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Welcome to my 30 Days of Data Structures and Algorithms series! Follow my journey as I solve various DSA problems day by day. Each day's progress is documented below with links to the solutions.

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Welcome to my 30 Days of Data Structures and Algorithms series! Follow my journey as I solve various DSA problems day by day. Each day's progress is documented below with links to the solutions.

Day Topics Covered Problems Solved Solution Links
1 Patterns and C++ Basics 1. Alphabet Patterns
2. Basic Of C++
3. Numer Pattern
4. Pattern Questions
5. Star Patterns
1. Alphabet Patterns
2. Basic Of C++
3. Numer Pattern
4. Pattern Questions
5. Star Patterns
2 Functions and Operators 1. Function And Lot More
2. Operator And Lot More
1. Function And Lot More
2. Operator And Lot More
3 Number Systems and Bit Manipulation 1. Reverse Integer
2. Convert the Temperature (LeetCode)
3. Number System
4. Set the K-th bit of a given number
1. Reverse Integer
2. Convert the Temperature (LeetCode)
3. Number System
4. Set the K-th bit of a given number
4 Arrays and Complexity 1. Array Basics
2. Extreme Print In Array
3. Linear Search
4. Maximum Number In Array
5. Reverse Array
6. Swap 3 Methods
7. Time & Space Complexity
1. Array Basics
2. Extreme Print In Array
3. Linear Search
4. Maximum Number In Array
5. Reverse Array
6. Swap 3 Methods
7. Time & Space Complexity
5 Advanced Array Operations 1. Find Unique Element
2. Intersection of Two Arrays
3. Pair Sum
4. Sort 0 and 1
5. Triplet Sum
6. Union of Two Arrays
7. Vector Array Operations
1. Find Unique Element
2. Intersection of Two Arrays
3. Pair Sum
4. Sort 0 and 1
5. Triplet Sum
6. Union of Two Arrays
7. Vector Array Operations
6 Matrix Manipulations, Arrays 1. Find the Duplicate Number
2. Spiral Matrix (LeetCode)
3. Sort Colors
4. Add Two Numbers Represented By Two Arrays (String Method)
5. Add Two Numbers Represented By Two Arrays
6. Array Part 3
7. Common Element In 3 Sorted Arrays
8. Factorial Of Large Number
9. Find First Repeating Element (GFG)
10. Min Max In 2D Array
11. Missing Element From An Array With Duplicate
12. Move Negative Array
13. Row Sum
14. Search In 2D Array
15. Transpose Of Matrix
16. Wave Print Of Array (Column-Wise)
17. Wave Print Of Array (Row-Wise)
18. Intersection of Two Arrays
1. Find the Duplicate Number
2. Spiral Matrix (LeetCode)
3. Sort Colors
4. Add Two Numbers Represented By Two Arrays (String Method)
5. Add Two Numbers Represented By Two Arrays
6. Array Part 3
7. Common Element In 3 Sorted Arrays
8. Factorial Of Large Number
9. Find First Repeating Element (GFG)
10. Min Max In 2D Array
11. Missing Element From An Array With Duplicate
12. Move Negative Array
13. Row Sum
14. Search In 2D Array
15. Transpose Of Matrix
16. Wave Print Of Array (Column-Wise)
17. Wave Print Of Array (Row-Wise)
18. Intersection of Two Arrays
7 Searching and Sorting Algorithms 1. Search in Rotated Sorted Array
2. K-diff Pairs in an Array
3. Find K Closest Elements
4. Peak Index in a Mountain Array
5. Binary Search In Nearly Sorted Array
6. Divide Two Numbers Using Binary Search
8. Find First Occurrence Of Elements
9. Find Last Occurrence Of Elements
10. Find Missing Element Using Binary Search
11. Find Odd Occurring Element In Array
12. Find Square Root Of Number Using Binary Search
13. Find Total Number Of Occurrences
15. Pivot Element
16. Sorting And Searching I
17. Sorting And Searching II
18. Sorting Techniques
1. Search in Rotated Sorted Array
2. K-diff Pairs in an Array
3. Find K Closest Elements
4. Peak Index in a Mountain Array
5. Binary Search In Nearly Sorted Array
6. Divide Two Numbers Using Binary Search
8. Find First Occurrence Of Elements
9. Find Last Occurrence Of Elements
10. Find Missing Element Using Binary Search
11. Find Odd Occurring Element In Array
12. Find Square Root Of Number Using Binary Search
13. Find Total Number Of Occurrences
15. Pivot Element
16. Sorting And Searching I
17. Sorting And Searching II
18. Sorting Techniques
8 String Manipulation 1. Two Sum
2. Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String
3. Reverse Substrings Between Each Pair of Parentheses
4. Integer to Roman
5. Unique Number of Occurrences
6. Roman to Integer
7. Longest Common Prefix
8. Three Consecutive Odds
9. Crawler Log Folder
10. Average Waiting Time
11. Maximum Score From Removing Substrings
12. Largest Number
13. Remove All Occurrences of a Substring
14. Isomorphic Strings
15. Find Resultant Array After Removing Anagrams
16. Valid Anagram
17. Count Anagrams
18. Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String
19. String Compression III
20. Reverse Vowels of a String
21. Intersection of Two Arrays II
22. String Compression
23. Group Anagrams
24. Target Sum
25. Longest Palindromic Substring
26. Minimum Time Difference
27. Zigzag Conversion
28. Palindromic Substrings
29. Valid Palindrome II
30. Reorganize String
31. String to Integer (atoi)
32. Reverse Only Letters
33. Char Array And String I
34. Custom Comparator
35. Palindrome
1. Two Sum
2. Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String
3. Reverse Substrings Between Each Pair of Parentheses
4. Integer to Roman
5. Unique Number of Occurrences
6. Roman to Integer
7. Longest Common Prefix
8. Three Consecutive Odds
9. Crawler Log Folder
10. Average Waiting Time
11. Maximum Score From Removing Substrings
12. Largest Number
13. Remove All Occurrences of a Substring
14. Isomorphic Strings
15. Find Resultant Array After Removing Anagrams
16. Valid Anagram
17. Count Anagrams
18. Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String
19. String Compression III
20. Reverse Vowels of a String
21. Intersection of Two Arrays II
22. String Compression
23. Group Anagrams
24. Target Sum
25. Longest Palindromic Substring
26. Minimum Time Difference
27. Zigzag Conversion
28. Palindromic Substrings
29. Valid Palindrome II
30. Reorganize String
31. String to Integer (atoi)
32. Reverse Only Letters
33. Char Array And String I
34. Custom Comparator
35. Palindrome
9 Mathematics and Pointers 1. Count Primes
2. Basic Maths For DSA
3. GCD - HCF
4. Modular Exponentiation For Large Numbers
5. Optimising Sieve Of Eratosthenes
6. Pointer Level I
7. Pointer Level II
8. Pointer Level III
9. Pointer Practice
10. Segmented Sieve
1. Count Primes
2. Basic Maths For DSA
3. GCD - HCF
4. Modular Exponentiation For Large Numbers
5. Optimising Sieve Of Eratosthenes
6. Pointer Level I
7. Pointer Level II
8. Pointer Level III
9. Pointer Practice
10. Segmented Sieve
10 Recursion, Dynamic Programming, String Manipulation 1. Number of Dice Rolls With Target Sum
2. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
3. House Robber
4. Integer to English Words
5. Perfect Squares
6. Add Strings
7. Wildcard Matching
8. Climbing Stairs
9. Minimum Cost For Tickets
10. Cut Into Segments
11. Last Occurrence Of Char
12. Maximum Sum Of Non Adjacent Elements
13. Palindrome Check Re
14. Print SubArray Re
15. Recursion Level II
16. Recursion Level III
17. Remove All Occurrences Of A SubArray
18. Reverse A String Using Recursion
19. Subsequence-Of-String
20. Time & Space Complexity For Recursive Solution
21. Robot Collisions
22. Subsequence-Of-String
23. Recursion-Level-I
24. Recursion-Level-IV
1. Number of Dice Rolls With Target Sum
2. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
3. House Robber
4. Integer to English Words
5. Perfect Squares
6. Add Strings
7. Wildcard Matching
8. Climbing Stairs
9. Minimum Cost For Tickets
10. Cut Into Segments
11. Last Occurrence Of Char
12. Maximum Sum Of Non Adjacent Elements
13. Palindrome Check Re
14. Print SubArray Re
15. Recursion Level II
16. Recursion Level III
17. Remove All Occurrences Of A SubArray
18. Reverse A String Using Recursion
19. Subsequence-Of-String
20. Time & Space Complexity For Recursive Solution
21. Robot Collisions
22. Subsequence-Of-String (main.cpp)
23. Recursion-Level-I (main.cpp)
24. Recursion-Level-IV (main.cpp)
11 Backtracking, Divide and Conquer, Dynamic Programming 1. Count Inversion
2. DnC Level I
3. DnC Level II
4. DnC Level III
5. DnC Level IV
6. N-Queen Problem Optimized
7. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II
8. Count Negative Numbers in a Sorted Matrix
9. Sort Array by Increasing Frequency
10. Distribute Repeating Integers
11. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number
12. Add Two Numbers
13. Sort the Jumbled Numbers
14. Generate Parentheses
15. Sort the People
16. Divide Two Integers
17. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
18. Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array
19. Sudoku Solver
20. Combination Sum
21. Combination Sum II
22. Find Right Interval
23. Permutations
24. Permutations II
25. N-Queens
26. N-Queens II
27. Beautiful Arrangement
28. Maximum Subarray
29. Merge Sorted Array
30. Gray Code
31. Palindrome Number
32. Sort an Array Inplace Merge Sort
33. Quick Sort
34. Rat In A Maze
35. Time And Space Complexity Of DnC
36. Add Two Numbers II
37. Word Search
38. Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum
1. Count Inversion
2. DnC Level I
3. DnC Level II
4. DnC Level III
5. DnC Level IV
6. N-Queen Problem Optimized
7. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II
8. Count Negative Numbers in a Sorted Matrix
9. Sort Array by Increasing Frequency
10. Distribute Repeating Integers
11. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number
12. Add Two Numbers
13. Sort the Jumbled Numbers
14. Generate Parentheses
15. Sort the People
16. Divide Two Integers
17. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
18. Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array
19. Sudoku Solver
20. Combination Sum
21. Combination Sum II
22. Find Right Interval
23. Permutations
24. Permutations II
25. N-Queens
26. N-Queens II
27. Beautiful Arrangement
28. Maximum Subarray
29. Merge Sorted Array
30. Gray Code
31. Palindrome Number
32. Sort an Array Inplace Merge Sort
33. Quick Sort
34. Rat In A Maze
35. Time And Space Complexity Of DnC
36. Add Two Numbers II
37. Word Search
38. Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum
12 OOP Basics 1. OOPs Level I
2. OOPs Level II
3. OOPs Level III
4. OOPs Homework I
5. OOPs Homework Level II
6. OOPs Homework Level III
7. Shallow Vs Deep Copy
8. Runtime Polymorphism
9. Pdf Notes
10. OOPS Homework I
11. OOPS Homework
12. OOPs Homework Level II
13. OOPs Homework Level III Abstraction Bird
14. OOPs Level I
15. OOPs Level II
16. OOPs Level III
17. OOPS Homework Level
18. OOPs Level
19. OOPs Level
20. OOPs Level
21. Runtime Polymorphism
22. Shallow Vs Deep Copy
OOPs Level I
OOPs Level II
OOPs Level III
OOPs Homework I
OOPs Homework Level II
OOPs Homework Level III
Shallow Vs Deep Copy
Runtime Polymorphism
Pdf Notes
OOPS Homework
OOPS Homework Level
OOPs Level
OOPs Level
OOPs Level



Welcome to my 30 Days of Data Structures and Algorithms series! Follow my journey as I solve various DSA problems day by day. Each day's progress is documented below with links to the solutions.







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