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Model List

Wii U

  • Folder
    • model.nud
      • meshes
        • polygon
    • model.nut
      • textures
    • model.vbn
      • bones
    • model.mta
    • model.xmb


  • BCH
    • models
      • mesh
        • polygroup
    • textures
    • materials
    • animations

Accessing the Model List Menus

The corresponding menu can be accessed by right clicking a model, polygon group, or polygon. Models have a mario icon, meshes have a complicated polygon icon, and polygons have a triangle icon. Models will be structured in the model list as follows:

  • c00
    • Model0
      • mesh0
        • polygon0
        • polygon1
    • Model1
      • mesh0
        • polygon0
        • polygon1

Model Folders

Import from DAE

Export as DAE


Two models can be merged into one by right clicking one of the model folders and selecting Merge > Below or Merge > Above to merge the model with the one below or above it, respectively.


Opens a texture ID selector window. After clicking apply, the texture IDs of the model.nud and model.nut will be changed. Note that this will require you to remake the NUT if you have not already done so. See the NUT Editor page for details.

NUD Models

Save as NUD

Save the selected model as a NUD. Use this option when you are done making changes to a model. If you edit multiple models, you will have to save each model individually.

Make Metal

Opens a new window for creating a new metal material to be applied to all polygons in the selected model. See the Make Metal page for details.


The Material Inject XML page contains more information on how to use this feature.
Export as XML- saves an XML file containing all the material data for the model. This file can be edited in any text editor.
Import from XML- inject materials from an XML file. This is useful for transferring old materials to a new model.
Tex ID- opens a texture ID selector window. After clicking apply, the texture IDs of the model.nud changed.

Vertex Color

Set to White- sets all vertex colors to (127,127,127,255).
Select Color- open a color editor menu and sets all vertex colors to the chosen color after exiting.
Set to Attribute- sets all vertex colors to the selected vertex attribute.

Add Blank Mesh

Normals > Recalculate

Recalculate the mesh normals based on vertex position. This can be useful if the current normals are missing or messed up. For more fine tuned results, use a 3d modeling application and reimport the DAE.

Normals > Smooth

Recalculate the mesh normals based on vertex position and then average the results. This can fix the jagged appearance of some models due to incorrect normals. Some geometry may cause issues when trying to smooth normals.

Generate Tan/Bitan

Regenerate the tangents and bitangents for every polygon in the selected model using the normals and UVs. Resave the NUD to save the new tangents and bitangents. Tangents and bitangents are generated automatically for DAE imports.

NUD Meshes


Single Bind to Bone

Opens a menu to select a bone from the VBN. The mesh will be rigged just to this selected bone. This is useful for objects that don't deform and thus need only a single bone.

Normals > Recalculate

Recalculate the mesh normals based on vertex position. This can be useful if the current normals are missing or messed up. For more fine tuned results, use a 3d modeling application and reimport the DAE.

Normals > Smooth

Recalculate the mesh normals based on vertex position and then average the results. This can fix the jagged appearance of some models due to incorrect normals. Some geometry may cause issues when trying to smooth normals.

Generate Tan/Bitan

Regenerate the tangents and bitangents for every polygon in the selected model using the normals and UVs. Resave the NUD to save the new tangents and bitangents. Tangents and bitangents are generated automatically for DAE imports.

Vertex Color

Set to White- sets all vertex colors to (127,127,127,255).
Select Color- open a color editor menu and sets all vertex colors to the chosen color after exiting.
Set to Attribute- sets all vertex colors to the selected vertex attribute.

NUD Polygons

Edit Material

Open a material editor for the selected polygon. See the NUD Material Editor page for more information. Many changes in the material editor will be rendered in real time in the viewport with Material Lighting enabled.

Copy Material

Opens a polygon selector to select what materials will be replaced with the currently selected material. Forge will crash if you try to copy a material to itself. Materials are linked until you close and reopen Forge, meaning that editing one instance of a copied material will affect all other instances.


Deletes the selected polygon. This cannot be undone.

Flip UVs (Vertical)

Flip UVs (Horizontal)

Open UV Viewer

Opens a window that displays the selected polygon's UVs in red on top of the UV test pattern. UVs outside of the 0 to 1 range will be cut off and not render in the window.

Normals > Recalculate

Recalculate the mesh normals based on vertex position. This can be useful if the current normals are missing or messed up. For more fine tuned results, use a 3d modeling application and reimport the DAE.

Normals > Smooth

Recalculate the mesh normals based on vertex position and then average the results. This can fix the jagged appearance of some models due to incorrect normals. Some geometry may cause issues when trying to smooth normals.

Generate Tan/Bitan

Regenerate the tangents and bitangents for every polygon in the selected model using the normals and UVs. Resave the NUD to save the new tangents and bitangents. Tangents and bitangents are generated automatically for DAE imports.


The selected polygon will be detached from the current mesh and be added to a new mesh.

Vertex Color

Set to White- sets all vertex colors to (127,127,127,255).
Select Color- open a color editor menu and sets all vertex colors to the chosen color after exiting.
Set to Attribute- sets all vertex colors to the selected vertex attribute.