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thedancomplex edited this page Dec 21, 2012 · 20 revisions

Low level controller for the Hubo 2 and Hubo 2+ platforms designed by Daniel M. Lofaro. The system is based on the IPC called ACH by Neil Dantam and Mike Stilman.


  • Add this line to /etc/apt/sources.list:
    deb squeeze

  Note: (Replace squeeze with the codename for your distribution, ie lucid,
  precise, etc.)
  • Update and install dependencies:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install libach1 libach-dev
$ sudo apt-get install ach-utils
$ sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev
  • Install:
$ git clone
$ cd hubo-ach/
$ make

Config, Start and Stop Daemon:

  • Setup Config (first time only or new builds and param changes)
	$ sudo ./ config 
  • Start hubo-ach daemon. This will automatically start hubo-console as well CAN packets will not start to be sent
	$ sudo ./ start 
  • To stop hubo-ach daemon
	$ sudo ./ stop 




  •   Home all motors and zero sensors
>> hubo-ach: homeAll
>> hubo-ach: iniSensors


"initilize XXX" - sets defaults to motor XXX and turns on FETs
"initilizeAll"  - sets defaults to all motors and turns on all FETs
"home XXX"      - homes motor XXX
"homeAll"       - homes all motors that are active
"goto XXX val"  - sets motor XXX to goto position "val" in rad.
                  uses linear interpolation via hubo-ref-filter
                  0.5 sec linear filter by default
"get XXX"       - gets current encoder location of motor XXX
"zero XXX"      - zero the sensor XXX
"zeroacc"       - zero the foot accelerometer XXX
"iniSensors"    - zero all sensors



set position reference (rad)


get encoder position (rad)
get IMU x angle (rad)
get IMU y angle (rad)
get IMU Vx velos(rad/sec)
get IMU Vy velos(rad/sec)
get FT Mx moment (Nm)
get FT My moment (Nm)
get FT Fz force (N)
get foot angle from acc Ax (rad)
get foot angle from acc Ay (rad)
get foot G-force acc Az (G)

Motor Control:

home motors
reset to defaults
