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jabsatz edited this page Mar 2, 2023 · 2 revisions


Simple functions to change/reload scenes with a nice transition (no manual animation required)

When SceneManager is installed, you will gain access to the SceneManager singleton. You can then trigger it's methods directly like so:


Demonstration of Simple Fade

There are similar methods for reloading your scene and making a fade without transition, read the API docs!

Custom animations

Now you can add your very own AnimationPlayer to complement the one packaged in SceneManager!

First off, setup a new Scene that has an AnimationPlayer as its root node. Make and name all the animations you want, and make sure you have a RESET animation that keeps all your visuals out of the screen.

Custom animation setup

Then, set your player in SceneManager via code (We recommend doing this as early as possible in your game. For example in the _ready() method of an autoload or your first scene):


Now, whenever you call SceneManager.change_scene() or any other transition function, you will be able to add new animation_name, animation_name_enter and/or animation_name_leave options with the name of your animation.

You can even match an enter/leave pattern from SceneManager! Just remember that animation_name takes precedence, so you'll want to use the opposite enter/leave suffix on animation_name.

SceneManager.change_scene('res://demo/test2.tscn', {"animation_name_enter": "roll", "pattern_leave": "squares"})

Custom animation demonstration

As always, check the demo in this repo or the API docs for more info!

Callbacks (New in Godot 4!)

Since GDScript now supports Callables, we can easily send functions as parameters in our transition options. This allows a pretty useful pattern to be easily implemented: Callbacks.

If you want some snippet of code to run at specific moments of a transition, you can send it inside of a callable like so:

SceneManager.change_scene("res://demo/test2.tscn", {
  "on_tree_enter": func(scene): print("wow I just entered the tree!")

This is somewhat similar to how you could use Signals before, but the main advantage is that you can execute code declared in nodes that are already unmounted.

There are 4 currently available callbacks:

  • "on_tree_enter": called when the new scene enters the tree
  • "on_ready": called when the new scene is ready
  • "on_fade_out": called when the fade_out is complete (screen is completely black)
  • "on_fade_in": called when the fade_in is complete (transition is completely finished)

Entity Singletons

An easy way to keep track of important Nodes that only exist once in your scenes (like your player or your level tilemap), regardless of the name they have.

First off, you just have to set the flag and name in the editor:

Demonstration of Entity Singletons

Then just use it in your code like so:

SceneManager.get_entity("ColorRect").color = Color("#FFFFFF")

Of note, is that if you try and use this feature in a _ready() function you will get an error. To circumvent this, wait for the scene to be loaded like so:

func _ready():
  yield(SceneManager, "scene_loaded")
  SceneManager.get_entity("ColorRect").color = Color("#FFFFFF")

Be sure to read the API docs for a more detailed explanation.