Fast http sessions manager for Go.
Simple API, while providing robust set of features such as immutability, expiration time (can be shifted), databases like badger and redis as back-end storage.
import ""
sess := sessions.Start(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)
ID() string
Get(string) interface{}
HasFlash() bool
GetFlash(string) interface{}
GetFlashString(string) string
GetString(key string) string
GetInt(key string) (int, error)
GetInt64(key string) (int64, error)
GetFloat32(key string) (float32, error)
GetFloat64(key string) (float64, error)
GetBoolean(key string) (bool, error)
GetAll() map[string]interface{}
GetFlashes() map[string]interface{}
VisitAll(cb func(k string, v interface{}))
Set(string, interface{})
SetImmutable(key string, value interface{})
SetFlash(string, interface{})
The only requirement is the Go Programming Language, at least 1.14.
$ go get
module your_app
go 1.19
require ( v3.3.1
- Focus on simplicity and performance.
- Flash messages.
- Supports any type of external database.
- Works with both net/http and valyala/fasthttp.
Take a look at the ./examples folder.
// Start starts the session for the particular net/http request
Start(w http.ResponseWriter,r *http.Request) Session
// ShiftExpiration move the expire date of a session to a new date
// by using session default timeout configuration.
ShiftExpiration(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
// UpdateExpiration change expire date of a session to a new date
// by using timeout value passed by `expires` receiver.
UpdateExpiration(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, expires time.Duration)
// Destroy kills the net/http session and remove the associated cookie
Destroy(w http.ResponseWriter,r *http.Request)
// Start starts the session for the particular valyala/fasthttp request
StartFasthttp(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) Session
// ShiftExpirationFasthttp move the expire date of a session to a new date
// by using session default timeout configuration.
ShiftExpirationFasthttp(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx)
// UpdateExpirationFasthttp change expire date of a session to a new date
// by using timeout value passed by `expires` receiver.
UpdateExpirationFasthttp(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx, expires time.Duration)
// Destroy kills the valyala/fasthttp session and remove the associated cookie
DestroyFasthttp(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx)
// DestroyByID removes the session entry
// from the server-side memory (and database if registered).
// Client's session cookie will still exist but it will be reseted on the next request.
// It's safe to use it even if you are not sure if a session with that id exists.
// Works for both net/http & fasthttp
// DestroyAll removes all sessions
// from the server-side memory (and database if registered).
// Client's session cookie will still exist but it will be reseted on the next request.
// Works for both net/http & fasthttp
// UseDatabase ,optionally, adds a session database to the manager's provider,
// a session db doesn't have write access
// see
// Config is the configuration for sessions. Please read it before using sessions.
Config struct {
// Cookie string, the session's client cookie name, for example: "mysessionid"
// Defaults to "irissessionid".
Cookie string
// CookieSecureTLS set to true if server is running over TLS
// and you need the session's cookie "Secure" field to be setted true.
// Note: The user should fill the Decode configuation field in order for this to work.
// Recommendation: You don't need this to be setted to true, just fill the Encode and Decode fields
// with a third-party library like secure cookie, example is provided at the _examples folder.
// Defaults to false.
CookieSecureTLS bool
// AllowReclaim will allow to
// Destroy and Start a session in the same request handler.
// All it does is that it removes the cookie for both `Request` and `ResponseWriter` while `Destroy`
// or add a new cookie to `Request` while `Start`.
// Defaults to false.
AllowReclaim bool
// Encode the cookie value if not nil.
// Should accept as first argument the cookie name (config.Cookie)
// as second argument the server's generated session id.
// Should return the new session id, if error the session id setted to empty which is invalid.
// Note: Errors are not printed, so you have to know what you're doing,
// and remember: if you use AES it only supports key sizes of 16, 24 or 32 bytes.
// You either need to provide exactly that amount or you derive the key from what you type in.
// Defaults to nil.
Encode func(cookieName string, value interface{}) (string, error)
// Decode the cookie value if not nil.
// Should accept as first argument the cookie name (config.Cookie)
// as second second accepts the client's cookie value (the encoded session id).
// Should return an error if decode operation failed.
// Note: Errors are not printed, so you have to know what you're doing,
// and remember: if you use AES it only supports key sizes of 16, 24 or 32 bytes.
// You either need to provide exactly that amount or you derive the key from what you type in.
// Defaults to nil.
Decode func(cookieName string, cookieValue string, v interface{}) error
// Encoding same as Encode and Decode but receives a single instance which
// completes the "CookieEncoder" interface, `Encode` and `Decode` functions.
// Defaults to nil.
Encoding Encoding
// Expires the duration of which the cookie must expires (created_time.Add(Expires)).
// If you want to delete the cookie when the browser closes, set it to -1.
// 0 means no expire, (24 years)
// -1 means when browser closes
// > 0 is the time.Duration which the session cookies should expire.
// Defaults to infinitive/unlimited life duration(0).
Expires time.Duration
// SessionIDGenerator should returns a random session id.
// By default we will use a uuid impl package to generate
// that, but developers can change that with simple assignment.
SessionIDGenerator func() string
// DisableSubdomainPersistence set it to true in order dissallow your subdomains to have access to the session cookie
// Defaults to false.
DisableSubdomainPersistence bool
returns a Session
, Session outline
ID() string
Get(string) interface{}
HasFlash() bool
GetFlash(string) interface{}
GetString(key string) string
GetFlashString(string) string
GetInt(key string) (int, error)
GetInt64(key string) (int64, error)
GetFloat32(key string) (float32, error)
GetFloat64(key string) (float64, error)
GetBoolean(key string) (bool, error)
GetAll() map[string]interface{}
GetFlashes() map[string]interface{}
VisitAll(cb func(k string, v interface{}))
Set(string, interface{})
SetImmutable(key string, value interface{})
SetFlash(string, interface{})
package main
import (
type businessModel struct {
Name string
func main() {
app := http.NewServeMux()
sess := sessions.New(sessions.Config{
// Cookie string, the session's client cookie name, for example: "mysessionid"
// Defaults to "gosessionid"
Cookie: "mysessionid",
// it's time.Duration, from the time cookie is created, how long it can be alive?
// 0 means no expire.
// -1 means expire when browser closes
// or set a value, like 2 hours:
Expires: time.Hour * 2,
// if you want to invalid cookies on different subdomains
// of the same host, then enable it
DisableSubdomainPersistence: false,
// want to be crazy safe? Take a look at the "securecookie" example folder.
app.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("You should navigate to the /set, /get, /delete, /clear,/destroy instead")))
app.HandleFunc("/set", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
//set session values.
s := sess.Start(w, r)
s.Set("name", "iris")
//test if setted here
w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("All ok session setted to: %s", s.GetString("name"))))
// Set will set the value as-it-is,
// if it's a slice or map
// you will be able to change it on .Get directly!
// Keep note that I don't recommend saving big data neither slices or maps on a session
// but if you really need it then use the `SetImmutable` instead of `Set`.
// Use `SetImmutable` consistently, it's slower.
// Read more about muttable and immutable go types:
app.HandleFunc("/get", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// get a specific value, as string, if no found returns just an empty string
name := sess.Start(w, r).GetString("name")
w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("The name on the /set was: %s", name)))
app.HandleFunc("/delete", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// delete a specific key
sess.Start(w, r).Delete("name")
app.HandleFunc("/clear", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// removes all entries
sess.Start(w, r).Clear()
app.HandleFunc("/update", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// updates expire date
sess.ShiftExpiration(w, r)
app.HandleFunc("/destroy", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
//destroy, removes the entire session data and cookie
sess.Destroy(w, r)
// Note about Destroy:
// You can destroy a session outside of a handler too, using the:
// mySessions.DestroyByID
// mySessions.DestroyAll
// remember: slices and maps are muttable by-design
// The `SetImmutable` makes sure that they will be stored and received
// as immutable, so you can't change them directly by mistake.
// Use `SetImmutable` consistently, it's slower than `Set`.
// Read more about muttable and immutable go types:
app.HandleFunc("/set_immutable", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
business := []businessModel{{Name: "Edward"}, {Name: "value 2"}}
s := sess.Start(w, r)
s.SetImmutable("businessEdit", business)
businessGet := s.Get("businessEdit").([]businessModel)
// try to change it, if we used `Set` instead of `SetImmutable` this
// change will affect the underline array of the session's value "businessEdit", but now it will not.
businessGet[0].Name = "Gabriel"
app.HandleFunc("/get_immutable", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
valSlice := sess.Start(w, r).Get("businessEdit")
if valSlice == nil {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8")
w.Write([]byte("please navigate to the <a href='/set_immutable'>/set_immutable</a> first"))
firstModel := valSlice.([]businessModel)[0]
// businessGet[0].Name is equal to Edward initially
if firstModel.Name != "Edward" {
panic("Report this as a bug, immutable data cannot be changed from the caller without re-SetImmutable")
w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("[]businessModel[0].Name remains: %s", firstModel.Name)))
// the name should remains "Edward"
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", app)
returns the same object as Start
, Session
ID() string
Get(string) interface{}
HasFlash() bool
GetFlash(string) interface{}
GetString(key string) string
GetFlashString(string) string
GetInt(key string) (int, error)
GetInt64(key string) (int64, error)
GetFloat32(key string) (float32, error)
GetFloat64(key string) (float64, error)
GetBoolean(key string) (bool, error)
GetAll() map[string]interface{}
GetFlashes() map[string]interface{}
VisitAll(cb func(k string, v interface{}))
Set(string, interface{})
SetImmutable(key string, value interface{})
SetFlash(string, interface{})
We have only one simple example because the API is the same, the returned session is the same for both net/http and valyala/fasthttp.
Just append the word "Fasthttp", the rest of the API remains as it's with net/http.
for net/http, StartFasthttp
for valyala/fasthttp.
for net/http, ShiftExpirationFasthttp
for valyala/fasthttp.
for net/http, UpdateExpirationFasthttp
for valyala/fasthttp.
for net/http, DestroyFasthttp
for valyala/fasthttp.
package main
import (
func main() {
// set some values to the session
setHandler := func(reqCtx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) {
values := map[string]interface{}{
"Name": "go-sessions",
"Days": "1",
"Secret": "dsads£2132215£%%Ssdsa",
sess := sessions.StartFasthttp(reqCtx) // init the session
// sessions.StartFasthttp returns the, same, Session interface we saw before too
for k, v := range values {
sess.Set(k, v) // fill session, set each of the key-value pair
reqCtx.WriteString("Session saved, go to /get to view the results")
// get the values from the session
getHandler := func(reqCtx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) {
sess := sessions.StartFasthttp(reqCtx) // init the session
sessValues := sess.GetAll() // get all values from this session
reqCtx.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%#v", sessValues))
// clear all values from the session
clearHandler := func(reqCtx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) {
sess := sessions.StartFasthttp(reqCtx)
// destroys the session, clears the values and removes the server-side entry and client-side sessionid cookie
destroyHandler := func(reqCtx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) {
fmt.Println("Open a browser tab and navigate to the localhost:8080/set")
fasthttp.ListenAndServe(":8080", func(reqCtx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) {
path := string(reqCtx.Path())
if path == "/set" {
} else if path == "/get" {
} else if path == "/clear" {
} else if path == "/destroy" {
} else {
reqCtx.WriteString("Please navigate to /set or /get or /clear or /destroy")
If you'd like to discuss this package, or ask questions about it, feel free to
- Explore these questions.
- Post an issue or idea here.
- Navigate to the Chat.
Current: v3.3.0
Read more about Semantic Versioning 2.0.0
The author of go-sessions is @kataras.
If you are interested in contributing to the go-sessions project, please make a PR.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
License can be found here.