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Code to control an aeropendulum that reaches angular positions between 30 and -30 degrees.


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This repository contains the development of an aeropendulum and the performance of various controllers to achieve angular positions between $30$ and $-30 \degree$.

$$ \begin{gather*} I\ddot{\theta}=W_cl_c\cos{\theta}+F_hl_m-W_bl_b\cos{\theta}-W_nl_n\cos{\theta}-\beta\dot{\theta}\\ \ddot{\theta}=\frac{1}{I}(W\cos{\theta}-\beta\dot{\theta}+F_hl_m) \end{gather*} $$


$$ W=W_cl_c-W_bl_b-W_nl_n $$

To simplify the inertia, we define the term $I_0$ as the system inertia without counterweight and the term $I$ as the system inertia with counterweight.

$$ I=I_0+m_cl_c^2 $$

Where $I_0 = I_b+I_n$, to compute the bar inertia ($I_b$), we use the parallel axes theorem:

$$ \begin{gather*} I_b = I_{b_{cm}} + m_bl_b^2\\ I_b = \frac{1}{12}m_b(l_1+l_m)^2 + m_bl_b^2 \end{gather*} $$

And the motor+nuts inertia ($I_n$) is considered as a puntual load, i.e.

$$ I_n = m_nl_n^2 $$

State-space model

To represent the state-space model of the system, we define the next state equations:

$$\begin{gather*} x_1 = \theta\\ x_2 = \dot{\theta} \end{gather*}$$


$$ \begin{gather*} \dot{x}_1 = x_2\\ \dot{x}_2 = \frac{1}{I}(W\cos{x_1}-\beta x_2+F_hl_m) \end{gather*} $$


To design linear controllers, we need to linearize the system around the an equilibrium point.

$$ \begin{gather*} f_1(x_1,x_2,u) = \dot{x}_1\\ f_2(x_1,x_2,u) = \dot{x}_2 \end{gather*} $$

$$ \begin{gather*} X^\ast= \begin{bmatrix} x_1^\ast\\ x_2^\ast \end{bmatrix}\\ U^\ast=F^\ast\\ Z = \Delta X = X-X^\ast \end{gather*} $$

$$ \begin{gather*} \dot{Z}=\left. \begin{bmatrix} \frac{\partial f_1}{\partial x_1} & \frac{\partial f_1}{\partial x_2}\\ \frac{\partial f_2}{\partial x_1} & \frac{\partial f_1}{\partial x_2} \end{bmatrix}\right|_{X^\ast , F^\ast} Z+\left. \begin{bmatrix} \frac{\partial f_1}{\partial u}\\ \frac{\partial f_2}{\partial u} \end{bmatrix}\right|_{X^\ast,F^\ast} u \end{gather*} $$

Equilibrium points

For $x_2^\ast$:

$$ \begin{gather*} f_1(x_1^\ast,x_2^\ast,F^\ast)=\dot{x}_1=0\\ x_2^\ast=0 \end{gather*} $$

To $x_1$:

$$ \begin{gather*} f_2(x_1\ast,x_2^\ast,F^\ast)=\dot{x}_2=0\\ \frac{1}{I}(W\cos{x_1^\ast}-\beta x_2^\ast+F^\ast l_m)=0\\ W\cos{x_1^\ast}-\beta x_2^\ast+F^\ast l_m=0\\ F^\ast=\frac{\beta x_2^\ast-W\cos{x_1^\ast}}{l_m}\\ \mathbf{F^\ast=-\frac{W\cos{x_1^\ast}}{l_m}} \end{gather*} $$


$$ \begin{gather*} \dot{Z}=\left. \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1\\ -\frac{W}{I}\sin{x_1} & -\frac{\beta}{I} \end{bmatrix}\right|_{X^\ast,F^\ast} Z+\left. \begin{bmatrix} 0\\ \frac{l_m}{I} \end{bmatrix}\right|_{X^\ast,F^\ast} u\\ \dot{Z}= \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1\\ -\frac{W}{I}\sin{x_1^\ast} & -\frac{\beta}{I} \end{bmatrix} Z+ \begin{bmatrix} 0\\ \frac{l_m}{I} \end{bmatrix} u \end{gather*} $$

If you want $x_1^\ast=0$, the thrust force is $F^\ast=-\frac{W}{l_m}$ and:

$$ \begin{gather*} \dot{Z}= \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1\\ 0 & -\frac{\beta}{I} \end{bmatrix} Z+ \begin{bmatrix} 0\\ \frac{l_m}{I} \end{bmatrix} u \end{gather*} $$


To find the $B$ and $F_h$ parameters, we use the following methods:

  1. Damping coefficient ($B$)
    This parameter was found using the simple pendulum model. First, we remove the counterweight from the system and drop the bar with the motor from $0\degree$ to $30\degree$ and take the curve of angle in the time. Then, we compute the damping coefficient $B$ with the envelope of this signal.

    $$ \text{env}(t) = ae^{-bt} $$

    $$ B=2I_0b $$

  2. Thrust force ($F_h$)
    The objective of this identification is to find the thrust force $F_h$ that depends of voltage. Therefore, we take measurements of the voltage locating the system in an angle $0$ with different counterweights. With this, we can calculate the thrust force $F_h$ that corresponds to the voltage $V$ in the system making a torque summation.

    If we have:

    $$ \begin{gather*} B= \begin{bmatrix} 0\ K_f\frac{l_m}{I} \end{bmatrix} \end{gather*} $$


Define the next states:

$$ \begin{gather*} \dot{x}_1 = x_2\\ \dot{x}_2 = \frac{1}{I}(W\cos{x_1}-\beta x_2+F_hl_m) \end{gather*} $$

Can be written as:

$$ \begin{gather*} \dot{x}_1 = x_2\\ \dot{x}_2 = \frac{1}{I}[W\cos{x_1}-\beta x_2+(K_f\cdot v+b_f)l_m] \end{gather*} $$

  • $h(x) = \frac{1}{I}(W\cos{x_1}-\beta x_2+b_fl_m)$
  • $f(x) = \frac{1}{I}(K_fl_m)$

Now, we define an error:

$$ \begin{gather*} x_e=x_1-x_r\\ \dot{x}_e=\dot{x}_1 \end{gather*} $$

and the next sliding manifold:

$$ S = ax_e+x_2 $$

where its derivative is:

$$ \begin{gather*} \dot{S} = a\dot{x}_e+\dot{x}_2\\ \dot{S} = a\dot{x}_1+h(x)+f(x)v \end{gather*} $$

and the signal control law is:

$$ v=-\rho\ \text{sign}(S) $$

To the system stability, we need to define the following:

$$ \begin{gather*} \rho \geq \left|\frac{ax_2+h(x)}{f(x)}\right|\\ \rho \geq \left|\frac{ax_2+\frac{1}{I}(W\cos{x_1}-\beta x_2+b_fl_m)}{\frac{1}{I}(K_fl_m)}\right| \end{gather*} $$

Taken as limits $x_2\leq\pi$ and, we get:

$$ \begin{gather*} \rho \geq \frac{a\max{x_2}+\frac{1}{\min{I}}(\max{W}+\max{\beta}\max{x_2}+\max{b_fl_m})}{\frac{1}{\max{I}}\min{K_fl_m}}\\ \rho \geq \frac{a\pi+\frac{1}{I_0}(\max{W}-\max{\beta}\pi+\max{b_fl_m})}{\frac{1}{I}\min{K_fl_m}} \end{gather*} $$

MRAC (Model Reference Adaptive Control)

Considering the LTI system

$$ \begin{gather*} \dot{x}=Ax+Bu\\ y=Cx \end{gather*} $$


  • $x\in \mathbb{R}^n$: state vector
  • $u\in \mathbb{R}^m$: control input vector
  • $y\in \mathbb{R}^p$: output vector
  • $A\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$: state matrix (Unkonwn)
  • $B\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times m}$: input matrix (Partially known)
  • $C\in\mathbb{R}^{p\times n}$: output matrix (Known)

Now, we define a reference model such that in open loop the interesting signal follows the reference:

$$ \begin{gather*} \dot{x}_m=A_mx_m+B_mr\\ y=Cx_m \end{gather*} $$

  • $r\in\mathbb{R}^p$: reference vector

This model complies that:

  • $A_m=A+BK_x^\ast$
  • $B_m=BK_r^\ast$


Since not all states are accessible, a Luenberger observer is created as:

$$ \begin{gather*} \dot{\hat{x}}=A\hat{x}+Bu+L(y-\hat{y})\\ \hat{y}=C\hat{x} \end{gather*} $$

$$ \begin{gather*} \dot{\hat{x}}=A\hat{x}+Bu+L(y-C\hat{x})\\ \dot{\hat{x}}=A\hat{x}+Bu+Ly-LC\hat{x}\\ \dot{\hat{x}}=(A-LC)\hat{x}+Bu+Ly \end{gather*} $$

  • $BK_y^\ast=-L$

Observer error:

$$ \begin{gather*} e_l=x-\hat{x}\\ \dot{e}_l=\dot{x}-\dot{\hat{x}}\\ \dot{e}_l=Ax+Bu-(A-LC)\hat{x}-Bu-Ly\\ \dot{e}_l=Ax-(A-LC)\hat{x}-LCx\\ \dot{e}_l=(A-LC)x-(A-LC)\hat{x}\\ \dot{e}_l=(A-LC)e_l \end{gather*} $$


Using the next control law:

$$ u=K_x^\ast\hat{x}+K_r^\ast r+K_y^\ast(y-\hat{y}) $$

The state estimate is:

$$ \dot{\hat{x}}=(A_m-BK_x^\ast)\hat{x}+B(K_x\hat{x}+K_rr+K_y(y-\hat{y}))+L(y-\hat{y}) $$


Defining the error as:

$$ \begin{gather*} e=x_m-\hat{x}\\ \dot{e}=\dot{x}_m-\dot{\hat{x}}\\ \dot{e}=A_mx_m+B_mr-A_m\hat{x}+BK_x^\ast\hat{x}-BK_x\hat{x}-BK_rr-BK_y(y-\hat{y})-L(y-\hat{y})\\ \dot{e}=A_me+BK_r^\ast r+BK_x^\ast\hat{x}-BK_x\hat{x}-BK_rr-BK_y(y-\hat{y})+BK_y^\ast(y-\hat{y}) \end{gather*} $$


  • $\tilde{K}_x = K_x-K_x^\ast$
  • $\tilde{K}_r = K_r-K_r^\ast$
  • $\tilde{K}_y = K_y-K_y^\ast$

$$ \begin{gather*} \dot{e}=A_me-B\tilde{K}_rr-B\tilde{K}_x\hat{x}-B\tilde{K}_y(y-\hat{y})\\ \dot{e}=A_me-B\tilde{K}_rr-B\tilde{K}_x\hat{x}-B\tilde{K}_yCe_l\\ \dot{e}=A_me-B\left(\tilde{K}_rr+\tilde{K}_x\hat{x}+\tilde{K}_yCe_l\right) \end{gather*} $$

To find the $K$, we choice the following Lyapunov candidate:

$$ \begin{gather*} V = e^TPe + \text{trace}(\tilde{K}_x\Gamma_x^{-1}\tilde{K}^T_x) + \text{trace}(\tilde{K}_r\Gamma_r^{-1}\tilde{K}^T_r) + \text{trace}(\tilde{K}_y\Gamma_y^{-1}\tilde{K}^T_y) \\ \dot{V} = e^TP\dot{e} + \dot{e}^TPe + 2\text{trace}(\tilde{K}_x\Gamma_x^{-1}\dot{\tilde{K}}^T_x)+2\text{trace}(\tilde{K}_r\Gamma_r^{-1}\dot{\tilde{K}}^T_r)+2\text{trace}(\tilde{K}_y\Gamma_y^{-1}\dot{\tilde{K}}^T_y) \\ \dot{V} = e^TP(A_me-BK)+(A_me-BK)^TPe+ 2\text{trace}(\tilde{K}_x\Gamma_x^{-1}\dot{\tilde{K}}^T_x)+2\text{trace}(\tilde{K}_r\Gamma_r^{-1}\dot{\tilde{K}}^T_r)+2\text{trace}(\tilde{K}_y\Gamma_y^{-1}\dot{\tilde{K}}^T_y) \\ \dot{V} = e^TP(A_me-BK)+(e^TA_m^T-K^TB^T)Pe+ 2\text{trace}(\tilde{K}_x\Gamma_x^{-1}\dot{\tilde{K}}^T_x)+2\text{trace}(\tilde{K}_r\Gamma_r^{-1}\dot{\tilde{K}}^T_r)+2\text{trace}(\tilde{K}_y\Gamma_y^{-1}\dot{\tilde{K}}^T_y) \\ \dot{V} = e^TPA_me-e^TPBK+e^TA_m^TPe-K^TB^TPe+ 2\text{trace}(\tilde{K}_x\Gamma_x^{-1}\dot{\tilde{K}}^T_x)+2\text{trace}(\tilde{K}_r\Gamma_r^{-1}\dot{\tilde{K}}^T_r)+2\text{trace}(\tilde{K}_y\Gamma_y^{-1}\dot{\tilde{K}}^T_y) \\ \dot{V} = e^T[PA_me+e^TA_m^TP]e-e^TPBK-K^TB^TPe+ 2\text{trace}(\tilde{K}_x\Gamma_x^{-1}\dot{\tilde{K}}^T_x)+2\text{trace}(\tilde{K}_r\Gamma_r^{-1}\dot{\tilde{K}}^T_r)+2\text{trace}(\tilde{K}_y\Gamma_y^{-1}\dot{\tilde{K}}^T_y) \end{gather*} $$

$$ \dot{V} = e^T[PA_me+e^TA_m^TP]e-2e^TPB\left(\tilde{K}_rr+\tilde{K}_x\hat{x}+\tilde{K}_yCe_l\right)+ 2\text{trace}(\tilde{K}_x\Gamma_x^{-1}\dot{\tilde{K}}^T_x)+2\text{trace}(\tilde{K}_r\Gamma_r^{-1}\dot{\tilde{K}}^T_r)+2\text{trace}(\tilde{K}_y\Gamma_y^{-1}\dot{\tilde{K}}^T_y) $$

  • $e^TPB\tilde{K}_rr = \text{trace}(\tilde{K}_rre^TPB)$
  • $e^TPB\tilde{K}_x\hat{x} = \text{trace}(\tilde{K}_x\hat{x}e^TPB)$
  • $e^TPB\tilde{K}_yCe_l = \text{trace}(\tilde{K}_yCe_le^TPB)$

$$ \begin{gather*} \dot{V} = e^T[PA_me+e^TA_m^TP]e + 2\text{trace}\left(\tilde{K}_x\left[-\hat{x}e^TPB+\Gamma_x^{-1}\dot{\tilde{K}}^T_x\right]\right) + 2\text{trace}\left(\tilde{K}_r\left[-re^TPB+\Gamma_r^{-1}\dot{\tilde{K}}^T_r\right]\right) + 2\text{trace}\left(\tilde{K}_y\left[-Ce_le^TPB+\Gamma_y^{-1}\dot{\tilde{K}}^T_y\right]\right) \end{gather*} $$

$$ \begin{gather*} \tilde{K}_i = K_i-K_i^\ast\\ \dot{\tilde{K}_i}=\dot{K}_i-\dot{K}_i^\ast\\ \dot{\tilde{K}_i}=\dot{K}_i \end{gather*} $$

  • $\dot{K}^T_x = \Gamma_x\hat{x}e^TPB$
  • $\dot{K}^T_r = \Gamma_rre^TPB$
  • $\dot{K}^T_y = \Gamma_yCe_le^TPB$


Code to control an aeropendulum that reaches angular positions between 30 and -30 degrees.






