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Minutes 27 Apr 2023

Paul Albertella edited this page Apr 27, 2023 · 1 revision

Host: Paul Albertella

Participants: Pete Brink, Daniel Krippner, Kent Nelson, Igor Stoppa, Gab Paoloni, Elana Copperman

Agenda: Finish drafting approach

Working text:

Our objective is to specify a system context and an example set of safety goals for a safety-related system involving the Linux kernel, in order to enable the safety analysis and specification of a set of safety responsibilities that we may assign to the kernel in that context (and possibly other contexts), at a useful level of detail.

  • By system context we mean either a concrete system design, or an abstraction representing a class of system designs.
  • By safety goals, we mean a set of system-level criteria that must be satisfied in order to avoid specific negative outcomes or consequences.
  • By safety responsibilities, we mean the behaviour or properties that are required to avoid violating the safety goals for the given system context. This may involve cooperation with other safety mechanisms, which are required to operate when it is not possible to avoid violating a high level safety goal.

This is equivalent to defining the assumptions of use (AoU) for Linux (or any FOSS component or integration of components) as a Safety Element out of Context (SEooC).

Our purpose with this analysis is to describe and provide examples of a method for identifying and documenting the risks associated with using Linux in the given context, and how its existing features may be used to help to identify, control and/or mitigate these risks.

For example, certain Linux configurations may help to address some of the risks that we identify, while others - including default configurations - may introduce additional and possibly unacceptable risks that are associated with performance optimisations. Some mitigations may be outside the scope of Linux, either involving AoUs on software using Linux or integrated with Linux as part of an operating system.

The outputs of this process are expected to be:

  • A description of the system context that we are considering and the safety concept that we have assumed for the purpose of the analysis
  • A list of the specific hazards and risks that are considered in the analysis, and any specific exclusions
  • Safety requirements for both Linux and the other components of the system that we have identified in our system context
  • Specific scenarios that might lead to these safety requirements being violated, which can be used as an input to test case and fault injection definition, and to identify where additional mitigations, safety mechanisms and/or additional safety requirements are needed to deal with these scenarios
  • Documents capturing the results of Linux feature analysis (or analysis of other interacting components) that was undertaken as part of the investigation

Next steps:

  • Which system contexts could we consider for an analysis?
  • What safety concepts could we consider?
  • What specific Linux features would we like to focus on?

We will start with the Automotive WG’s Telltale use case, and we would welcome other suggestions for future or parallel consideration.


  • Igor: Some levels of optimisation for the kernel (e.g. config jump label) may result in the kernel modifying its own readonly / execute pages during execution
  • Gab: How would this be used by or inform the work of other working groups
    • Paul: The idea is to describe a process for using STPA - and the purpose of this - so that other working groups can use it in a consistent and coherent way
    • Should be informed by experiences of other WGs e.g. Architecture, Automotive, Medical Devices
  • Elana: Is this a generic process? Or is this specific to Linux?
    • Paul: Intended to be generic, but we will tailor it for Linux in particular

Next week we will start by looking at the existing work that has been done on the Telltale Use case, with a view to learn from the challenges encountered and expand from there.

  • Daniel: How far do we think the Automotive use case will take us for other domains and use cases?
    • Pete: Will be equally applicable for Industrial - may be different for Aerospace
    • Igor: Budgets / commercial considerations are very different in different industries
    • Pete: Also different hardware constraints
  • Pete: Key Linux use case is the ‘consolidating several functions into a single ECU’ use case
    • Need something like a distro to make this practically useable, with configuration management for the documentation as well as the code
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