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Andrew Lambert edited this page Jan 7, 2023 · 24 revisions

Property Declaration

 Dim Secure As Boolean


This property controls whether libcURL validates certificates when establishing an SSL/TLS connection. It does not affect whether SSL/TLS will be used in the first place (use ConnectionType for that).

If set to True (the default), libcURL will verify that certificates are both valid for the remote server and signed by an authority listed in CA_List or CA_ListFile; if neither CA_List nor CA_ListFile are set then all SSL/TLS connections will fail.

If the remote hostname does not match the hostname on the certificate, then the error code for the transfer will be CURLE_PEER_FAILED_VERIFICATION(51). If the certificate is not signed by a trusted certificate authority then the error code will be CURLE_SSL_CACERT (60).

If set to False then libcURL will not verify certificates when establishing an SSL/TLS connection.

See also

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