In this repository, you can find all my dotfiles.
- Name : Guillaume Quittet
- Age : 21 years old
- Passions : All that includes computers (FullStack Development, DevOps, Security, ...), basketball and cats
- Big Projects :
- Nexodeler : A remote controller for the NAO robot (
- HEH-Beamer : A LaTeX framework to making simply presentation with Beamer (
- SenseSnake : An implementation in Python3 of the Snake with a custom graphical engine for the Sense Hat (
- AndroidS7Manager : A manager for the automates of the Siemens brand (([])
- Myworld : My old dotfiles (([])
- and many others private projects.
- GNU/Stow - A great tool to manage your dotfiles from a main folder.
- Syncthing - To sync my computer files into my smartphone.
- Laptop : ThinkPad 13 2nd Gen (20J1)
- Operating System : ArchLinux
- Display Manager : None
- Desktop Environment : None
- Window Manager : i3
- Screen Compositor : compton
- System Bar : polybar
- Color scheme : pywal
- Text Editor : NeoVim, GNU/Emacs and Sublime Text
- Music Player : MPD with NCMPCPP
- File Manager : ranger and PCManFm