Fixed Windows ARM64 build by fixing the preprocessor condition guarding use _umul128
Fixed Windows ARM64EC build by removing intrinsic pragma it does not understand. (#2858 )
Why doesn't the x64-emulation build mode understand x64 pragmas? Don't ask me, ask the MSVC guys.
Fixed the JUnit reporter sometimes crashing when reporting a fatal error. (#1210 , #2855 )
The binary will still exit, but through the original error, rather than secondary error inside the reporter.
The underlying fix applies to all reporters, not just the JUnit one, but only JUnit was currently causing troubles.
Disable -Wnon-virtual-dtor
in Decomposer and Matchers (#2854 )
in floating point stringmakers defaults to max_digits10
This means that floating point values will be printed with enough precision to disambiguate any two floats.
Column wrapping ignores ansi colour codes when calculating string width (#2833 , #2849 )
This makes the output much more readable when the provided messages contain colour codes.
Conan support improvements
is set to False. (#2860 )
This means that Conan won't let you mix library and project with different C++ standard settings.
The implementation library CMake target name through Conan is properly set to Catch2::Catch2
(#2861 )
target can be built through Bazel (#2857 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.