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Merge pull request #2133 from magicmonty/Pickles
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Update Fake.Tools.Pickles
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matthid authored Oct 12, 2018
2 parents 4ac310e + f55d67c commit 6514d38
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Showing 8 changed files with 287 additions and 133 deletions.
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/app/Fake.Tools.Pickles/Fake.Tools.Pickles.fsproj
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<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == 'Release' ">
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == 'Release' ">
<Compile Include="AssemblyInfo.fs" />
<Compile Include="VisibleTo.fs" />
<Compile Include="Pickles.fs" />
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317 changes: 191 additions & 126 deletions src/app/Fake.Tools.Pickles/Pickles.fs
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module Fake.Tools.Pickles

open System
open System.Text
open System.IO

open Fake.Core
open Fake.IO
open Fake.IO.Globbing
open Fake.IO.FileSystemOperators
open System.IO

.\packages\Pickles.CommandLine\tools\pickles.exe --help
Pickles version
Pickles version
-f, --feature-directory=VALUE
directory to start scanning recursively for
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,60 +54,70 @@ Pickles version
whether to enable comments in the output
--et, --excludeTags=VALUE
exclude scenarios that match this tag
--ht, --hideTags=VALUE Technical tags that shouldn't be displayed
(separated by ;)*)

/// Option which allows to specify if failure of pickles should break the build.
type ErrorLevel =
/// This option instructs FAKE to break the build if pickles fails to execute
| Error
/// With this option set, no exception is thrown if pickles fails to execute
| DontFailBuild
type ErrorLevel =
/// This option instructs FAKE to break the build if pickles fails to execute
| Error
/// With this option set, no exception is thrown if pickles fails to execute
| DontFailBuild

/// The format of the test results
type TestResultsFormat =
| NUnit
| NUnit3
| XUnit
| XUnit2
| MSTest
| CucumberJSON
| SpecRun
| VSTest
| NUnit
| NUnit3
| XUnit
| XUnit2
| MSTest
| CucumberJSON
| SpecRun
| VSTest

type DocumentationFormat =
| Word
| Excel
| Word
| Excel
| CucumberJSON

/// The Pickles parameter type
type PicklesParams =
{ /// The path to the Pickles console tool: 'pickles.exe'
ToolPath : string
/// The directory to start scanning recursively for features
FeatureDirectory: string
/// The language of the feature files
FeatureFileLanguage: string option
/// The directory where output files will be placed
OutputDirectory: string
/// The format of the output documentation
OutputFileFormat: DocumentationFormat
/// the format of the linked test results
TestResultsFormat: TestResultsFormat
/// the paths to the linked test results files
LinkedTestResultFiles: string list
/// The name of the system under test
SystemUnderTestName: string option
/// The version of the system under test
SystemUnderTestVersion: string option
/// Maximum time to allow xUnit to run before being killed.
TimeOut : TimeSpan
/// Option which allows to specify if failure of pickles should break the build.
ErrorLevel : ErrorLevel
/// Option which allows to enable some experimental features
IncludeExperimentalFeatures : bool option
{ /// The path to the Pickles console tool: 'pickles.exe'
ToolPath : string
/// The working directory
WorkingDir: string
/// The directory to start scanning recursively for features
FeatureDirectory: string
/// The language of the feature files
FeatureFileLanguage: string option
/// The directory where output files will be placed
OutputDirectory: string
/// The format of the output documentation
OutputFileFormat: DocumentationFormat
/// the format of the linked test results
TestResultsFormat: TestResultsFormat
/// the paths to the linked test results files
LinkedTestResultFiles: string list
/// The name of the system under test
SystemUnderTestName: string option
/// The version of the system under test
SystemUnderTestVersion: string option
/// Maximum time to allow xUnit to run before being killed.
TimeOut : TimeSpan
/// Option which allows to specify if failure of pickles should break the build.
ErrorLevel : ErrorLevel
/// Option which allows to enable some experimental features
IncludeExperimentalFeatures : bool option
/// As of version 2.6, Pickles includes Gherkin #-style comments. As of version 2.7, this inclusion is configurable.
EnableComments: bool option
/// exclude scenarios that match this tags
ExcludeTags: string list
/// Technical tags that shouldn't be displayed
HideTags: string list

let private currentDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()

Expand All @@ -127,82 +137,141 @@ let private currentDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()
/// - `TimeOut` - 5 minutes
/// - `ErrorLevel` - `Error`
/// - `IncludeExperimentalFeatures` - `None`
/// - `EnableComments` - true
/// - `ExcludeTags` - []
/// - `HideTags` - []
let private PicklesDefaults =
ToolPath = Tools.findToolInSubPath "pickles.exe" currentDirectory
FeatureDirectory = currentDirectory
FeatureFileLanguage = None
OutputDirectory = currentDirectory </> "Documentation"
OutputFileFormat = DHTML
TestResultsFormat = NUnit
LinkedTestResultFiles = []
SystemUnderTestName = None
SystemUnderTestVersion = None
TimeOut = TimeSpan.FromMinutes 5.
ErrorLevel = Error
IncludeExperimentalFeatures = None
ToolPath = Tools.findToolInSubPath "pickles.exe" currentDirectory
WorkingDir = currentDirectory
FeatureDirectory = null
FeatureFileLanguage = None
OutputDirectory = null
OutputFileFormat = DHTML
TestResultsFormat = NUnit
LinkedTestResultFiles = []
SystemUnderTestName = None
SystemUnderTestVersion = None
TimeOut = TimeSpan.FromMinutes 5.
ErrorLevel = Error
IncludeExperimentalFeatures = None
EnableComments = None
ExcludeTags = []
HideTags = []

let private buildPicklesArgs parameters =
let outputFormat = match parameters.OutputFileFormat with
| DHTML -> "dhtml"
| HTML -> "html"
| Word -> "word"
| JSON -> "json"
| Excel -> "excel"

let testResultFormat = match parameters.LinkedTestResultFiles with
| [] -> None
| _ -> match parameters.TestResultsFormat with
| NUnit -> Some "nunit"
| NUnit3 -> Some "nunit3"
| XUnit -> Some "xunit"
| XUnit2 -> Some "xunit2"
| MSTest -> Some "mstest"
| CucumberJSON -> Some "cucumberjson"
| SpecRun -> Some "specrun"
| VSTest -> Some "vstest"

let linkedResultFiles = match parameters.LinkedTestResultFiles with
| [] -> None
| _ -> parameters.LinkedTestResultFiles
|> (fun f -> sprintf "\"%s\"" f)
|> String.concat ";"
|> Some
let experimentalFeatures = match parameters.IncludeExperimentalFeatures with
| Some true -> Some "--exp"
| _ -> None
let experimentalFeatures =
seq {
match parameters.IncludeExperimentalFeatures with
| Some true -> yield "--exp"
| _ -> ()

new StringBuilder()
|> StringBuilder.appendWithoutQuotes (sprintf " -f \"%s\"" parameters.FeatureDirectory)
|> StringBuilder.appendWithoutQuotes (sprintf " -o \"%s\"" parameters.OutputDirectory)
|> StringBuilder.appendIfSome parameters.SystemUnderTestName (sprintf " --sn %s")
|> StringBuilder.appendIfSome parameters.SystemUnderTestVersion (sprintf " --sv %s")
|> StringBuilder.appendIfSome parameters.FeatureFileLanguage (sprintf " -l %s")
|> StringBuilder.appendWithoutQuotes (sprintf " --df %s" outputFormat)
|> StringBuilder.appendIfSome testResultFormat (sprintf " --trfmt %s")
|> StringBuilder.appendIfSome linkedResultFiles (sprintf " --lr %s")
|> StringBuilder.appendIfSome experimentalFeatures (sprintf "%s")
|> StringBuilder.toText

module internal ResultHandling =
let (|OK|Failure|) = function
| 0 -> OK
| x -> Failure x
let enableComments =
seq {
match parameters.EnableComments with
| Some true -> yield "--enableComments=true"
| Some false -> yield "--enableComments=false"
| _ -> ()

let yieldIfNotNullOrWhitespace paramName value =
seq {
if String.isNullOrWhiteSpace value
then ()
yield sprintf "-%s" paramName
yield value

let yieldIfSome paramName value =
seq {
match value with
| Some v ->
yield sprintf "--%s" paramName
yield v
| _ -> ()

let yieldTags paramName value =
seq {
match value with
| [] -> ()
| tags ->
yield sprintf "--%s" paramName
yield tags |> String.concat ";"

yield! parameters.FeatureDirectory |> yieldIfNotNullOrWhitespace "f"
yield! parameters.OutputDirectory |> yieldIfNotNullOrWhitespace "o"
yield! parameters.SystemUnderTestName |> yieldIfSome "sn"
yield! parameters.SystemUnderTestVersion |> yieldIfSome "sv"
yield! parameters.FeatureFileLanguage |> yieldIfSome "l"
yield! match parameters.OutputFileFormat |> string |> String.toLower with
| "html" -> None
| v -> Some v
|> yieldIfSome "df"
yield! match parameters.LinkedTestResultFiles with
| [] -> None
| _ -> parameters.TestResultsFormat
|> string
|> String.toLower
|> Some
|> yieldIfSome "trfmt"
yield! match parameters.LinkedTestResultFiles with
| [] -> None
| _ -> parameters.LinkedTestResultFiles
|> String.concat ";"
|> Some
|> yieldIfSome "lr"
yield! experimentalFeatures
yield! enableComments
yield! parameters.ExcludeTags |> yieldTags "et"
yield! parameters.HideTags |> yieldTags "ht"
|> Arguments.OfArgs

module internal ResultHandling =
let (|OK|Failure|) = function
| 0 -> OK
| x -> Failure x

let buildErrorMessage = function
| OK -> None
| Failure errorCode ->
Some (sprintf "Pickles reported an error (Error code %d)" errorCode)
let buildErrorMessage = function
| OK -> None
| Failure errorCode ->
Some (sprintf "Pickles reported an error (Error code %d)" errorCode)

let failBuildWithMessage = function
| DontFailBuild -> Trace.traceImportant
| _ -> failwith
let failBuildWithMessage = function
| DontFailBuild -> Trace.traceImportant
| _ -> failwith

let failBuildIfPicklesReportedError errorLevel =
>> Option.iter (failBuildWithMessage errorLevel)
let failBuildIfPicklesReportedError errorLevel =
>> Option.iter (failBuildWithMessage errorLevel)

/// Builds the report generator command line arguments and process from the given parameters and reports
/// [omit]
let internal createProcess setParams =
let parameters = setParams PicklesDefaults
let args = buildPicklesArgs parameters
let tool = parameters.ToolPath

CreateProcess.fromCommand (RawCommand(tool, args))
|> CreateProcess.withFramework
|> CreateProcess.withWorkingDirectory parameters.WorkingDir
|> CreateProcess.withTimeout parameters.TimeOut
|> CreateProcess.addOnExited
(fun data exitCode ->
ResultHandling.failBuildIfPicklesReportedError parameters.ErrorLevel exitCode
|> fun command ->
Trace.trace command.CommandLine

/// Runs pickles living documentation generator via the given tool
/// Will fail if the pickles command line tool terminates with a non zero exit code.
Expand All @@ -212,15 +281,11 @@ module internal ResultHandling =
/// ## Parameters
/// - `setParams` - Function used to manipulate the default `PicklesParams` value
let convert setParams =
use __ = Trace.traceTask "Pickles" ""
let parameters = setParams PicklesDefaults
let makeProcessStartInfo info =
{ info with FileName = parameters.ToolPath
WorkingDirectory = "."
Arguments = parameters |> buildPicklesArgs }
|> Process.withFramework

let result = Process.execSimple makeProcessStartInfo parameters.TimeOut
use __ = Trace.traceTask "Pickles" "Generating documentations"

let result =
createProcess setParams
|> ignore

ResultHandling.failBuildIfPicklesReportedError parameters.ErrorLevel result
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions src/app/Fake.Tools.Pickles/VisibleTo.fs
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@

namespace System
open System.Runtime.CompilerServices

[<assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Fake.Core.IntegrationTests")>]
[<assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Fake.Core.UnitTests")>]
do ()

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