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WaniKani Kanji Highlighter

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Unofficial Browser Extension

This is an unofficial extension for the browser for Kanji Highlighting, matching the kanji learned with It works with any website, and provides detailed information about any kanji that is highlighted. Because it would be "cheating", the extension doesn't work on

Table of contents:

  1. Latest Features
  2. Usage Guide
  3. Pictures


  • Added several filtering options to subject search
  • Added table of contents to Features Information page
  • Improved some UI interactions in the Profile Page

Bug fixes

  • Fixed broken customization of the subjects list in the Profile Page when applying it to 'All'

Bug Fixes

  • Changed approach to Subject Details Popup structure to prevent bugs with scroll bar (#39)


  • Added button to sidebar to pop out the extension popup to a new window. This is useful for users that want to keep the extension open while browsing, or even to search for subjects by selecting any text on the web page.


  • Added page with information on certain features to the About page
  • Added possibility to hide disabled subjects from subjects list in the Profile Page

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed some issues with customization of the subjects list in the Profile Page


  • 'No style' kanji highlight option (#36)
  • Added a new shortcut key to Subject Details popup:
    • Y: Copy characters from current subject


  • Reorganized side panel to make it more intuitive (#37)
  • Added some Subject Details shortcut keys to Subject Details page on Extension Popup


  • Changed the approach to the level up progress bar on the Profile Page and on the navbar avatar. It now shows the percentage to reach the level up requirements (90% of kanji passed), instead of the number of all kanji of that level.
  • Added Radicals to Subject Search results


  • Added Details Popup for Radicals
  • In addition to Kanji and Vocabulary, added new options to Random Subject button (can be changed in settings):
    • Radicals
    • Learned Kanji
    • Not Learned Kanji
    • Lessons
    • Reviews

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed broken Random Subject button from Popup side panel

Usage Guide

WaniKani API Token:

To run the Highlighter and get all the information about your progression in Kanji learning on WaniKani, you need to feed the extension with an API Token. If you don't know how to get it, here's a quick guide:

  • Go to and login
  • Click on your profile picture and then on API Tokens within Settings
  • Generate a new token. Give it any name you want
  • Input the token, when asked, in the extension popup

Kanji Details:

When you find a Kanji you already learned, it will be highlighted. If you hover over it with your mouse, a small square with the kanji and its readings will appear in the bottom right corner of the page. If you hover over that square, it will expand and show you detailed information like the meaning, mnemonics, etc..

If you hover over another highlighted kanji, the popup with the details will automatically update.

When you no longer wish to have the popup visible, you can click anywhere on the page not covered by it, and it will collapse.

Shortcut Keys:

There a few shortcut keys that allow you to interact with the details popup through your keyboard. The shortcuts are:

Key Description
L Lock the kanji in the details popup, meaning it won't change when hovered over other kanji.
F Fix the kanji details popup, not allowing it to close when clicked outside of it.
X Close the kanji details popup.
O Expand the small kanji details popup on the bottom right corner.
U Scroll the kanji details popup all the way to the top.
B Show information from the last kanji in the details popup.
I Navigate to Info Section.
C Navigate to Cards Section.
S Navigate to Reviews Statistics Section.
T Navigate to Timestamps Section.
<- Navigate to Previous Section.
-> Navigate to Next Section.

This shortcuts will collide with any shortcut that might already exist in the page you're in.

Subject Search:

You can search for any Kanji or Vocabulary taught on WaniKani, even if you didn't learn it yet, through the search bar in the extension popup.

The search can be done by writing in the search bar in two ways, which can be toggled by clicking a button with either 'あ' or 'A':

  • Kana (きん):
    • Hiragana: writing the reading in Hiragana (lowercase) will show all material with that reading (in the case of kanji it can be either kunyomi or onyomi)
  • Romaji/Kanji/Number (Gold/金/5):
    • Name of the kanji: writing the name of a material will show immediately all matches for that name (sometimes, different kanji have the same name)
    • Character of the Kanji: writing the kanji itself, will show, not only that kanji, but all the similar kanji, and all vocabulary with that kanji
    • Level: writing a number 1-60 will show all material from that level

The display of the results can be one of three options:

  • Vertically listed material (one per line), followed by its names, readings and level
  • Medium sized squares with only the material kanji
  • Small sized squares with only the material kanji

If it is a Kanji, then it will be on yellow, if it is a vocabulary, it will be on red.

The search results can be more or less broaden, by clikcing the targeted search icon within the search area. If activated, then only material with the exact same text as what was typed will show up. Otherwise, material with similar text will also appear (i.e.: if you search for gold, if targeted search is not activated, then goldfish will be one of the search results because it contains the word gold).

Writing the word "legacy" in the seach bar will show all subjects that no longer show up in lessons or reviews.

Writing Kana:

Within the search bar, if you change the writing type from Romaji to Kana, by clicking on the button with the character 'あ', everything you type with your keyboard on that search bar will be automatically converted to Kana. If you write in Lower Case then Hiragana will show up. If you write in Uper Case then Katakana will show up.

So, if you write kya, you will see きゃ. If you instead write KYA, you will se キャ.

"Special characters":

  • ぁぃぅぇぉ (small): l+(a|i|u|e|o) or x+(a|i|u|e|o)
  • っ (small): ll or xx
  • ゃゅょ (small): l+(ya|yu|yo) or x+(ya|yu|yo)
  • ん: nn

(Same goes for all it's counterparts in Katakana, using Upper Case)

Lessons and Reviews:

The extension popup gives you some information about lessons and reviews in WaniKani.

The main page shows the number of lessons and reviews available, and when more reviews will enter the queue. By clicking in the number os lessons or reviews, more detailed information is provided.

  • Lessons:

    • List of materials in queue to learn
  • Reviews:

    • List of materials in queue to review
    • Chart showing the future reviews in the next 24 hours

Blacklisting a Site:

If you feel like the extension is being problematic on a specific website, or you simply don't want it to run in it, you can blacklist it on the extension popup. There will be a red button saying Don't Run On This Site.

You can blacklist multiple sites and, of course, you can allow the extension to run on it again, after it was blacklisted. There will be a red button saying Run Highlighter On This Site.

The changes will take place right after you reload the page.

You can see the list of blacklisted sites in Settings, within the extension popup.


By clicking in the gear icon in the main page of the extension popup, you will find the app settings.

  • Kanji Details Popup
    • Activated: show the popup with the details of a highlighted kanji, when hover over it
    • Key Bindings: choose whether to activate or not the key bindings on details popup
    • Random Subject: select the type of subject expected when getting a random subject (any, kanji or vocabulary)
    • Popup Opacity: change the opacity of the small details popup
  • Notifications
    • New Reviews: notification triggered whenever there are new Reviews in the queue
    • Practice Reminder: notification reminding the ammount of assignments that are available at a specific time of the day chosen by the user
    • Searching a Webpage Word: notification triggered whenever searching a word from within any webpage
  • Extension Popup Interface
    • Scripts Status: show scripts status in the extension popup home
    • Highlighted Kanji: show kanji highlighted in the current page in the extension popup home
    • Lessons and Reviews: show number of lessons and reviews in the extension popup home
    • Overall Progression Bar: show progression bar for each SRS Stage in the extension popup home
    • Overall Progression Stats: show numbers for each SRS Stage in the extension popup home
    • Levels In Progress: show which levels still have subjects in progress in the extension popup home
  • Miscellaneous
    • Time in 12h Format: timestamps within the chrome extension are in the 12h format (24h format if disabled)
    • Kana Writing: write kana on text inputs on a webpage (some inputs might not work)
    • Extension Popup Width: change the width of the extension popup window
  • Extension Icon
    • Kanji Counter: show the number of highlighted Kanji in the page, on the icon of the extension
  • Highlight Style: choose how do you want the kanji to be highlighted
  • Appearance: customize the color of several features in the app (highlight, kanji cards, etc...)
  • Danger Section
    • Clear Subjects Data: clear only locally storaged data from subjects. This will not affect your WaniKani account!
    • Clear All: clear all locally storaged data. This will not affect your WaniKani account!


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