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Giovanni Bruno edited this page Apr 27, 2019 · 12 revisions

1. Supported modes

This node supports two modes:

  • Digital Output, true/false output
  • Digital Input, true/false input

2. Setup

3. Run

You can run this node by typing:
rosrun upboard_ros gpio_node

4. Tests

Check digital outputs

To turn on pin 22:
rostopic pub /upboard/gpio/write upboard_ros/ListGpio "{header: auto, gpio:[{pin: 22, value: 1}]}" --once
To turn off pin 22:
rostopic pub /upboard/gpio/write upboard_ros/ListGpio "{header: auto, gpio:[{pin: 22, value: 0}]}" --once

Check digital inputs

rostopic echo /upboard_ros/gpio/read

5. Note

Used GPIO are set to 0 when gpio_node is killed.
Max voltage for digital input is 3.3 volts.

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