name rules
Creating Backend Folder Structure
Add main layout and navbar
Mo/refactor/init project
Add Branch Name Rules into SideBar
RAM preparation

Group 2 Disaster Response Platform


📌 Communication Plan
📌 Docker and local deployment tutorial
📌 Test Traceability Matrix

📜 Rules
📝 Lab Reports
📅 Meetings
📅 Backend Team Meetings
📅 Mobile Team Meetings
👥 Team Members


📌 Milestone Report 1

📌 Milestone Report 2

📅 Meetings
👥 Team Members
📁 Project
🔍 Research
📜 Rules
📝 Templates
💬 Interviews
Clone this wiki locally