Please refer to for what's changed in V2.
Add the ability to generate plugins from the CLI tool #2144 (thanks @mcmah309 )
Fix codegen halt when having boxed trait objects #2180
Add attribute #[frb(dart_async)]
Fix Dart closures cannot be encoded when using the new Dart JS interop #2191
Expose Rust executor's async runtime for customization #2151
Generate methods of Default trait #2150
Automatically rename function names to avoid keyword conflict #2150
Improve parsing trait impl in third party crates #2150
Support more attributes #2140
Fix generated use statement pointing to self #2140
Fix linter warning avoid_return_types_on_setters #2140
Reduce number of generated files #2140
Add default_dart_async configuration option #2139
Handle root module scenario in pub use transformer #2124
Improve hints when fails to parse a struct or enum #2124
You can’t perform that action at this time.