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0.25.0 - January 17th, 2018

Consumer groups

Consumer groups allow you to run groups of consumers together, rather than running them all at once in a single process. You define groups in your config file, and then specify a --only-group option when starting up Hutch with hutch.

Contributed by Nickolai Smirnov.

GitHub pull request: #296

Fix configuring Hutch with a URI

When Hutch is configured to connect to RabbitMQ with a URI, we should respect the amqps specification, defaulting to the standard protocol ports when not specified.

This means, for example, that amqp://guest:guest@ connects to the server on port 5672 and does not use TLS, whereas amqps://guest:guest@ connects to the server on port 5671 and uses TLS.

This behaviour was introduced in #159 but broken since then. This fixes it, and includes tests.

Contributed by Michael Canden-Lennox.

GitHub pull request: #305

Pass exceptions when setting up the client to configured error handlers

When an error occurs during Hutch's startup, it is currently not passed to the configured error handlers. This starts handling those exceptions.

Contributed by Valentin Krasontovitsch.

GitHub issue: #288 GitHub pull request: #301

Log the Rails environment when running Hutch in verbose mode

When starting up Hutch in verbose mode with hutch -v, the Rails environment is now logged.

Contributed by @wppurking.

GitHub pull request: #282

Make the Honeybadger error handler compatible with new versions of honeybadger-ruby

honeybadger-ruby changed its API in v3.0.0. This updates our error handler to work with that, whilst still maintaining our existing behaviour.

Contributed by Olle Jonsson and Bill Ruddock.

GitHub pull requests: #274, #290

0.24.0 — February 1st, 2017

Configurable Consumer Prefixes

Hutch consumers now can use user-provided prefixes for consumer tags.

Contributed by Dávid Lantos.

GitHub issue: #265

Signal Handling in Workers

Hutch will now handle several OS signals:

  • USR2 will log stack traces of all alive VM threads
  • QUIT (except on JRuby), INT, TERM will cause Hutch daemon to shut down

Contributed by Olle Jonsson.

GitHub issues: #263, #271

Opbeat Tracer

Hutch now provides a tracer implementation for Opbeat.

Contributed by Olle Jonsson.

GitHub issue: #262


The HUTCH_URI environment variable now can be used to configure Hutch connection URI.

Contributed by Sam Stickland.

GitHub issue: #270

0.23.1 — October 20th, 2016

This release contains a breaking change in the error handlers interface.

All Message Properties Passed to Error Handlers

Previously error handlers were provided a message ID as first argument to ErrorHandler#handle. Now it is a hash of all message properties.

This is a breaking public API change. If you do not use custom error handlers, you are not affected.

Contributed by Pierre-Louis Gottfrois.

GH issue: hutch#238

Opbeat Error Handler

Contributed by Olle Jonsson.

0.22.1 — June 7th, 2016

Message Payload is Reported to Sentry

Contributed by Matt Thompson.

Daemonization Flag Ignored on JRuby

Hutch will no longer try to daemonize its process on JRuby (since it is not supported) and will emit a warning instead.

Contributed by Olle Jonsson.

Custom Setup Steps in Hutch::Worker

Hutch::Worker now accepts a list of callables that are invoked after queue setup.

Contributed by Kelly Stannard.

More Flexible and Better Abstracted Hutch::Broker

Hutch::Broker was refactored with some bits extracted into separate classes or methods, making them easier to override.

Contributed by Aleksandar Ivanov and Ryan Hosford.

Configurable Consumer Thread Pool Exception Handling (MRI only)

:consumer_pool_abort_on_exception is a new option (defaults to false) which defines whether Bunny's consumer work pool threads should abort on exception. The option is ignored on JRuby.

Contributed by Seamus Abshere.

Worker: Log received messages using level DEBUG instead of INFO

Received messages used to be logged using severity level INFO. This has been lowered to DEBUG.

Contributed by Jesper Josefsson.


Olle Jonsson and Kelly Stannard have contributed multiple internal improvements that have no behaviour changes.

0.21.0 — February 7th, 2016

JRuby Compatibility Restored

Contributed by Jesper Josefsson.

More Reliable Rails app Detection

Rails application detection now won't produce false positives for applications that include config/environment.rb. Instead, bin/rails and script/rails are used.

Contributed by @bisusubedi.


Contributed by Jesper Josefsson and Olle Jonsson.

0.20.0 — November 16th, 2015

Hutch::Exception includes Bunny::Exception

Hutch::Exception now inherits from Bunny::Exception which inherits from StandardError.

GH issue: #137.

Pluggable (Negative) Acknowledge Handlers

Hutch now can be configured to use a user-provided object(s) to perform acknowledgement on consumer exceptions.

For example, this is what the default handler looks like:

require 'hutch/logging'
require 'hutch/acknowledgements/base'

module Hutch
  module Acknowledgements
    class NackOnAllFailures < Base
      include Logging

      def handle(delivery_info, properties, broker, ex)
        prefix = "message(#{properties.message_id || '-'}): "
        logger.debug "#{prefix} nacking message"


        # terminates further chain processing

Handlers are configured similarly to exception notification handlers, via :error_acknowledgements in Hutch config.

Contributed by Derek Kastner.

GH issue: #177.

Configurable Exchange Properties

:mq_exchange_options is a new config option that can be used to provide a hash of exchange attributes (durable, auto-delete). The options will be passed directly to Bunny (or March Hare, when running on JRuby).

Contributed by Derek Kastner.

GH issue: #170.

Bunny Update

Bunny is updated to 2.2.1.

0.19.0 — September 7th, 2015

Pluggable Serialisers

Hutch now supports pluggable serialisers: see Hutch::Serializer::JSON for an example. Serialiser is configured via Hutch config as a Ruby class.

Contributed by Dmitry Galinsky.

multi_json Update

Hutch now depends on multi_json 1.11.x.

Bunny Update

Bunny is updated to 2.2.0.

More Bunny SSL Options

:mq_tls_ca_certificates and :mq_verify_peer options will now be passed on to Bunny as :tls_ca_certificates and :verify_peer respectively.

Contributed by Kennon Ballou.

0.18.0 — August 16th, 2015

JRuby Support (Using March Hare)

Hutch will now use March Hare when running on JRuby. This will yield significant throughput and core utilisation improvements for workloads with many and/or busy consumers.

Contributed by Teodor Pripoae.

Configurable Consumer Thread Pool Size

:consumer_pool_size is a new option (defaults to 1) which defines Bunny consumer work pool size.

Contributed by Derek Kastner.

Bunny Logger Option

:client_logger is a new option that allows for configuring loggerd used by Bunny, the underlying RabbitMQ client library.

Contributed by Nate Salisbury.

0.17.0 — July 19th, 2015

Fixes an issue with NoMethodError in Hutch::Config.

0.16.0 — July 19th, 2015

Support amqps URIs

Hutch now automatically enables TLS and changes default port when URI scheme is amqps.

Contributed by Carl Hörberg.

Hash With Indifferent Access

Hutch now uses HashWithIndifferentAccess internally to reduce use of symbols (which are not garbage collected by widely used Ruby versions).

Contributed by Teodor Pripoae.

0.15.0 — May 5th, 2015

Airbrake Error Handler

Contributed by Nate Salisbury.

Ruby 1.9 Support Dropped

Ruby 1.9 is no longer supported by Hutch (and soon Bunny 2.0). 1.9 is also no longer maintained by the Ruby core team.

Custom Arguments per Consumers

Allow to set custom arguments per consumers by using the arguments setter. Arguments are usually used by rabbitmq plugins or to set queue policies. You can find a list of supported arguments here.

Contributed by Pierre-Louis Gottfrois.

Message Processing Tracers

Allow to track message processing by using the :tracer config option, the value should be a class (or fully-qualified string name of a class) that implements the tracing interface.

A tracer that performs NewRelic instrumentation ships with Hutch and requires New Relic gem to be loaded.

Contributed by Mirosław Nagaś.

Added Logger Method to Consumer Module

Consumers can now call a logger method to write to Hutch's log.

Contributed by Matty Courtney

0.14.0 — Feb 23rd, 2015

Configurable Socket Timeouts

Socket read and write timeouts are now configurable using the read_timeout and write_timeout options, respectively.

Contributed by Chris Barton.

Logged Messages as Serialised as JSON opposed to Ruby object printing.

Contributed by Andrew Morton.

Configurable Heartbeat

Config now supports a new option: :heartbeat, which is passed on to Bunny.

Contributed by Simon Taranto.

HoneyBadger Error Handler

Contributed by Daniel Farrell.

Hutch.connected? Now Returns Up-to-Date Value

Hutch.connected? no longer relies on an ivar and always returns an up-to-date value.

Contributed by Pierre-Louis Gottfrois.

0.13.0 — Dec 5th, 2014

HTTP API Can Be Disabled for Consumers

HTTP API use can be disabled for consumers using the :enable_http_api_use config option (defaults to true).

0.12.0 — Nov 25th, 2014

Explicit Requires

Hutch no longer relies on Kernel#autoload to load its key modules and classes.

Contributed by Pierre-Louis Gottfrois.

hutch --version No Longer Fails

hutch --version

no longer fails with an exception.

Contributed by Olle Jonsson.

Base Class for All Hutch Exceptions

All Hutch exceptions now inherit from Hutch::Exception.

Contributed by Pierre-Louis Gottfrois.

0.11.0 — Nov 14th, 2014

Publisher Confirms Support

:force_publisher_confirms is a new configuration option that forces Hutch.publish to wait for a confirm for every message published. Note that this will cause a significant drop in throughput:

Hutch::Config.set(:force_publisher_confirms, true)

Hutch::Broker#confirm_select and Hutch::Broker#wait_for_confirms are new public API methods that delegate to their respective Bunny::Channel counterparts. Hutch::Broker#confirm_select can be used to handle confirms with a callback instead of waiting:

broker.confirm_select do |delivery_tag, multiple, nack|
  # ...

Bunny Update

Bunny is updated to 1.6.0.

0.10.0 — Oct 22, 2014

Configuration via URI

Hutch now supports a new configuration key, :uri, which allows connection configuration via a URI.

Note that since the URI has to include credentials, this option is not available on the command line.

Bunny Update

Bunny is updated to 1.5.1, which mitigates the POODLE attack by disabling SSL 3.0 where possible.

Payload in Error Handlers

Error handlers will now have access to message payload.

Contributed by Daniel Farrell.

Exceptions in Error Handlers Don't Prevent Nacks

Exceptions in error handlers no longer prevent messages from being basic.nack-ed.

Pid File Support

:pidfile is a new configuration option that stores Hutch process PID in a file at provided path.

Contributed by Rustam Sharshenov.

More Info on Message

Bunny's delivery_info, properties and payload are now accessible on Hutch::Message.

Contributed by gregory.

Optional Config Parameters

Hutch::Config constructor now accepts an extra hash of optional configuration parameters.

Contributed by Ignazio Mostallino.

0.9.0 — May 13, 2014

Platform-aware Signal Registration

Hutch will no longer attempt to register signal traps for signals not supported by the environment (e.g. on by certain OSes).

Contributed by Tobias Matthies.

TLS Fixes

Hutch now properly passes client TLS key and certificate to Bunny.

Contributed by Eric Nelson.

Bunny Update

Bunny is updated to 1.2.x which should offer much better latency for workloads with lots of small messages published frequently.

More Unit Testing Friendly CLI/Runner

Hutch::CLI#run now accepts a parameter and is easier to use in automated tests.

0.8.0 — February 13, 2014

Uncaught Exceptions Result in Rejected Messages

Uncaught exceptions in consumers now result in Hutch rejecting messages (deliveries) using basic.nack. This way they are dead lettered.

Contributed by Garrett Johnson.

Missing Require

hutch/consumer.rb no longer fails to load with the apps that do not require "set".

Contributed by Garrett Johnson.

Relaxed Queue Namespace Validation

Namespaces now can include any characters that are valid in RabbitMQ queue names.

Contributed by Garrett Johnson.

basic.qos Configuration

It is now possible to configure basic.qos (aka channel prefetch) setting used by Hutch using the :channel_prefetch config key.

Passwords No Longer Logged

Hutch now elides passwords from logs.

0.7.0 — January 14, 2014

Optional HTTP API Use

It is now possible to make Hutch not use RabbitMQ HTTP API (e.g. when the RabbitMQ management plugin that provides it is not available).

Extra Arguments for Hutch::Broker#publish

Extra options passed to Hutch::Broker#publish will now be propagated.

Content-Type for Messages

Messages published with Hutch now have content type set to application/json.

Greater Heartbeat Interval

Hutch now uses heartbeat interval of 30, so heartbeats won't interfere with transfers of large messages over high latency networks (e.g. between AWS availability regions).

Custom Queue Names

It is now possible to specify an optional queue name:

class FailedPaymentConsumer
  include Hutch::Consumer
  consume ''
  queue_name 'failed_payments'

  def process(message)

Global Properties for Publishers

Global properties can now be specified for publishing:

Hutch.global_properties = proc {
  { app_id: 'api', headers: { request_id: RequestId.request_id } }

0.6.0 - November 4, 2013

  • Metadata can now be passed in to #publish

0.5.1 - October 17, 2013

  • Raise an exception when publishing fails

0.5.0 - October 17, 2013

  • Support for the --mq-tls-key and --mq-tls-cert configuration options.

0.4.5 - October 15, 2013

  • No exception raised when hutch is run with no consumers. Instead, a warning is logged.
  • Internal refactoring: use Bunny's shiny ConsumerWorkPool#threads attr_reader.

0.4.4 - October 12, 2013

  • Friendlier Message#inspect, doesn't spew out detailed bunny info.

0.4.3 - October 11, 2013

  • More autoloading tweaks, all internal modules are now autoloaded.

0.4.2 - October 11, 2013

  • Autoload the Broker module, which was missed in the previous release.

0.4.1 - October 11, 2013

  • Autoload internal modules. Fixes regression where the Config module was not available by simply requireing hutch.

0.4.0 - October 9, 2013

  • Support for loading configuration from a file, specified with the --config command line option.

0.3.0 - September 24, 2013

  • Add --[no-]autoload-rails flag to optionally disable the autoloading of Rails apps in the current directory

0.2.1 - September 17, 2013

  • Fix inconsistency with mq-tls option

0.2.0 - September 16, 2013

  • Support for connecting to RabbitMQ with TLS/SSL. There are two new configuration options : mq-tls and mq-api-ssl.
  • JSON message parsing errors are now handled properly.

0.1.1 - September 9, 2013

  • Relax Bunny dependency specification

0.1.0 - September 9, 2013

  • Initial release