Bigger Changes:
- Improved error message for OAuth login (shows reason for failure) 28c5c6d
- Fix for Auth0 compatibility 0e53f3d
- Fix for JHipster v7.4 compatibility dfe6d4b 6775ff8 18c57d0
- Add new JDL fore new E2E test coverage 2898857
- Add blobs to E2E tests d13d231
- remove other init errors that block generators with v7.4 18c57d0
- workaround for jhipster config change 6775ff8
- fix jhipster v7.4.x compatibility and prettier differences dfe6d4b
- align prettier with latest config 0ede59f
- improve oauth error message 28c5c6d
- improve e2e tests 2898857
- add yeoman-environment 0f5fbb1
- update jhipster version ffcf8ac
- add blobs to the e2e tests d13d231
- update dependencies with smaller version bumps 674fcd9
- only send logout request if endSessionEndpoint is defined 9705a17
- remove unused variables e21da98
- optimize useProxy var cbddd4d
- do not save authInfo to localstorage, always fetch e1c741b
- add error log on login failure 03f592b
- make logout compatible with native, disabled by default due to UX 04d7117
- strip trailing slash from oauth issuers 0e53f3d
- add audience to oauth params 5dcdd0a