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Andrew Lambert edited this page Nov 7, 2023 · 22 revisions

Form encoding

HTTP forms may be encoded as either multipart/form-data ("multipart") or application/x-www-form-urlencoded ("URL encoded"). Multipart forms can contain files for upload whereas URL encoded forms can contain only "Key=Value" strings. As such, to have the cURLClient class use a URL encoded form pass a String array to the Post method; to use a multipart form pass a Dictionary.

To POST other kinds of data, for example a JSON payload, use upload semantics (i.e. PUT) and override the request method.

Using a multipart form


This example sends a synchronous HTTP POST request containing a multipart form with two string elements and one file element.

  Dim curl As New cURLClient
  Dim form As New Dictionary
  form.Value("Test1") = "Test Value 1"
  form.Value("Test2") = "Test Value 2"
  form.Value("file") = GetOpenFolderItem("")
  If Not curl.Post("", form) Then
  End If


This example sends an asynchronous HTTP POST request containing a multipart form with two string elements and one file element.

  Dim curl As New cURLClient
  Dim form As New Dictionary
  form.Value("Test1") = "Test Value 1"
  form.Value("Test2") = "Test Value 2"
  form.Value("file") = GetOpenFolderItem("")
  curl.Post("", form)
  Do Until curl.IsTransferComplete
    App.DoEvents() 'async transfers require an event loop!
  If curl.LastError <> 0 Then
  End If

Using a URL encoded form


This example sends a synchronous HTTP POST request containing a URL encoded form with two elements.

  Dim curl As New cURLClient
  Dim form() As String
  If Not curl.Post("", form) Then
  End If


This example sends an asynchronous HTTP POST request containing a URL encoded form with two elements.

  Dim curl As New cURLClient
  Dim form() As String
  curl.Post("", form)
  Do Until curl.IsTransferComplete
    App.DoEvents() 'async transfers require an event loop!
  If curl.LastError <> 0 Then
  End If
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