Next steps from Murgen
- Playing with the design and fab the modules: 3 to go in CMS (HV/TGC/MD, enveloppe detection, SPI ADC) and 2 in stripboard mode (alim, based on the breadboard 3.3V and 5V, as well as the controler, maybe an arduino nano at first) - and start the github repo / echOmods hackaday pages as well. Work on this with Sofian and Vlad. See also the echOmods repo.
- Playing with an electronic emulator of the transducer - as well as an electronic model. Work on this with a partner/supplier. Actually produced in the end with a uC - Silent.
- Play with a ultrasound durable fantom. Work on this with staticdet5 (commnotes_ent on HAD). Started a project with Virginie and Static on
- Play with the BeagleBone PRUs. Work on this with Vanderbilt.
- Playing with some intelligent uC of FPGA. uC has my preference at first for ease of use. WifiMCU seems fun (has a 8$ STM32F411CE - 100MHz, 2.4Msps ADC, FPU, DSP instructions and WiFi to stream!) or the Feather Wiced (arduino IDE compatible, based on a 34$ STM32F205 ARM Cortex M3 processor running at 120MHz. Project codename would be Croaker, not created yet. Who's volunteering?
Mostly, the thing would be to separate the Murgen PCB in 4 different modules (similar to the arduino trinket pro for example), so to have them ready to be used on a stripboard which would have already headers.
The strips would have the 19 tracks as on the attached picture below.
There would be 2 modules :
- HV + pulser + md0100
- TGC + enveloppe + SPI ADC
(Two other modules, Alim, and controler, will be stripboard based)
Given that the boards would be separated, would it make sense to try to **design the PCBs to have only 2 layers PCB** ? The width of the PCBs would not really matter, only to be sure they'd fit on a strip board. It would be interesting to have a form factor of the modules PCB comparable to one trinket pro =)
- 10ms between lines - 64 lines gives 640ms / image)
- 200us at 2Msps is 400 points is 5600 bits is 700 bytes
- 5600 bits per 10ms is 560,000 bits/s is 70kbytes/s.. should be OK with ESP8266 ;)
1. HV+Pulser+MD0100 don't change. The module will need to have a SMA connector (same as on existing board).
2. VGA + enveloppe + ADC
- VGA+enveloppe detector can remain the same. I just need to remove the filter that is between t he TestPoints4 and 5 and the transformer. The module output is the output of the ADL5511.
- SPI can be replaced, this one was an overkill. 10Msps is too much, so instead a 2 or 3 Msps at 12 or 14 bits in SPI could be used on the ADC module.
The "controls" listed would be a potentiometer for the HV (as was done for murgen), a potentiometer for the TGC Gain (not an ADC, bit of overkill, rather a jumper to allow one to select the gain from either the track or a potentiometer which would feed in from 0 to 1V).
The ADC can be as low as 12bits 2Msps when we're talking about envelope detection (what about MAX11105?). (btw, the signal output by it is offset by around 1.32V) on top of which we have 1.25V of signal. For the sake of the experiment, I would add another ADC board, clone of the 11105, with a MAX11103, to comparatively test both.
What is expected is to break down logic blocks into modules that could be put on a motherboard ( a 2.54mm stripboard), 19 tracks high.
- TODO: Module: ESP8266+ADC
- TODO: Design Croaker and Silent
- TODO: Contact Frederic Patat
- TODO: Play with the pulser
- TODO: Schemas de fonctionnement des modules
- TODO: Hack RPi0 CSI (Camera)
- TODO: Voir PCMLab (Jussieu)
- TODO: Finance
- Ongoing: Document the motherboard -- thanks to Prof Charles
- TODO: Goblin - 2Msps SPI ADC -- Play with BBB and RPi0 SPI
- Done: Mech-athon - Coming soon
- Done: Contact Edgeflex
- Done: Add status to track progress of the works
- Done: Jan
- Done: schemas a taper, puis processing dans le
- Done: A draft for the analog pulser, Tobo -- April 20th 2016
- Done: Automating Documentation
- Done: Cahier des charges modules - See Adjusting the specs for a research module on this log
- Done: Silkscreening with the murgen-series logo =)
- Cancelled: Module: Detection (Merged in Goblin)
- Cancelled: Imprimer une tof a afficher
Board 1, aka Tobo:
- The HV part of murgen is kept. The pulser of the first board is trigged by Pulse On (stripe 9) and shut by Pulse Off (stripe 10) (coming from the stripes). The pulser alimentation is fed through the RECOM component, with a potentiometer to select the HV level.
- Signal is sent to a sideway SMA connector.
- Signal is protected by a MD0100 + LC.
- Low voltage signal is sent out of the board through a SMA connector.
Board 2, aka Goblin:
- Low amplitude signal comes from the SMA connector.
- It is fed through to the TGC.
- The Gain of the TGC can come either from the Analog Gain Ramp stripe (stripe 7) or from a potentiometer which gives it 0 to 1V - selection through a jumper.
- The filter part of the murgen board is removed (between TP2/3 and TP5/6)
- Raw signal is either send to stripe 3 or sent to the ADL5511, selection through a jumper.
- If output of the TGC goes to the ADL5511, it is then sent to the stripe 5 or to the 2/3Msps ADC (SPI).
Two other modules are being worked on, namely:
- controler
- alimentation
- CapTech Workshop. Was great!
- Acted upon a split between a FPGA long-term approach, and a non-FPGA one. I remembered those good old times when this was a possibility.
- Damn it. What if I could dig into this? Not µC, rather an extension for an existing computer.. or mini computer.
- Saw some ideas on the Arduino's side. Separate ADC.
- Resources
- (pics below)
- MagPi : ISSUE 24 - JUN 2014 (to print !!)
- Follow up
- Discussion with 4365D2F5E4EB59B6BAD0FC746506A6EADEC28BC264BDD78BC041D3417B0766F4
- Discussion with 8620B4ADDED83F8C1E5EBC0F401D12BC327735D7A314336D24C3F3D88A16E3ED
- Tamagotchi hive in a probe?
- Thinking about the smile on the silkscreen. EO+OH+PI+Pirate?
Thinking of deadlines
PHH/BM discussions
- Rather be going onto SPI : QuadSPI ?
- LTC5507ES6 to filter ? A rajouter!
- Better ADC at LTC2315-12
- DAC: a simple DAC i2c
Pro/Cons of a shield compared to FPGA/microcontrolleur
- Rasberry Pirn
- Raspberry Pi Zero Headless Setup :
- Installing Operating System Images on Linux
- How to use it?
- For low-speed comms, conventional I2C or similar protocols can be used, and there is no need to use a PRU. For high-speed comms the PRU may be extremely useful because it can service the hardware with no interruptions due to Linux context switching, and no overhead is experienced by the main ARM processor. Here are some examples that should be feasible; basically quite a few possibilities, such as
- interfacing to a fast ADC (e.g. analog capture)* * ,
- BBB is a 100MHz logic analyzer on a BeagleBoneBlack
- Demo over the
- Can the PRU be used to interface the Beaglebone to external ADC? I need to capture 500 micro-seconds of data at a 5 MHz rate.
- -> * It depends on the interface to the ADC. There is a parallel capture interface that will easily run that fast, and you may be able to use the bit-shift interface to do serial or something like SPI if the PRU's capability lines up with what your ADC wants to see.*
- In its current state, it grabs analog data from an ADC, and dumps it into memory on the BBB, ready to be displayed or further processed. It could be used for gathering analog information from sensors, CCDs or other data acquisition use-cases. To be reasonably useful, the desire was for it to support 20Mbytes/sec of data or more. It does achieve this, but it is for further study to find higher speed methods.*
- This is not such a bad idea, because in future the ADC could be swapped out to a (say) 10-bit ADC with no code change on the PRU.*
- Once the data has been captured (2000 samples in this example), the command byte is acknowledged, so that the Linux hosted application can know that the PRU has completed. The PRU now sits and waits for a new instruction from the Linux hosted application.* * -> works for us - fixed depth = fixed # of samples
- Buffer to be used : detailed at
- ''These were extremely important for two reasons. One reason is that the pins to the BBB that I wished to use need to be isolated during power-up, because they are used for selecting the boot method. If there was any unusual level on the pins upon power-up then the BBB will not boot from the eMMC. So, a tri-state buffer is needed. The other reason is that there is a fair bit of capacitance and it is highly likely that the ADC may not be able to directly drive the pins at high speed. I actually came across this problem while trying to connect a camera to the BBB. I struggled for days without realising that the camera could not support the load. So, the buffers are likely to be essential for most designs using the pins that were selected. I used a 74LVC244A device as a buffer. Note that the clock also needs a buffer, unless significant jitter is acceptable. No tri-state is required here, so I used a MC74VHC1GT50.
- How to use it?
- New ADCs in mind ADS803E LTC2315-12
- Orange Pi Plus 2 : A nasty little thing
- BBB as always coming mostly from element14 Some limits - not exploiting all ? SPI speed with BBB : (up to 32MHz) - which is
- 16 bits : is it possible to set all 16 pins on pru0 as inputs? I saw you mentioned something about disabling the microSD functionality on the BB to get access to all 16 pins, but I wasn't exactly sure how. -- heartofasquid I thought the PRUs had a 16bit parallel capture mode or are all the pins not available on the BBB? (need to consult the docs) section of the tech ref spruh73c.pdf One thought I had was to use both PRUs to capture alternate bytes/words but that was just a thought, again are all the pins available? I'd made a mistake, it looks like all of PRU0's GPI pins may be available, if we are happy to lose the microSD (no big loss - there are other ways to get data in/out of the BBB). So, we can theoretically get high-res captures up to about 15bits, if we need 1 pin for the clock.
- BBB and 5Msps 12bit : a SO question
- Registered at =)
Graphing all elements @GaiteLyrique
5 to 100 DC
Call/Chat Emmanuel - electronic board - 2 months is what he'd expect
Discussion S - review of scope / finetuning signals
- Necessity at 100V to separate HV to avoid interferences / noise
- Remark: using PRUs, we can go up to 50MHz (at least) from the ADC
Validation of parallel ADC
Mapping the Shield knowledge graph
Followup MIC
- Reflexions on documentation coming from this presentation on OSH
- 5Msps - Parallel - PRU up to 12 bits - can go further than 5Msps (SOA)
- Buffer has to come (no, not the buffer app - real world buffer)
- Thinking as well on architecture * Motor + transducer + top in the probe * Board + BBB (Node.js still..) * Output (if necessary)
- Busy business day
- Usual monday meeting * awesome progress on mech part. Seems robust, small, ... * need to follow the power usage of POLULU ^^
- What about a webcam video format? * WebRTC - awesome stuff at for nodejs + webrtc
- : nice doc to failproof a FLOSS project.
- FPGA team
- FPGA vs µC : discussion ongoing with F&V - seems going towards RP. Sane, pragmatic approach. If the RP is cracked, that could unlock many things.
- Simulations to come from MIC
- Another supplier
- by F&V)
- See also
- PCBA abroad :
- myropcb
- nortechsys
- SeeedStudio only north america
- PCBA in france:
- Fun on gerber and silk screens
- Following some design thinking classes for the sake of soft design & fun
- Update the Culture repertory in our drive :p
- Piezo suppliers on their way
- Mapping the DITSO resources - update
- Apero !
- GP1A57HRJ00F // photo interrupter
- Server for again 3 days...
- Holocracy progress
- Comments from S: problems with HV system
- First elements from A - first draft (pdf file).
- Another feedback from S : small, interesting DC/DC power convertors from RECOM. Excellent idea.
- Some great GIT cheatsheet -
- The sysadmin apprentice :
- S has started, on it
- Adafruit fun - display and printing ?
- Adafruit 1.8" Color TFT Shield w/microSD and Joystick:
- WIFI feather :
- touchscreen :
- Thermal printing : but no level of grays
- Progress A / S
- Caracterisation du piezo :
- Some PCB Assembly recommendation
- OSH Park, purple board, doesn't do assembly
- Back from festive period ! But no slack:
- First iteration of A -- buffers as 74AC541MTC ?
- Schematics and BOMs from S
- Cacophony everywhere
- Eating bears
- LCD at
- Autre display / TFT : .. et une micro SD integree =)
- BBB headers : (Stacking Header Set for Beagle Bone Capes (2x23) @5$)
vieux displays:
- : 240by 320 screen, touch, sd
- The display can be used in two modes: 8 bit or SPI. For the fisrt you'll need 12 lines total. Second mode requires only 5 pins total but is slower than first.
- In addition, 4 pins are required for the touch screen (2 digital, 2 analog)
- Tuto :
- : 320 by 240 screen, 4-wire SPI to communicate and has its own pixel-addressable frame buffer
- Seems like the BBB SPI communication rate are around 0.1s to draw the image over SPI.. may be a tad slaw to only display an image* *
- Onboarding bot for Slack at (in ruby)
- Did automatic backup for the wiki, for the migration - yeahhh
- Smartassthoughts
- The absence of deal-breaking flaws is more important than the presence of any extras. You don’t need anything special to succeed. You just need to do the essentials properly.
- Power is like being a lady… if you have to tell people you are, you aren’t. -- MT
- Don't forget spider jerusalem's example - bards, journalists, and a merry cacophonic 2016
- Trial on PCBCart
- Render of the Murgen 1.0 board
- Small adjustments from the questions raised by PCBCart
- Completed the S project -- CLOSED ;)
- The A project is ongoing
- Kelu124 back in France
- Boards:
- Confirmation that Seeedstudio does not ship out of north america
- Getting other options and quotes from Advanced Circuits, Macrofab (awesome interface), PCB Pool.
- Need for a filter to get be sure , there's a low frequency component that remains: to remove- and to center around 0V ?
Let's cut it to 500kHz ?
- For headers, we have
- 12 input pins on P8 for PRU1 and 1 input pin for PRU1 on P9, these have been assigned for 12bitADC+Clock and the rest,
- SPI for DAC,
- Buffer enable and motor control have been assigned to PRU0.
- For the controls in prototyping:
- SW1 controls the gain range for TGC
- SW2 controls the input range of the ADC,
- Updating the blog as well, integration of disqus
- disqus working
- creating something on makake.. but seems bugged at the moment
- list of components on the blog
- discussions with edgeflex (thanks flylabs!) and macrofab (fun, and willing to test a 4 layer project in beta - only working in 2 layers so far)
- work with S to integrate a high pass filter (1MHz+) following the echo on Jerome's hand
- Follow up with Charles
- working on the RP with a student
- exploring collaborations
- Call with Edgeflex
- Breakout boards for SMDs :
- Followup with Macrofab
- Producing the XYRS from Altium
- Starting mini board - board #2 -- what name (if not murgen, Tobo ?)
- Order for a ThermalPiPrinter :)
- Slight tweak of the budgetting for engineering a probe :) we have this GDoc
- What about having a µC ( PIC24FJ128GC010 ?) right after the analog
part - could be an additional board/cape stacked below (so with
microcontrolleur and alimentation)
- it would stream data like a wifi camera
- receives the ping from the motor controleur
- should we be ordering SMD stuff (flux, fer à souder, soufflerie?) - seems an idea
- Creation des modules !
- Changed WP template to something more readable
- Post on HN .. even went 2nd :)
- Awesome work from Farad
- Updated the GitHub (still lacking a pic, damned!)
- Outputs from the HN post
- 3700 visitors in less than 20 hours
- Interesting comments at
- Interesting contacts (anfractuosity - leptitg )
- Interesting page :
- TODO : get something on reddit ?
- TOF en CC0
- Murgen on
- Prez done here
- Awesome boost on github and the wiki
- adding some to the documentation @done : need to get to read more the TAPR and the full license @done : add CONTRIB.TXT and CHANGES.TXT
- @cld : failproof OSH
- added datasheets
- @done : think about a USB/BT/... output for the board - see matty
- Output ? What format? USB - but I'd rather have wireless ? Wi-Fi Direct promises device-to-device transfer speeds of up to 250Mbps
- Tobo is born ;) as a goodie/bonus for murgen
- Some resources (thanks Oliv' =) ) not working at the moment
- Repos work Github hooks: what's worth ?
- Reading :
- FUN USB keyboard emulator :
- GitHub signing a release :
- Hardware:
- PCBs have been ordered, 3 days to come.
- 1st and 2nd boards on their way.
- TODO: sign a release as soon as some code is on the way
- for semantinc versionning of releases
Lots under way..
- Required* * : we need to sit with electronics experts to check how Murgen, Tobo, Goblin, and Mira can merge - for a modular board - ideally as easy as possible to use!
IDEA: capelec!
Need also to push Goblin's files on the repo. Those are made with Eagle, not Altium, so a bit less options, but still interesting to see how to work with those files =)
Was about time I got some serious litterature review :)
- for a full fledge Smartphone Probe =)
- Microcontroller USB interfacing with MATLAB GUI for low cost medical ultrasound scanners
Some others
- Integrating hardware and software for the development of microcontroller-based systems
- IDEA: Design of a USB based multichannel, low cost data acquisition system using PIC microcontroller
- Waiting for the board ;)
- Awesome work : Development of a wide band front end echo sounder receiver circuit by Jatin Sharma ( definitely need to contact him)
- Fun hardware:
- IDEA : Good stepper: 99$ /
- There are cheaper steppers on Lextronics (+driver)
- Pololu - LP 6V Motor with 48 CPR Encoder for 25D mm Metal Gearmotors (No Gearbox) ( )
- for a small motor
- 3D models of RPi, BBB:
- Interesting read at !!
- Discussions on mechanics =)
- IDEA : display : 128² OLED screen:
- Asking feedback from M. Cooke
- for * Smartphone-based Portable Ultrasound Imaging System : A Primary Result* .. can't manage to reach them.
- ebay :
- Aloka ASU-66 --
- Aloka ASU-32H-3.5 Mechanical Probe --
- ATL-ADR-5-5-MHz-7-mm-Ultrasound-Transducer-Probe-for-UM-4-7081
- ATL Access 10PV is a sector array ultrasound transducer probe. The ATL Access 10PV is a mult-frequency probe with a range of 5.0, 7.5 and 10.0 Mhz. -- * * AWESOME* *
- IDEA : mechanics design idea !
- Same for ATL Access B10
- All * * ATL Access* * aaahhhh
- ATL-Access-C-3-0-MHZ-12-7mm-dia-Ultrasound-Transducer-P-N-101-25909-72-3862
- GE Kertz Technik S-VNA5-8 Transducer
- IDEA : interfacing murgen with a FPGA ? Solution here :
- IDEA: doing a probe emulator? Signal generation upon a pulse transmitted : a physical emulator for the probe head =)
- seems interesting =)
- What can we do with wifi / ESP8266 // ?
- is fun ?
- No stuff - in favor of it =)
- Some news from Amit
- Boards reached: issue with the 5V and GND - shortage
- Further tests. Shortage still exists.
- Short is not on the PCB. Appears after solder.
- Found that the RECOM component was designed to be upside down --
need to resolder it. Luckily it was a via component.
- This would not be the source of the short anyhow.
- EF recommends that we burn 10A on the 5V plane to see which component would burn.. hmm i'm quite shy to do this :p
- Documenting the issue on github.
- Sending back boards to EF.
- Starting the interim report.
- Found the source of the short, ADL5511, 5V and GND inverted...
- TODO : amend the altium files to correct the ADL5511 and the RECOM tracks
- TODO : sampling freq to be documented
- Sending back the boards
- Receiving new, corrected boards
- SO qusetions to be tapped into?
- Newscastle published something new on their mechanical probe, awesome!!
- Testing the board on the morning
- Posts about the day hacking at
- HackerNews :
- Matos
- Inverseur : CD74HC4049E
- Caps 1.27mm
- M50-1900005
- M50-2020005
- GSCholar pour HV7360 (to solve the issues) : 10.1109/ULTSYM.2015.0140
- HV7361 : Sharma
- Pulser: integrer un schema sur le readme de murgen
- VPE est a 5V sur notre board - 3.3 en typical. Logique à remonter?
- Add a resistance in parallel of the transducer?
- Damn!! The alimentation voltage was low... because it takes 6.5V to 12V! Will need to put 9V in through the thermal printer alimentation
- Session 2 : Non-controlled pulsing, inverters, better echoes
- Starting to get echoes
- Session 3 : Getting controlled pulsing, but width not controlled
- Sending his board to prof Charles
- Session 4 & 4b
- Testing the board with the transducer
- Testing with the BitScope
- Getting the image!
- Assembling everything
- Coding in python
- Thanks bitscope
- Doc
- Documenting on hackaday: visit, by all means, that's cute and nice!
- Same documentation on the github repo
- Modular design in on with Benoit ! Let's check with Sofian
- TODO:using SPI on the board
- plugging a SPI
- pluging the pulseroff in the buffer part?
- TODO:logo of murgen in vector
- print and distribute the interim report
- Organizing elections for the association
- Define responsibilities of all
- Review of les status de l'association
- Review of the reglement interieur
- Definir who has access to the twitter account
- Wiki delivery
- Documentation
- BM's gerbers, altiums et al
- Costing of mira
- License issue on the wiki
- Budget update - what do we have?
- Project forecast - where do we go?
- Restructuration du wiki
- Page de veille a mettre sur le wiki
- Creer une page competition
- Traiter les "objectifs" de la fondation fabre et les finir
- Gerer les cotisations, faire un appel à cotisation
- publier les soutenances de F&V?
- Some SO questions:
- A challenge page was created
- working on modules =)
- thinking of the motherboard (contribution of benoit)
- Enveloppe detection
- AOP (high speed 420MHz) THS3001 (Amit)
- MFab - plan
- Presentations tonight!
- Getting good echoes with the TGC maxed!
- Playing with bitscope / issue from the noise / usb plugin got !
- order for the usb denoiser
- : Getting 5Msps =)
- Farnel price bitscopes
- Doing some new fantoms
- Receiving the AFORP's guys
- Generating pulses with RPi : -- up to 22MHz
- Sofian's back ;)
- Cleaning the acquired images
- 4T scan conversion algo OK and working
- TODO: creer les liens sur le software/readme vers les fichiers sources
- trying some docs at
- starting with the modules..
Nice reading =)
- Basecamp outlines their goals -- which they say have always been the
same -- on their website:
- Have fun
- Do exceptional work
- Build the best product in the business
- Experiment
- Pay attention to the details
- Treat people right
- Tell the truth
- Have a positive impact on the world around us
- Give back
- Keep learning.
- "We’re also big believers in business 101. We don’t spend more than we earn, we don’t waste money on things that don’t matter, we don’t give away everything for free and hope we’ll figure it out before we run out of cash. We’re in business to stay in business, and we have 15 profitable years in a row to back it up."
Some reads on PRUs:
Choice of a uC: "le boulot des microcontrollers, ce qui me gene sur l'espruino c'est le manque de sortie wifi - si on veut sortir des donnees en wireless." Deux choix se profilent
- WICED : STM32F205RG 120MHz ARM Cortex M3 MCU : 17 timers et 3 × 12-bit, 0.5 μs ADCs with up to 24 channels and up to 6 MSPS in triple interleaved mode, 8- to 14-bit parallel camera interface (48 Mbyte/s max.)
- Le WifiMCU : EMW3165 : M4: STM32F411CE @100MHz, DSP+FPU, 1×12-bit, 2.4 MSPS A/D converter -- Ce qui me fait peur est un WifiMCU de base en LUA, a voir comment repasser sur du plus bas niveau. L'avantage par contre c'est qu'il est dispo chez hackspark, et coute 18€ au lieu des 35$ du WICED =)
Remarques : Avec le M3 tu perds les instructions DSP et un FPU optionnel (cf Par contre je ne sais pas si c'est correctement exploite, ni si on en a vraiment besoin.
Il y a aussi le Module Particle "Photon" (M3 120 MHz et wifi) ou l'Arietta
- Apparament module ferme
- Validation of the approach by the Captech
- Validation of tracks of interest
- Validation of tracks and their orders
- Alexandr
- Studying microcontrolers... See microcontrollers
- Getting a first design for the pulser module
- Playing a bit with ADL5511 : there's an EREF
- We use offset remover (suiveur + gain de 2.5), and second op will do amplification, cause envelope output swing is saturated at 1.2-1.3V, We can use 2..2,5 gain to deliver nice and neat 2,6 ..3V input swing for ADC.
- Murgen : the annalist.. already done, a former project !
- Goblin: the analog heart, was drafted as well during Murgen.
- Tobo: the HV/pulser, based on a drafted close to Murgen.
- One-Eye: MicroControler - Arduinos
- Mogaba: Alimentation
Second generation of fun! Learning microcontrolers and advanced simulations
- Croaker: M3/M4 microcontroler
- Silent : physical emulateur
- A stepper based on a servo : (pour @bivi)
- Starting to document Tobo
- Reading "Maintaining Open Source Projects" by Tute Costa : A project maintainer should feel comfortable shaping the community, promoting the library, keeping good communication with different people, deciding when to release new versions, and prioritizing all these tasks.
- Getting a TL-MR3040 TP-Link for a project PirateBox (an echObox ?)
- 2016 strategy being done
- How many times today did a customer notice something you did?
I define Real Work as
- Work that creates an immediate and positive change in your product/service
- Work that is a direct constraint to the completion of A
- Work you have been uniquely hired to do.
"I am not a visionary, I'm an engineer," Torvalds says. "I'm perfectly happy with all the people who are walking around and just staring at the clouds ... but I'm looking at the ground, and I want to fix the pothole that's right in front of me before I fall in."
- Meetings (virginie)
- Doc of modules :
- Preparation of Testing tools for the doc
- Materials : some awesome resources : Il existe des tables sur les plastiques ( et autres caoutchoucs ( ) mais rien de concluant (ref, eau a 1.5MRayl). Il y a des choses comme le Polyurethane, RP-6400, a voir.
- Documentation echomods
- Premier module OK : (HV, + pulser) sources publiees (same github), fab-ready, quasi documente
- Deuxieme module OK : (TGC, Enveloppe, ADC) sources publiees (same github), fab-ready, documentation en cours
- Am an INTJ-A ... so what?
- R-2R DDS -- =) MHz DDS with arduino ?
Fun to read
- NT: The evolutionary argument against reality.
- Beard things...
- Autodocumenting with - which updates the automatically.
- Adding graphs for all modules with
Done: Autodocumentation
Comment gerer les transducers de Jan?
Projet Fantomes commence sur HAD : phantoms are starting to appear on Hackaday
- Max-Hold-Reset
- -> Schema a amplificateur operationnel (peak detector)
- ou peut etre encore mieux :
- Got it !!
- ESP8266: exploration: SPI-ADC+ESP.overclocked ? :
PKD01 : trop lent
- : 10 Part Tutorial On Designing/Building A PCB (Using FOSS)
- Off to Jakarta =)
- Next prios : Feather and ESP8266
- Restarting work with transducer and boards makers, Jan and Jerome
- Bass inspiration :
- Working on Raspberry Pi Zero notes
- Updated existing notes on microcontrollers and the ESP8266
- Thinking about video / photos port to raspberry (even better than USB transfer, it manages quite high speed ( The two data lanes on the CSI-2 bus provide a theoretical 2 Gbps bandwidth, which approximates to around 5 MP resolution. ) here
- Article on Projects
- Exploring the partnerships with J&J
- HPSI on ESP8266
- Nicolas from V.
- Lancement des PCBs (Jerome)
- Go for Piezos (Jan)
- Redirection de visiteurs de Hackaday vers nos ressources
- Reflexion sur l'EMW3165 -- 8$, ADC à 2.4Msps, WiFi.
- Extraction de la connaissance à partir du BC3: petit souci, le contenu BC3 ne semble pas exportable (pas de dump possible comme avec BC2), et n'a pas d'API d'integration.
- Petit truc sympa, mais pas encore sorti : un SoC pour le RPi :
- Pas possible de créeer le Wall of Contributors, tjrs ce probleme de reset de mot de passe, aucun email n'arrive.
- TODO: réorganiser les Readme entre echomods et medicotechnical et leur prod automatisée =)
- EMW3165 : "All I see is an under 8 USD STM32F411CE dev board with some wifi gadget" ( )
An endoscope pill
What about XRays?
And CT Scanners?
and MRI ?
and *CG ?
- See
- Note d'application des timers par STM
- Un très gros bon post sur les timers : un mois de travail d'après l'auteur - post de blog
- Et son petit frère sur les ADC
- Getting comments on scan conversion at HAD
- Weekly meeting at the HD
- Prof Charles and Zach start playing with Murgen, so I'm starting to experiment with Jekyll for murgen on the corresponding Github murgen page
- Getting a copy of an excellent book : buy here
- Reading more about open science hardware with GOSH.. and finding a good OSH journal which leads to there :
- Awesome DIY approach and techniques for ultrasound gel -- already republished on HAD
- Semifinalist for HACKADAY's challenge !!
- lending a hand to Zack on GitHub et al :
- Interrupts on Arduino for the emulator :
Some research on DACs:
- DAC0800LCN 8-Bit D to A Converter --
- Example :
And nothing.
- Moving forward with Zach
- Creating a 8 bit R2R resistor ladder
- Discussion engaged with Muth (et son pi-print) for a thermal printer addon
- This hack of a eink display is awesome. Hacking a STM32F103ZE and plugging a ESP8266
- Working on CSV images library for images using the CSV+dict format
- Printing with the thermal printer: a success with
- No news from Zach ?
Shopping à faire: 1000$ = 840€
- RPi0 : 42€
- Lulu - book on opensource projects : 17€
- Work on EMW3165: 230€
- Transducteur : 150€
- Matos en rab EdgeF: (125€)*3/4
- Deux modules echomods : 110+140 (-125/4)€
- Reste: 101€ for contigencies + SMA cables + matos (bois)
- Awesome CapMED
- Retroengineering a 10PV probe.. only 10PV? Ain't much.
- Drinking beer
- Admiring an IA work at recontructing blade runner
- Followup with Zach
- Ping Michael T
- Ping Edgeflex: quid microcircuits
Beaglebone black : Max SPI 32MHz
- Comment faire un DAC à 1MHz
Available probes, one of which being a 10PV:
- Resources sympas :
- Working at the mechaton at the CRI
- Playing with Zach's acquisition and testing his filters
- Processing!
- Old.. mais retrouvé:
- Discussion with NF@V -- interesting. Could be partnering for some cool ideas. Vets, hackers. Maybe soon for docs.
- Has contacts with electronics experts
- Tests of transducers by Jerome
Some ideas on RPi and SPI:
Pour recycler un Minitel, ca se passe la
Deux sondes d'occasions assez sympa pour démontage et analyse (mécanique / materiaux / piezos):
- (50$)
- (30$)
IA and US:
- Terribly instructive. Lots to learn.
- Just doing it!
- Key learning: will be having fun soon =)
- Won the probe (50$) -- that's a purely 3MHz probe, should be OK and we won't get too many issues with too high frequencies
- Played with the ATL10PV at Not good results, high frequency elements are buggy.
- Any impact of the polarity of the pulse??
- TODO: Compare the polarity by switching polarity.
- Long one, instructive. *BBB :!topic/beagleboard/3AFiCNtxGis and
- Digging into a DIP M0
- Bivi's playing with RTL-SDR.. a simple short and one can get to the 0-30MHz, without any upverter. Fun. To explore.
- With the help of Igor, preparing a UDP server of EMW3165 and getting a throughput of 9Mbit/s on average.
- Getting one of the modules
- Requesting Nicolas' help on getting HV7360LA (fab's suppliers are lost)
- Thinking of the overall structure of the maker kit. I need a wooden box and an aquarium (plexiglass, glue = solvent cement)
- Review of the HAD budget (probe, transducer, fab, et al?). Some euros may be saved.
Other ATL Probes:
The ATL manual is available at : (see copy in the 10PV folder)
EMW3165 and SPI:
- or (3$ )
TODO: some shopping on ebay
Awesome TFT screen -- really cheap:
- See the github repo for goblin. worked on the doc
- TODO: Getting samples and suppliers ?
- Got and paid for a SM heavy backing transducer. Now, let's find what servo to use.
- TODO: servo + transducer + mounting platform
- essayer SPI avec les petits trucs funs
- cables pour SPI a base de cables ethernets?
- STM32: mise a jour du fichier uC avec un nouveau STM32 dans Notes uC
- Contact AD
Cleaning a signal with Goblin : done. The second log, with this time a new energy supply, gives a really beautiful outcome. Lesson: don't put 18V in a 3.3 and 5V regulator =) See the results here.
Playign with an ATL Access 3. Getting nice echoes... of 1.3V, even not using the full gain (60%) and the full pulser voltage on Murgen. See the logs here. Was some work with the oil refill =)
- Finding more about ATL probes - with a list of probes, and trying to find back the pins!
- TODO: Presentation on Goblin's module
- Cheap ATL Access Probes
- Finding more about ATL probes - with a list of probes, and trying to find back the pins!
- Autodocumenting -> See the results of autobuilding doc at : None of it is written by hand.
- Read also an ... autogenerated prez about this here.
- This post blog is also autogenerated using the worklog..
- Passionnant:
- Récupérer la datasheet :
- Cf Baptiste Pierrat -
- Initialiser PWM sur un trinket pro :
Base sonde
- Finir de remplir d'huile la sonde
- Tester les connections du BBB, déterminer les masses, surtout trouver le moteur
- Faire des acquisitions a full speed avec Murgen+Bitscope
- Tester le SPI avec BBB (Baptiste Pierrat)
- Si ca marche, tenter de controler Moteur + Pulser avec BBB
- Reponse de Baptiste Pierrat
- =) Yeaayyy merci pour la reconnaissance =)
- Working on a presentation for the next steps of these modules
- Envoi a edgeflex d'un HV7360
- Hellyeah :
Yeayyy! Beagleboard fondation tweeted about Murgen -- that's driving traffic to github =)
High speed acquisition
Slow Acquisition
- tobo/goblin+cletus+BBB to drive the goblin ADC
- tobo/goblin+cletus+hannin to wirelessly stream
I decided the emulation was going to be necessary to avoid playing all the time with piezos. It appears Teensy 3.2 can handle that.
Choice of the servo:
More stuff about Phantoms:
And ... working on the 2016 Summer presentation.
- Working on the milestone presentation.
- Received a 12V alim, the PRUDAQ, and pushed the issue with Silent onto github. Ongoing !
- Working on the finance file --> still work to do !
- Setting the stuff on for 1000$ from HAD
- HD should have received the pulser module.. waiting for it =)
- Worked on the doc-test script to automatize the results of modules documentation tests -- see an example with an error
- Received tobo !! yeayyy
- Playing with Doj and assembling the board (tobo, goblin, oneeye and mogaba). Should be enough to get first images.
- power seems OK, first pulses look nice
- Todo: test with my transducer for Cletus, and with ATL3
- Thanks to Virginie for her support on debugging Doj !!
Roughly, all the modules are fine. Emulator is done and tested. Some tests today:
- Test Analog Processing + ATL3
- Test Emulateur de signal + Analog processing
What the next steps are :
High priority:
- Clip the signal between 0 and 2V
- Get image from the retroATL3
Medium Priority:
- Bitbang Goblin's SPI directly
- Resume documentation
Low Priority:
- EMW3165 to move forward
- Cletus for Servo + Piezo (and mech parts) - using SmartMaterials piezos
- Clipped the signal
- Documentation ongoing
- Received TFT+Servos
Awesome work: a FPGA on a RPi0 footprint
- Read some on this page: got an image from a ATL3 probe, a small metal cube in water.
- Leaving for holidays =)
- Working with Virginie and Benoit to get images
- Got to play with a general multi tissue fantom: got an image from a ATL3 probe, of the fantom.
- What about using Kaggle as a data repo for open data ?
- Yeay!! Done. Gitbook available on this page
- Showing the documentation generation process on an apero at l'Hotel Dieu
- Thanks to a question raised by a sharp-eye, I'm putting as a disclaimer that this project is not one supported by the echopen's association. Even if I'm a cofounder of echopen, this project is a personnal one, for the echopen community. Clarified with hackaday, not an issue for them wrt the prizes.
- got contacted for a partnership to improve, build, and crowdsell a set of modules. Interesting!
- Got some feedback of PRUDAQ's people on the doc, thanks to them for this contribution!
- Zach's been back. Let's see what can be done.
- Prof Charles is going to be in Paris: let's meet!
- Been invited to speak at Hackaday's show for its prize on Nov 5th
- Trying to get the latest HV7360 from MC.. seems difficult to say the least
- Thinking about the use of the "Logiciel and Objets libres, animer une communaute autour d'un projet ouvert"
- Interesting : STBone - BeagleBone form-factor STM32F427 board
- Doing some thinking about the servo part -- should be integrating a feather + screen to help debug the output =)
Do you work on an open source project with potential application for MRI or other related medical research and technology? We will also highlight early stage projects (prior to a stable release and documentation) in order to improve collaboration at that early stage. Let us know and contact us at
Would you like to support an existing project with your skills and expertise? Or do you have any more questions? Contact us at
- It’s not a surprise that our backers waste no time getting inventive. We were pleasantly surprised by a tweet to check out this novel application of PRUDAQ in a DIY Ultrasound Imaging Platform. source.
- Need to find a way to clarify a CLA if forking this repo to somewhere else
- Thinking of preparing an article for the JOH (or HardwareX ?)
- An interesting VT100, USB-enabled -
- Best hardware I've seen so far : Arduboy. Both a controler, a platform to play with, an arduino, ...
- Congrats @BiVi for the position ;)
- Arduboy ? Awesome!
- A design for Sleepy is taking place.. wood rules =) Need a water tank though.
- An awesome thing to automate physical interactions with a phone, using
- [Comm] : got cheers from Adafruit, check this link =)
- Made some progress with a i2c 128x64 oled to debug the Feather ADC, using this elegant doc.
- Getting up to 1Msps with the Feather.
- @done: makedoc should include a link checker.. everything starting with
should be tested and checked if existing. That includes images.
- Same, for today's date, at Feather.
- That is done. Videos to come.
- Missing: sending through UDP.
- Connecting to wifi: done
- Beers @Stalingrad, and chilling =)
- This is getting better. Read the log on this repo. Arduino IDE code is here.
- Still this pulser issue, but the signal is correctly stored. More to download here. Captured through UDP streaming.
- Created the scripts to batch scan-convert and animate the images. More to see/download here
- Hopes to get the STM32 go faster =)
- Adding the croaker work to the gitbook .. and cleaning some remaining broken links during doc generation.
- Done in halong bay
- Meeting at HD, milestone with Bitmakers
- USB key that does Pulser, Acquisition :
- The pulser module used a HV7360, which went from a LFGA to a CABGA. The gerbers were updated accordingly.
- Trouve au hasard : "One material with exceptional acoustic properties is TPX (polymethylpentene) [Westlake Plastics Company, Lenni, PA]. Pour une sonde à 35MHz, mais ca peut donner des pistes de suppliers. (Ref 10.1109/ULTSYM.2001.991996)
- Article being written at
- Onboarding Pouya =)
Next week:
- @cancelled 6Msps on the STM32
- @done Sourcing transducer (in cletus )
- @done Sourcing materials + integration makefile par set
- @done Compiler output
- Over engineering ?*xzS-UkYtNOgzPvpkHGwRbQ.png
- Found an interesting octal transmit board :
- Update of the references list
- Skype with -- maybe modules ?
- arduino legos : awesome form factor
- Paris on t'aime
- Darkness
- e-book generation at a. :
- 19$ le photon
- Chopper un ESP32 ?
- Chopper un photon chez hackspark?
- Follow up with Zach - modules?
- to generate US images
Just started a new job 10 days back, so I lagged a bit. However, some news!
- Sold two boards so far on tindie - which also gave opportunities to discuss with people: awesome.
- Auto documentation moved forward! Plenty of new debug options in the doc generation journal
- Some metadata on md files on board
- Trying to get 2 probes on ebay for testing purposes
- Some forum at
- Posted something on reddit as well:
- Shipped a first module!
- Worked on a review of the autodoc generation script
- Submission of a summary (or soon to be JOH article) to arXiv
- Discussions with for interesting applications =)
- Follow up with Fouad & Sven
Two awesome articles
- Portable low cost ultrasound imaging system: M. Sobhani contacted =)
- A low-cost high-fidelity ultrasound simulator with the inertial tracking of the probe pose
- Published! [Article: A low-cost, arduino-like dev-kit for single-element ultrasound imaging)[]
- Working on a press review, can be seen here
- @done: AddPressReview to the main page here, and on the gitbook
- @done: review the latex article on arXiv, especially with respect to references
- Need to ping Jerome for the BGA update of HV7360
- @done too:
- Servo + Feather
- Servo + BBB + enveloppe
- Servo + ADC on board + RPi0
- Servo + BBB + raw signal
- BBB + probe
- @done CERN !
- Chatting with Gnusha
Just moved in to the new flat! Exhausting =) Other interesting things:
- Done some tests with a breadboard phantom: read more here.
- Still moving in the new flat, getting accustomed to the new job.. and still need to sort the hacking tools in a limited space in the new flat =)
- Interesting competition : Clarius got its approval. Also noted the SONON 300C.
- Having fun with mapping a community using slack. On another repo.
- Published some update on the ML.
- See the list of similar handheld, low cost devices
- Integration of previous steps in the gitbook
- Max RPi speed : @done --> do it with the Rpi0
- Using the same experimental setup, the Raspberry Pi 2 is about 2 to three times faster. The fastest is still the C native library, topping out at just under 42 MHz.
- Thinking of 20E-214 and moving to Alibaba for wireless probes. Will F.'s support reach?
- Using Vitamins for the gyro's probe. What name still for it? Longinus?
- Getting to think of the 20E-214 ones =)
- Chat with 1Tech, and the guy Patrice. Motivating.
- Trying to get some stuff from the arduino, namely to get it work as a server. Far from being finished, on it.
- Getting a propal from PR
- Fouad offering to test the 7.5MHz linear
- Me to check other suppliers
Some modules finaly added to the echopen's community medkit repo and added a config, the wireless 1.1 config.
Added a version of my jupyter notebook to explore the dataquarium data from the dataset released end of Dec '16.
- Some info on HN :
- a great discussion on hardware at
- a blog post by NF at
- Bonus?
“We do not grow absolutely, chronologically. We grow sometimes in one dimension, and not in another; unevenly. We grow partially. We are relative. We are mature in one realm, childish in another. The past, present, and future mingle and pull us backward, forward, or fix us in the present. We are made up of layers, cells, constellations.”
- Presentation to ESPGG, participated to.
- Hardware:
- went to solder some stuff at HD
- UltrasHound -- moving forward
- Beaglebone PRUDAQ image added.
- Added some details (better raw image quality) to the SigProc 101 jupyter notebook.
- Interesting paper on Theory of Change.
- Peter confirms the probe is on its way.
- JOH article: first comments received. Harsh, but good to move forward! And adding a couple of images, better introduction, ...
- Moving things forward with the JOH article
- Testing the RPi0 max GPIO speed to try it with the goblin ADC
- Full day meeting for PRJ methodo.
- Fun:
- Playing with markov chains :
- Thinking about an update for a neat, silkcreened, well designed motherboard. Would be excellent for Altay, Felix and maybe
- Been doing some progress about the HV - working with Lorena to get one on board. I'll have 2 pulsers, will ask for 3. In total I'll still be able to send to (Afreen/Felix/Altay) + one for the GroupGet friends. Would leave me with one.
- Afreen still working on the feather, after contacting the PRUDAQ guys.
- Get Felix on Slack?
- Call scheduled with Fouad on tuesday
- Making progress on 20e214 - control of the probe OK. Display remaining, then CSV saving.
- Taking more time about the Slack bot: lower priority
- Update by Tobey: he found a way to compare PDFs.
See this log
Given RPi0 capabilities in terms of GPIOs - why not push it to 20Msps, 8 bits, for the cape?
Netty isn't nice... but just got my article accepted by JOH !
Updated the suppliers repo
Testing the goblin In/out transfer function on the emulator signal: read here. The more I play with Jupyter notebooks, the more I like it.
Thinking about the 15 - 20 - 25 Msps pHAT.
Moving forward with the Netty issue at @20e214
Fun pHAT : IR :
Radio pHAT :
Interesting read:
- While preparing the article, I've been invited to "save" of copy of the repo into Zenodo (see the backup. And I've got a nice Zenodo link!
- Taking time on 20e214... still sucking at 20e214.
- Waiting for the CA3306E to reach !
- Working on Doj and releasing the KiCad definitive code - available on OSHPark.
- PCB of the RPi0 high-speed ADC is ongoing !
- Getting the last touches to the JOH article.
- Indeed. Forgot to add a ADC input directly from a strip, two strips for PulseOn and PulseOff, and a way to control the servo from the Pi.
- Also starting the new season of the HackadayPrize =)
- Still some issues with bomanz (on HAD) PCB. Some pads suck. I guess I'll order the board from OSHPark along with Doj's and solder all these tiny stuff. Not so many actually.
- Posted the Chinese probe project on Hackaday. Will play with the probe using a RPi framework. Should do the trick =)
- Following up on 6Msps upgrade, mother board seem OK, silkscreen to do, then Pi1 and Pi2 to follow.
- History to develop.
- Got published!
- HAD some great projects: and
- Some great discussion on use of doppler for heart issues, notes being here. Interesting DIY vintage doppler to do!
- Put all the information on the Trove temporarly before uploading to the main repo.
- Updated the Doj, Bomanz, and the CA3306E board. Ordered as well on OSHPark, finally!
- Maybe have a demo of the ATL3+modules to Loic this we
- HV7360 new gen should be ok
- someone more on the waitling list for the pulser
- getting some likes on the
- boards are on their ways..
- so it's quiet !
- Moving forward! Capturing some images from the probe, trying videos
- Got some PCBs for Bomanz, for both high speed and CA3306E ADCs.
- Got some PCB for Doj, and tested those!
- Playing with DICOMs on Kina, should be ported to all images. Example of code yields funny dicoms.
- Here's what the ADCs boards look like.
- Tantalum capacitor: not in reverse! Never!! What are the odds that I put all 3 capacitors on 2 different boards all in reverse ?
- That's well and done. Shall be trying this week end!
- Got 50$ bonus from OSHPark... yeay!!
- Tweet proposed by "Cool, well if you want to release it as a product or anything then let us know and we'd be happy to help :-)" @PiSupply
Working on the press review
Backing HIDIOT : HIDIOT Kickstarter Edition Kit
Yeayy! Bomanz on OSHPark
Where to do next PCBs?
- Playing with ADC.. got the first results with the CA3306E board! See
- Played with Loic on the RF modules
- @cancelled dig into CMOS Ultrasound Transceiver Chip for High-Resolution Ultrasonic Imaging Systems.
- and at the bottom of it.. the next steps (for tomorrow? ;) )
- from @rbo
- Bomanz on Hackaday
- Been testing new iteration of Tobo with new HV7360. Pulser works with the pulser control
- Testing the pulser with the RPi Control see the notebook.
- PCBs for Doj V2 - see what it looks like are ordered
- @done contact Sonopen / microsonix
- Exploring Underwater Imaging Using a 1 × 16 CMUT Linear Array
- @done add Felix, Will + Jp, Charles, Md+Afreen
- @done add Visa, possibly Pouya and Thomas as contributors
- @done map interested (green)
- @done map users (blue)
- @done add OSH license
- @done start an order for pulsers
- @done start a quickstart
- 2E: 54+148.96 = 202.96
- Different systems
- LT todos:
- Using an adapter for the motors control of the ATL probes
- Using a 3 to 8 CMUT with a multiplexer =)
- Adding a pulse control from the kernel module / driver for bomanz
- Still about the RPi0 high-speed ADC : if I can't get above 10Msps due to a memory copy time, I may be able to double the speed by having 2 ADCs interleaved... it's to test!
- Some answers for the CMUT stuff.. let's see if it's going somewhere !
- ATL probes connectors are LEMO 18 or 19 pin.
- Discussing with groupgets
- Some guys forking the Kina repo =)
- PCBs sent for a High Speed ADC pHAT v3. This time, two interleaved AD9200s.
- Managed to get a peak into a ATL probe - update to the ATL probe.
- Working on the offset
- Got the PCBs and tested them. Yeayyy, they work! Slight hiccup with the ADC, nothing dramatic though =) Actually, two pins have a double use along with the ADC pins. Dumb me :p
- Pushing some pics of the devkit 2.0 - note that this config allows pulse transmit. Pulse from the pulser, receiving through the analog front end.. and acquisition managed by the adc and raspberry.
- Note to self: this config requires a "good" usb power supply. It succeded with a 5V 750mA power supply - but failed from USB.
- @done Add a documentation server
- @done Display IP on the OLED.
- Got the boards for Bomanz v3 and SMD stuff
- Sold some boards
- @done Need to have a look at this RPI GPIO DMA -
- @done Include some cletus remarks (sourcing) on gitbook
- @cancelled convert all previous images to dicom
- @done answer some questions online for RPI + ultrasound
- @done add the at todos to the shopping list (see here ) by means of a grep -> temp file
- @done Test YAML data on Markdown files (see contributors)
- Butchered the ADCs.. but I think I got the interleaved thing !
- Adding officially the ADC pHAT to the modules as elmo =)
- A summary of the Pi HAT test with the modules to image and the notebook.
- Debbugging the ADC inputs
- Managed to get the offset by inserting a 100pF capa in series with input
- Testing the ADC now with the Offset, see notebook
- RPi Article to be started
- as reminder of former tests
- Nothing much to do / say
- Added a benchmark for components
- Some ideas more to promote this product for A-mode tools
- =)
- : array ?
- Awesome capsule work:
- Hussain: I have 5MHz PZT with 10mm diameter and 0.4mm thickness . I made the backing and matching layers, also I used fluorosilicone rubber for acoustic lens.
- put probe on the setup
- @cancelled set the gain on the AFE using Doj v1.2
- @cancelled use the GetSuppliersList function to list equipment suppliers
- @done map the /include/community persons on a python map
- @done get stats from hackaday 1,2,GHMurgen,GHechomods,JOH
- @done Add contributor map to RPI doc
- @done Add different images from acquisitions to RPI doc
- @done Add the @kelu include("/include/") function to makedoc --> use for the RPI doc (contributor, set costs, intro ... and readmore)
- @done Complete the AddHistory with links for HAD
- @done add benchmark to gitbook resources
- Testing the counter for probe turns - see in the probe readme or see Using this arduino code and results are here.
- Added the Pi article - support from Marc / Thomas ?
- Doing some analysis of the CN producers
- @done Add PCBA
- Back in touch with GroupGets
- attiny84 (pinout): 12 pins:
- Config 1
- 2 pins pour communiquer avec le RPi (maybe only 1) to address the multiplexer. Send 4bits pour multi 1, Send 4bits pour multi 2 = 1 byte. Reception: 1 byte retour + que des 1. Cf here
- 4 pins pour 1 multiplexer -> leds
- 4 pins pour l'autre multiplexer -> leds
- 1 pin pour DAC
- Config 2
- 2 pins pour communiquer
- 4 pins pour les multiplexer
- 2 pins pour les enablers
- 1 pin for VGA :)
- Config 1
- Maybe ATtiny2313 ?
Received the cable for the probe
- @done fill in probe if necessary -> need oil in it (see AMZ)
- @done test probe with oil -> to redo
@done Test UHF probe
@done fill in /
@done integrate thomas remarks in RPi
@done update ppt_us with links all around
- @done Add TPL list
Nice patent :
Updated the first draft of the alt.tbo
- Awesome paper - how to boost the ADC -
- Testing a counter with the 32u4 -- see data
- @done order tobo.alt
- @done board pulser + processing + ADC for RPi
- : excellent article on finding your way.
- New tester at
- Testing double ADCs interleaved
- Cleaning the RPi:
- Testing the probe + elmo setup: here
- Testing with the servo and the notebook
- Power in a piezo element
- @done add some ideas for the pulser to the alt.pulser board
- @done get orders from Sam CN.
- Interesting article on synthetic aperture - PDF
- New article from Neasham - PDF -- some sources for good references
- Tech insights: using a 12Msps ADC for a 4MHz piezo and a 4 FPS - software limited, using a Voice Coil Motor (VCM -- see "Design and optimization of a voice coil motor with a rotary actuator for an ultrasound scanner," by same author ) for low noise, 15cm deep, 200 lines over 50°, 96V pulses, using synthetic aperture focusing on sig proc -- and they have already been doing in FDA compliant in vivo testing, Table III shows tech specs achieved.
- Also introduces some "low-cost devices recently entering the market include the Interson SeeMore probe, the SunBright SUN-806F and the Telemed MicrUs, which can be purchased between $1.5k and $3k.".
- Feasibility of Swept Synthetic Aperture Ultrasound Imaging - PDF
- Design and Optimisation of a Voice Coil Motor (VCM) with a Rotary Actuator for an Ultrasound Scanner - PDF
- @done remove gitbook MD files from the log
- @done link to files in the log (python)
- @done put back good ino for pulser
- @done quickstart installs and tests (see Charles email)
- @done finish the Word of Caution MD
- Trying to find him =)
- Mechanical sweeping probe image from
- hv7360 -user:kelu124 -org:ech open -org:echopenHQ
- ad9273 -user:kelu124 -org:echopen -org:echopenHQ check for FPGA for probe..
Got some amazing responses to the post on HN, held the 1st pos for an hour +, got over 200 ups, that's quite enough =) I guess I'm coming close to an end on this project, and my target would be to try and have a presentable project before Year 2. The five key milestones:
- Outreach: I have sold 10 kits so far, have ordered 5 sets more to a CN PCBA. Will sell those - and let people choose what they want when they'll want to play with those. I guess I'll have the community Milestone reached when someone provide a significant improvement / publishes thanks to this kit. Status: 50%. Bonus point if a unreached continent so far is involved.
- ENDOFYEAR: 15 kits sold, CN not good, MF ongoing (20171217)
- Money: thanks to the small margin on kits, and hackaday prizes, i'm quite cash neutral as of today. Having the 5 kits sold would permit financing the acquisition of the unmantled CN probe. Status: 100% Bonus: trade the chinese probe on leboncoin / ebay. Status: 0%
- ENDOFYEAR: still waiting (20171217)
- Product: I wanted to have a ultrasound hat done. I now have this ADC pHAT done, which can be perfected, but it's quite a win, so a simple 80V monopolar ultrasound board (independant from the motor / multiplexer) could be reached by Nov. Status: 0% Update: could be good to use the probe head to do a full portable probe =)
- ENDOFYEAR: Ongoing with Matty (20171217)
- Documentation: There are a couple of notes here, I'd love to see all of those gathered / processed / put into a braindump. Gitbook is good enough, but lack structure for raw knowledge dump. TODOS include:
- Listing all docs under YYYYMMDD
- ENDOFYEAR: Quite happy, having added experiments (20171217)
- Future I'd be keen on having a 8 to 16 elements module prepared, just so to prepare the next gen and passing over of the project. Jan and Ivan to support. Status: 0% Muxing using ATTINY85 ?
- ENDOFYEAR: Shifting to chaotic masks ;) (20171217)
Nice to have:
- A slack bot? It would be fun to have a supporting bot to answer queries, like "where are the elements benchmarked, how do you process dicom, ..."
Added something about the S3 probe
@done Adding the descs for modules and power needs
@done Removing double Autogen tags
@done Main readme as TPL
@cancelled DICOM rest of images
@done test some compressed sensing using golay codes on a single element piezo
- Zach's work has been published on =)
- Got the probe -- need to open it and explore it =) (or here in local).
Working to get a transducer schema?
Add in bench - theres a RC circuit to simulate a transducer
Check python scripts from Mark
Documenting pictures:
- - LocalCaption
- -- Caption-Abstract/Description // Headline
- -- ImageDescription
Got 3 months left (see 28/7), let's do... a MASTER TODO !
- Test board
- Get DSO by 10/9
- Get signals by 30/9
- See ICs and get a summary by end of oct.
- CNFab
- Get maps
- Send maps
- Receive alt.tbo and lite.gobs by 15/9
- Test those
- Put them on tindie with ADC pHATs
- Gob
- Start order with EF
- Benchmark UF
- 31/8: Start design
- 10/9: Get it to MF
- 10/10: get it and Test before 20/10
- Single board
- Get tested
- Start design by 10/10
- Get sent to macrofab by 25/10
- Receive board by 25/11
- Getting a 18650 battery (x2)
- Getting battery board (x2) - board and tofs -- see & battery holders
- Touch sensors
- // //
- not much time, but let's see. The board design is making progress.
- Basically, need to review the pinout for the RPi Header
- Got the DSO, will do some tests
- Will start investigating a minima with the tobo.alt design
- Image tagging with
- Adding metadata to the images
- explore:
- ImageDescription
- Been starting the probe teardown page
- Checking the pulses
- Motor control?
- Finetuning the img metadata
- Need to plan for the oneboard design
- Need to make some progress on Uniboard
- Some feedback from Marc, and Felix supposed to come to Paris !
- Trying to master the probe counter
- Need to have a script to edit Images tag
- Fab is making progress on tobo.alt and goblins, gobs form EF coming too!
- Challenge issued to boost GPIO read speed. 12Msps so far on the RPi0 so far ... x2 with the ADC cape, how fast can it reach?
- Adding experiments to the docs
- @done adding the experiments for within the MD files
- @done create files for experiments in include (eg in /include/experiments/ ) (using ListOfExperiment )
- Opened a bit more of the S3 probe
- Ordered some JST for the probe
- @fail test s3 outputs w/ JST - and good trigs on DSO203
- @done feed s3 in 5V in motor w/ JST -> fail
- @done Test Gob
- Relancer le fab_cn ... error in its capa placement
- done: test ADCs
- done: test Pulser
Done the tests for the pulser ( 20170930a )
Some additional works for the motor control
@cld a better bilevel control (4 NOPs period -> PPon, Poff, PNon, PNoff)
@cld float pins between shots? -> work session on bilevel.c
@cld pass license to CC-BY-SA
@done add some new articles to the new article (all put to bibtex)
- Some interesting read .. again: 10.1109/ULTSYM.2013.0142 for bimorphs
- Article: A flexible multichannel FPGA and PC-Based ultrasound system for medical imaging research: initial phantom experiments for brazilan students working on a design
- [Article: Development of a Low-Cost Medical Ultrasound Scanner Using a Monostatic Synthetic Aperture]( for this awesome work on a probe)
- Article: Effect of frequency characteristic of excitation pulse on lateral spatial resolution in coded ultrasound imaging
Demo mode for clarius :
- UniBoard making progress :)
- Some new articles:
- Article: A Deep Learning Approach to Ultrasound Image Recovery #CompressedSensing :)
- Article: Ultrasound Image Quality Assessment -- A framework for evaluation of clinical image quality
- NiftyNet: a deep-learning platform for medical imaging at
- Loving PoC || GTFO :
- Check : Lattice iCE40UL1K-SWG16 -- (used on ) -- quite a small FPGA !!
- Onboard gyro ?
- @done senjak 15:07 In Which a PDF is a Git Repository Containing its own Latex Source and a Copy of Itself --
- FUp:
- SENT -
- eBay
- Kretztechnik
- S-VRW7-10
- WAW4/5B --
- S-VRW77AK -- small piezos
- Emisonic 4264
- Businesses
- #UpAccelerate mscan. Mobile ultrasound device. price 600$. It is a business, but one to benefit maternal health -- looks like
- @canceled senjak CAP1188 for touch ?
- LightProbe: A 64-channel programmable ultrasound transducer head with an integrated front-end and a 26.4 Gb/s optical link 10.1109/ISCAS.2017.8050300
- FPGA Implementation of Speckle Noise Removal in Real Time Medical Images
Butterfly 2k$
- (t1, t2, t3, t4) Pon, Pdamp, Pon, pdamp
- !! excellent
- modprobe foo parameter=value
- modinfo ambassador for params
Sometimes a kernel modules allows setting a parameter at run time. In this case you'll find the parameter under /sys/module/modulename/parameters/, with writable file permissions. The debug parameter of the ambassador module is an example of such a parameter. Set a value to this parameter with a simple echo command:
echo -n 1 > /sys/module/ambassador/parameters/debug
Great topic: good feedback from users!
Another topic, got 1 month left before 25/10 (2 full years!), let's update the MASTER TODO !
- CNFab
- Get updated goblins
- Put them on tindie with ADC pHATs
- Review reason for pulser issues -- possible D2 issue
- Start macrofab bis.tbo after feedback on D2
- ADC board (cancelled as of 20180401 - gone directly to final board)
- Trying a 50Msps board.
- Design start on Nov 1st
- Order by Nov 20th
- Receive by December
- Final tests in Jan
- Single board (final)
- Design start on Nov 1st
- Design produced by
- Order by Nov 20th
- Receive board by December
- Test by Jan
- Butterfly IQ
- Muscle fatigue assessment
Interesting exchanges on slack about glycogen measurements in muscles.
- Kretz Ultrasound Transducer -- KRETZ AW145B -- NB on 5th: got it!
- ALT ADR on
- or others
- Kretz 7.5MHzcal Transducer [wnw7.5av] Secteur combison
UniBoard : No external ram is fast enough with ICE40. Capitalizing on UP5K 1Mb RAM.
- 48MHz: couple of lines, full speed
- 128 lines for 130us, 8 bit at 24MHz, 6MHz BP out of 24MHz sampling
eBay search ultrasound probe -beauty -fetal -facial -gel -parking -sheathes -covers -dermabrasion -massager
- UP5K does not have icestorm compatibility
- HX8K is BGA
- Remains is HX4K ... and needs additional RAM.
- Nice project:
- This SRAM can be upgraded to 512K x 16
- @done solder rest of Pulser
- test the two probes I got
- Open-source: ICE40 & RPi
- Perfs: SRAM + HX4K at least: IceZero ? Take the design, throw in 8Mb instead of 4Mb
- IceZero board design can be reused
- Silkscreening:
- Keeping a clear markup of the different functions
- ADC: 10 bit, 65Msps
- 10 bits measures (or pseudo-12 with decimation ? by x3)
- 6 bits remaining by acq: 2 top tour, Pon, Poff, 2 IOs
- Interact
- 2 buttons
- Manual Trig
- Select mode
- 4 LEDs
- Single mode
- Loop mode
- Acq (ready: on, data in: flashing)
- 2 buttons
- Modes:
- Single capture
- 200us long captures at 65Msps : 208kbits
- Capacity of close to 35+ captures if needed in RAM
- Loop
- 130us acq at 24 Msps over 16 bits: 57.6 kbits
- That's more than 130 lines over a 8000000 bit SRAM
- Single capture
- Transfer back to RPi through SPI
- Variables (to be stored as a header of the file sent back)
- Pon length
- Poff length
- Tdelay length
- Tacq
- RT -- repetition time
- N acq -- number of acquisition
- Implicit:
- ADC bits used
- Mode (loop or single)
- Expose:
- i2c: min. a OLED screen space kept on board
- Gain Output
- Logic (bidirectionally buffered): Trig, Pon, Poff, 2 top tours, 2 extra IOs
- mini USB for power on
- 5V and GND pads
is Kretz VSW3-5 linear ?
same for SW4/5B ?
S-VDW5-8B for parts ? endoprobe
Call for clarification
Open toolchain is Verilog / VHDL / Lattice tools
130 lines of 150us at 24Msps on 16 bits is 7488000 bits
Worked on two experiments: pulser tests and testing new probe, and again, once the probe is refilled
@done 20171111a and 20171112b Readmes
Ultrasound Imaging System for Educational Purposes --- excellent idea
Design and Construction of an ultrasound transmit pulser system for non-destructive testing
- for stats
@done impedance matching -- see more -- Butterworth-Van-Dyke or here. Tuning Filter.
- Pulser:
- Excellents images :,+a+member+of+the+%22salami+club&source=bl&ots=KU4G_lVoaL&sig=P-R_jzRnU1QUotDTlL005dr9ZEQ&hl=fr&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi9047M3c3XAhUOmbQKHb4eAXgQ6AEIKjAA#v=onepage&q=by%20manual%20scanning%20was%20the%20daily%20routine%2C%20a%20member%20of%20the%20%22salami%20club&f=false ( see 1.16.c for kretz images)
- Impendance : see more -- the folder
- imp -> power delivery x9 : Fig5 of
- 560 pF and Lm=56uH
- 445-9145-1-ND for 150pF at 200V
- Random:
Testing some electrical impedance matching here
Cloud9 on a RPi:
@done list other initiatives
- Two-year anniversary - FPGA yeay !*
- Done on experiments!
- After realizing at BiVi that US-SPI is simple... try new HV sources?
- Working on a modif on alt.tbo to produce alt.tbo2 (VL)
- Create a HV module (VL) from MAX5025
- @done Having Gob on MF as well?
- WB1-6TSL to replace transformer
- Nice black boards btw -- love the style
- Download Matty2 (DP) from UV
- Push on MF. Tested price: 260$ for all.
- Limits --
- Onboard DDS for impedance calcul ?
- MAX5025 and Alt.tbo v2 - on MF
- @done Elmo v2 / Gob (alt) ongoing work (ODB and transfo issues respectively)
@done Alt.tbo2 up on MF
@done senjak Matty ordered
@done Gob, Elmov2 at Vlad
- -- some waves for a logo =)
- for FPGA and arduinos =) qui tourne sur un ICE40UP5K/3K-SG48 --
- Are the good times over for compact ultrasound?
- @ushound
- by Kruizanga
Article: Ultrasound Imaging From A Single Large Sensor for the original article - or with a local article
MacroFab costs/prices model is reviewed
- to be used with single large sensors for flat imaging!
@done classifier articles with link Article: =)
@ushound for ADC, SPU0410LR5H for mems
- 4 LED (listening, saving, ... ?)
- 2 buttons (save)
- SPI : DAC and ADC: 2 LEDS for the CS
@ushound: social activism around getting to know our ultrasound environment pollution
ADMP441 for I2S MEMS?
SPH0645LM4H-B est i2s
the AMP may be -- schematics are here and datasheet
@senjak ( Vilis Ad Bis Pretii // Si Non Confectus, Non Reficiat // Stercus, Stercus, Stercus, Morituri Sum )
- Nunc Ille Est Magicus ?
- Non Ante Septem Dies Proxima, Squiri
- Vilis Ad Bis Pretii
- The things we carry // kipple // OSH
- @ushound started again
- app-wise, @ushound -> mailed sergio
- eink + esp8266 -
- macrofab ongoing
- #arduino going at 1 #msps over USB !
And stuff! Some good todos for this year:
- @done added experiment from Felix
- @ongoing better experiments scanning
- @done readding description into experiment files
- @done a page sumarizing the experiments (as in the Experiments page in the gitbook)
Also working on a compilation of best open source projects using ultrasounds -- or
Add some fun playing with ultrasound in public spaces
Also expecting delivery of a matty-senjak board soon =) Will defintely need to find a name
Still getting trouble getting a good name for Senjak, Matty... UnAurIce ? for 1Auris + ice 40 ? Anyhow...
IceCube2: need first to create an account
- pip install apio
- Install the icestorm tools with:
- apio install system scons icestorm
- sudo apt-get install fpga-icestorm yosys arachne-pnr fpga-icestorm-chipdb
- Official packages:
Other: working on a bibtex repo
Found out Columbia Open Ultrasound : just genius. Interesting AFE at .
@done Brainstorm for @senjak information design:
- Main branch (on GH) - sync'ed from matty folder
- Presentation (on as a static page)
- Sources
- Upverter
- RPi
- Experiment examples
- Simple Mode-A acquisition
- Article GTFO
- Article HardwareX / arXiv
- All In One PDF ? =)
- doc branch (on -- sync'ed from matty/doc as a gitbook
- Gitbook
- Pages created from Experiments
- DATA files synced (not GH, on -- synced from matty/data
- Main branch (on GH) - sync'ed from matty folder
- Fun with TTGO - interesting full setup with
- Removed MattySenjak clock, expecting new
- Bought some ESP32 to play with
- Preparing OSHW ?
- Clock is soldered again!
- Done! With the code, it works. I just need to rmmod ftdi_sio and usbserial =)
- Still some issues having SPI work.. let's try through RPi. Been adding the the jupyter to the board.
- Why not have the CS0 on IO4, taht's
- work making progress -- DAC working for the gain, Pon and Poff work, setting up the registers work..
- Need to get something else than 0xAA on reading though =)
- booked -- will be home page / gh-page.
- @done un0rick site to have plenty of stuff
- shop for stuff (or paypal ?)
- doc for documentation (from a gitbook)
- Generated from echomods
- includes list of datasets
- includes article
- data for datasets
- git links to github
- gh-page is homepage
- Just a landing page
- main is code for fpga / rpi
- to contain article
- to contain key doc (generated from echomods?) which will generate gitbook (or contains)
- all of this in a self contained PDF containing
- pitch
- scientific article
- poc-style
- some goodies
- gh-page is homepage
- BTW, un0rick light could be good! (UP5K, HV7361+MD0100!, no RAM, just pulser, few buttons, ... :) ) -- to be discussed / price checked. Nothing works yet on the MOSI line... strange to read those. Version from 11/02 works still. To be explored!
- On the good side, I had time to test the new Elmo v2 and Alt.tbo v2 boards:
- Getting first images ! Yeayyy =)
- So now, getting to:
- @done Create matty module
- @done Publish first drafts on un0rick GH / GH-pages / gitbook
- @done create un0rick page on echomods gitbook
- @done create v2 release once gob.v2 and corrected/working alt.tbo v2 are ready.
- done testing elmo v2
HV Pulsers work! -- nice damping.
I got nice echoes day before yesterday (oops I mentioned those already)
@done use General Design Procedure for Free and Open-Source Hardware for Scientific Equipment as a reference
nice 5V to 170V booster with the schematics.
Get inspiration from this inspiration
- @done compare old pulser (pulser) and new acs for matty readme
- @done automating finding readmes of experiments
Iterations for next steps:
- Roadmap for the next evolution
- Phantom in PU to do ? What accoustic impedance?
- @done for matty Rip this intro?
Other stuff: explore ETH
- CryptoZombies
@done clean all repos for a v2 release of modules
- Elmo : OK!
- Alt.tbo
- Gob
- Launching matty v2 -- prod version
- Publishing it on
- Explore USED Bard Site Rite - (v3) or (v2)
- Bard Site Rite 37522 5C-45C 7.5MHz Ultrasound Transducer Probe 68mmFL Dymax 0470
- @done decrypt the connector for the Bard probe
- Release v1.9: echOmods : legacy release
- clean broken links
- Release v2!
- @done Script to check IMGs URL matches path
- @done reorganise
- keep v2s of elmo, gob, elmo, alt.tbo
- remove others in
- gitbook -> Have a "Legacy" chapter
- Quickstart : replace pulser by alt.tbo
- Readme actuel becomes
- Experiment summary
- List all experiments in Summary
- Create summary page
- Create Full
- up and running! Gitbook as well as data, doc branches are up too.
- OSHWA too !
- Matty v0.1 preprod files pushed
- Matty DAC tests seem OK
- Create doc .. seems doxygen supports both VHDL and python, perfect!
- Polyurethane-Casting-Resin.html!/resin-gel-silicone-adhesive/casting-resin/Xencast-PX90-Semi-Flexible-
- Speed of sound in rubber-based materials for ultrasonic phantoms
polymeric materials include neoprene, ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) and polyurethane rubbers
- or 10.1118/1.4802083
Loved Nasa: @done add to un0rick
fow uopeytdeus hesor tpe wonfretuw ca amwi et detr ip fos zopwyaiod conwe ah wousgt Tepan afew conseion et mew
- Worked on a bard probe with matty
- An interesting patent is here -- found working on the patent parsin' graph tool
- The more I glance at it, the more fascinated I become...
- There is no motor! Just electromagnets =)
- Then no need for a stepper motor
- it may be the case that
- The signal coming back is an already processed signal!
- It means the pulse should come from another part of the board... ie another pair of cables.
- Black and white? -> 5 ohm between this pair.. why not?
- What about the other logics?
- It means the pulse should come from another part of the board... ie another pair of cables.
- Next steps: trying and get the reference manual
- Get full echographs boxes on ebay =)
- Plug plugs on headers while running
- Getting a Bard Site Rite III in the mail soon ? ;)
- Probable supplier for mechanical probe in the pipe too !
- Beginning with FPGA :
- yosys can use Graphviz to create interactive drawings of its synthesis :
- Back from holidays!
- Making progress on small probe
- @done change path of images when they have changed
- un0rick / matty v0.1 release!
- @cancelled Create detailed pages for the community in the gitbook
- @done Create detailed pages for each probe I've played with in the gitbook
- Working on the bibliography and reput it in the gitbook
- @done cleaning gitbook and pushing annexes
- @done add dp location
- @done listing experiments of others
- getting things straight with MacroFab
TODO reclean full repo one gob2 and lit.tbo are tested
- @done before reclean full repo, create release "Full Dev Resources" and get corresponding version (v1.9 + hash)!
- @cancelled : Add Full GitBook PDF to it before
- @done Sort the list of experiments, shortnames in SUMMARY
- @done Community: list the contributors in a page + add the experiment. Individual page to point to experiment.
- @done Page on documentation
- @done Edit history page to add Matty.
- @done Rewrite the Chapters Readme -> "This chapter is dedicated to the brain_dumps "
- @done Do a Doj (LOW PRIORITY)
- @done Redo a usable alt.tbo (LOW PRIORITY)
- @done Clean Modules list (keep lite.tbo, goblin, cletus, doj, elmo, matty) + add "CNprobe"
- @cancelled Make 7 clean QuickStarts for remaining modules // copy them on Tindie.
- @cancelled Get "ShortNames" in JSON
- @done Put alt.tbo, tobo, loftus, tomtom, croaker, retroATL3 and wirephantom in retired modules + add "PU3090" phantoms in retired
- @cancelled Remove sets in doc
- @done Remake homepage in autodoc
- @cancelled Clean obsolete versions in repos
- Testing goblin, then goblin + lite.pulser here
- Testing new modules for ADC, lite.pulser, goblin here
- Superb work on the single element imaging here, or here.
- @done contact the author !
- Interesting Signostic work on single element probes
- Interesting vintage designs
- See for mapping patents =)
- nmap -sP 192.168.0.* This does a simple ping scan in the entire subnet to see which all host's are online.
- Other:
- Ping your broadcast IP address ping (may require -b on Linux)
- Now type arp -a. You will get the list of all IP addresses on your segment.
- New post on HackerNews =), reached #2 position.
- New people on the slack!
- a new contributor from shenzen, yeayy! would be interesting to help develop a connection there
- Interesting project at
- Updated the 20180430a experiment. Now the PU30 is a bit more visible (problem was I was loosing info when shifting data to an int..)
- news from Nico's thesis
- After a couple of mojitos a couple of days back, the new un0rick board came out! Can't wait to test it.
- Recommendation of Hurricane for piezos. Let's find out.
- Need to improve the doc for un0rick
- @done Resume work on article - Draft is here
- @done contact the guys from (check their prices)
- Need to test different uses.
- Seems the un0rick bugged because of a reset control
- TC1270ALVRCTR etait le mauvais composant, il fallait un TC1270ATVRCTR . Le niveau n'etait pas le bon.
- Working version is here - version e.
@done add Anna and Matthew to users list
better acquisition library
Interesting brochure on archive
Resolution on imaging - 1969
- New ADC pHAT image (8G)
- Some competition Ultratek UT350
- Wondering if/why I'm slowing down on producing.. Too many users / too many Q&A to answer?
- Adding ultrasound pHAT to listen to and emit ultrasounds (15-25khz)
- @done idea for the ultrasound phat : QuietShark (see )
- article idea for the un0rick doc:
- @done Add new un0rick code, and documentation (both FPGA side, FPGA SPI level, Python)
- @done article un0rick article and pics
- reference to this
- other book images
- Article: Impressive Development of a Low-Cost Medical Ultrasound Scanner Using a Monostatic Synthetic Aperture
- I'm a noob at this, but it seems that MFFS uses fixed focus piezos, but MSAS does focusing in the software (hence synthetic aperture) using a piezo of known size. That's an interesting alternative to focused piezos.
- Some other interesting insights, like using "Quality Assurance for UltraSound (QA4US) software" for image quality assessment, or also the architecture they used (an ARM, 14-bit ADC at 12Msps), or even the fact that the piezo is in direct contact with the skin, or a motor using a Voice Coil Motor.
- @done add the MSAS principles to the un0rick article
- Module
- #define PI2 or get_rpi_version
- int rpi_version = LinuxUtilRPI::from(hal.util)->get_rpi_version();
- SDR for engineers
- HDR :
- Updated biblio
- un0rick: playing with the I2C OLED screen using
- Article:
- Very nice article from an eu-funded consortium set of smes
- Template for articles ? -> for a great latex template
- FFT for ice40 -
- Tested TGC and class approach for Matty
- Ongoing work with collecting bibliography
- @done try and get to artsens
- Nine Chains to the Moon
- Pile of notebooks on the desk & Cleaning flat
- Making progress with benchmarks
- check for testing libs
- Possibly this :
- or add a custom path to the lib
- Interesting SimpleRick fork or see the image here.
- @done ebay Follow up Having a go on babay at a "ATL 720A", and two unspecified 5 and 10MHz probes.
- 720 for the "ATL MK-300I" .. and 724
- @done ebay followup on 720, 724, AUSONICS
- @done document ATL Apogee Ultrasound, ATL ADR 5.5 MHz / 7 mm
- Ultrasound Transducer Probe for UM-4 (7081)
- Tried to do some more work on steppers
- Done finding echoes on a kretz probe
- @done get in touch with this teardown :
- Breaking the 128Msps wall
- Improving the lib, removing some glitches
- remains a glitch being the number of cycles below 8 bits !
- Proposed by Tomek: use a HV9110. " Ref is High Voltage DC/DC Converter for Supertex Ultrasound Transmitter Demoboards"
- @done ebay Followup on the DIASONICS C PROBE FREQUENCY 10 MHZ P/N 100-1071-00 S/N 1466
- hv check out
- or
- @done use MAX5025 to test a HV runner ?
- RPi + ice40 :
- Trying to get some connectors
- Some intel make me think that's a duplex probe for MK300, MK450 or MK600. Preliminary tests show a stepper motor.
- Wait for ATL plug
- Get VHDL code
- Push updated code, including
- Test probes
- identify motor + compteurs
- Got a v1.1 firmware out, for 0 < nCycles < 0xFFFF
- Reviewed Readme
- Progress on the article
- Got a 2GB image fully valid for RPi. Python: Jupyter, Scipy, Numpy, .. all gets on.
- Added some utilities to flash directly the flash.
- Updated history and process details.
- iceprog mybin.bin works well to flash on the un0rick. just plug in the cable, put a jumper on the RPi/FT header, then iceprog mybin and voila =)
- not a lot of progress..
- un0rick's first batch is sold out!
- Some cheap piezos?
- H4!b5at+kWls-8yh4GvQ hahaha
- Congrats to william: =)
- icezprog
- @done Check for un0rick github badges (counter, pypi overag, doi zenodo, ... )
- Compteur:
- PyPi:
- coverage x% (
- DOI Zenodo:
- First test with pylint not the cleanest of codes
- Geeky! Looking at
- How fast times run when you're stuck on a big project..
- Reading more on fpgas
- @done do a un0pHAT - HV7360 or using HV7361 (price: 7$ -- see HV7361 Typical Application Circuit on datasheet -- vs 2x (1.87 + 1.68)+1.5 with MD1210K6-G, and MD0100 TC6320TG, grand total of 8.6$ )
- hehe thinking about bad puns on the new board. Previously un0pHAT, or liteRick
- concept ongoing
- name made me laugh .. patrick, fat rick, hat trick ?
- Made some progress on the single sensor imaging article -- litterature review
- un0rick v1.1 (two channels) ordered. Quite some stress on flash chips, possibly to remove from next iterations
- No more Winbond flashes!
- got some by some brokers...
- @done better readmes for un0rick --
- @done push a python lib for un0rick
- Waiting a un0rick v1.0 to retry some tests
- @done 8bit art for icons and todos
- @done source a Bion PSI-400
- writing on apogee5MHz and apogee10MHz
- got into the 10Mhz, some piezo, and another piezo + motor =)
- updating RetroATL3
- Seems to top at 1Msps with fast clock
- ADCS747x / AD7476
- Trying new matty on old probes
- @done try matty on a apogee5MHz once opened
- @done try matty on a ausonics75 once opened
- @done try matty on a 724A with connectors
- Tests with beacons
- Beacons
- and results :
- usHound v2.0 in the pipe !
- @done m5stack client for un0rick
- @done Explain aim on tinyfpga discourse
- un0rick v1.1 dual SMA received
- @done check why no reset on v1.1
- @done order one phat
- @done Read
- @done use on MATTY VHDL
- @done check driver up to 200V
- FPGA at Amazon:
- @done on for un0rick and minimatty
- @done for illustrations
- check HV supply of
- @done loot badges:
- Close to year since matty was designed !
- for view of what PMODs should be like
- @done to correct MATTY V1.1 revA
- Reviewing a bit of MATTY verilog
- @done command line for pyUn0 following
- @done add to pyUn0 compressed acquisitions ( jsons of 1 Line, json of 10 lines, 64 Msps, 32Msps)
- for usb0 issues
auto lo usb0 allow-hotplug usb0 iface usb0 inet static address netmask network
Bbox-089C716D // mimite2000
Tracing table
New image to come for "goblin", ethernet gadget, vnc enabled, ssh, and others
- sudo avrdude -c arduino -p m328p -P /dev/ttyUSB0 -U flash:w:grbl.hex for flashing an hex to an arduino uno (Plotter XY table)
- Some bins
- fa6a7560ade6d6b1149b6e78e0de051f /home/kelu/ultrasound/un0rick/software/MATTY.bin
- 4c4c1476fe43503b2a32ca39a59b3c51 /home/kelu/ultrasound/echomods/matty/v1.1/MATTY_v1.1a.bin
- dc9ece10627d97eec40cbe3ed872cf39 /home/kelu/ultrasound/echomods/matty/v1.1/MATTY_V1.1b.bin
- 7cbf3d11454ae62d70a5aa8264d74bae /home/kelu/ultrasound/echomods/matty/v1.01/MATTY_un0rick_20180826.bin
- 49ed003fae3a312590fe99a2fa90392c /home/kelu/ultrasound/echomods/matty/v0.1/MATTY_Proto_v0.1.bin
- Interactive fiction
- Mezzanine connectors ?
- : Ultrasonic Neuromodulation (UNOMOD) is a subreddit specifically designed to enable an open and public discussion around the field of stimulating the brain using Ultrasound.
- Been working on the python lib
- for Human Interface Design ..
- @done read Designing Video Game Hardware in Verilog for verilog games design
- @done read IF books and MUSH
- @done coverage for pyUn0 lib, including pypi,, zenodo,...
- Gitbook gestalt
- @done sterling: HV7361 / HV7351 SPI logic ?
- Reworked documentation
- REtromanual Basic
- @done explore NDT with Jorge
- -- awesome work of textile innovation #art
- Starting a new 5 batch of v1.1
- lower power jewellery:
- @done un0rick / lit3rick : install an initial delay (after trig)
- MF costs: check how it evolves
- @cancelled EB - ESP32 + ICE40
- --
- add gyro, eink, LEDs, photodiod, IR ?
- 1 PMOD = 8 signals means if 24, 3PMOD possible
- Size: PHAT is 65x30, Business card is 85x50
- 80x45 as an objective ? -> 2 PMODs on opposite to RPI connector, then 2 PMODs on sides
- eINK display for ESP ? Eg ikny phat : 212x104 pixel
- badgy 2.9" 296x128 pixel
- TTGO ESP32 2.9" display
- Tilt sensor / gyro / .. ?
- DEFCON2018 badge httRead more : for good tutorialsps://
- Working on the WVP
- @done rework echomods page
- @done rework un0rick page (with new logo / gifs / support / ...)
- @done : add options to pyUn0 lib
- @done follow the specialisation from beg of march ?
- fun
- @done include the book as an insipration for lit3rick ?
- abil
- Jorge
- @done prepare a page for NDT piezos.. the same way there is one for probes.. or on same ?
- icezprog : cliffordwolf/icotools#3 and some customising
- @done lit3rick vF : add rounded edges, connections on other pins from the board for flash CS, passer all IOs sur le header RPI, cacher les SCK du controle HV et back de la carte: passer un header go-through.
- UP5K flashing
- Upload a FPGA ice40 bitstream via curl using a ESP32 in arduino :
- Why not through a M5STACK ?
- Yeayyy using an esp32 with the lit3rick flash issue
- Search for: neural networks "derivative works" of datasets
- Lex Fridman on Twitter: If a neural network generates an image, who owns the copyright? The owner of the dataset that the net was trained on? The designer of the network architecture? The person running the code? Or... the AI system itself?
- @done echomods: Rewrite landing page echomods
- @done include on echomods readme : Support paragraph as in
- @done @toorder hv9150db1 - LED drivers (MAX?) - SMAs
- @tocheck
- @done backpack for #NSA1166
- - I2C to SPI: 2.41€ 568-13691-1-ND #NSA1166
- LED driver : MAX7219 : 9€ - MAX7219CWG+-ND : ordered for tests #NSA1166
- Veille ebay: TSA1605A, NSM1416, HP5082-7415, siemens DL1416
- @cancelled better landing page:
- Include LOGO & TAGS
- Include badges
- Better index page as follows
- A. Intro
- B. List of previous projects
- C. Summary here
- List of experiences
- List of modules
- Single sentence with list of probes and link to those
- D. TODOs
- Biblio, articles, list of resources, ...
- Tindie, slack, Community
Other pages under /include/worklog/
- Source articles : @article
- Other articles ? Add all sentences with hastag, remove it + link, strip, add.
- Source bibliographie from biblio
- Add: LM96511 : -> MD2131 --> AFE5805 --> ?
- for RPI and GPIO and SP
- sudo gpio mode 14 alt0 (itoo with 12 and 13 to reset SPI pins to original function)
- +80V and -80V from 8V, using HV9150 and a MAX1846
- @done first shots with lit3rick
- @done harmonize between lit3rick, pHATrick, minie, minny
- @done receive lomos and test for NDTs
- First experiment - blinky on C1 to C3 OK, HILO..not.
- Moar articles to the biblio
- New DC/DC boosts?
- for RPI and GPIO and SPI
- Verilog DSP:
- Not enough time to work!
- OSS in companies
- need updating lit3rick to v1.4
- Round edges
- change ADC for Matty old one
- i2c thermometer
- remove header for SPI for voltages
- change flash to winbond
- Still working on minie bin's
- lots of links to record
- Pics old america:
- lit3 update
- update flash
- cut corners
- MCP9808 for temperature onboard
- filtre evacuation d'energie entre pGA et ADC
- passer en 12 bits ?
- Thanks Hackolite for putting my brain on this =)
- ESP32, uFL, uSMA, VDD controled via pins, ...
- air quality ?
- DS :
- BME680
AA rechargeable ?
Battery sensing: + a p-channel MOSFET Q1, a PNP transistor Q2
- Would be fun to have a simple ACQ + display setup in VGA of a 120us line on a 640x480 display
- Check with uF
- Availability of IOs for VGA on a lit3
- Video processing ?
- k210 for for video fun
- Working with cheatsheets -
- Holidays:
- Scilly Isles
- Ethiopia
- Corfou
- Argentina : longtemps =)
- CAN / FXH / ...
- Summer time and deconnection !
- some progress on lit3
- getting help form @ico_TC :
- going back to UW, checking with Farad too.
- Need to stop bleeding resources ;)
- Need to fix thermometer
- Gathering some signal processing on fpgas
- Good progress, stupid capa was in the way on ADC clock. Now acquisitions seem more okay:
- @done updates on new pHAT
- remove this capa, remove i2c pullups for the thermometers (that was cost 5$ ! :/ )
- connecter le ice40 au i2c rpi
- pouvoir connecter des ios sur l'uart du rpi
- router les gpio daughter existantes plutôt sur les pins pcm du rpi pour un jour essayer de sortir des données en i2s (GPIO26, 20, 21, 18)
- du coup, mettre possiblement les Pulse controls sur des GPIOs non spécifiques comme GPIO05, 06, 13, 19.
- Niveau header RPi, on peut connecter les SPI_EXT MISO / CS du coup.
- Use 5 first bytes of a read to store the bin number / board ID ?
- Need to make progress on this RTL-SDR for ultrasound ;)
- @done find the right jekyll theme to leave gitbook
- Dynamic DAC seems better - however some IOs are off.
- CLosely here, and then some: hardware finetuning (TMP and ADC C at minimum)
- Ran again 10km
- lit3rick on final form to be delivered by 2/12.
- Andrew for some symbiflow support ? DFT + i2s ?
- Got the sw45b probe off. Interesting designs.
- @done hack the diasonics heads.
- Ported the pyUn0 for un0rick to python3 .. yeay. Thanks to Fab's pull request.
- Awesome SAO:
- @cancelled: SAO on up5K:
- RGB's
- 2 GPIOs: for what ?
- mini OLED ?
- SD connector
- mini MEMS microphone
- touchpad
- lit3 received, doesn't burn. yet. icoprog can flash the flash. but fpga won't boot from it.
- Connections seem OK
- icebreaker-sch.pdf says the connections are fine
- possibly need to make clean icoprog
- or to swap IOs for programming, while
- beware, for flash programming, SPI_SS needs to be kept floating high. Floating.
- @done keep an eye on "BRUEL KJAER ULTRASOUND" =)
- The article for the conf is quite ready. Thanks to William, Carla, Jorge.
- GE amongst my clients !
- @cancelled analyse protoelectronics (cf Leonie) for short runs --
- @cancelled a small US badge see [SAO DOOM]
- 8x8 LED matrix + driver (max7219 // IS31FL3728 (1x8x8) / 31FL3736 pr 12x8, including breathing - QFN40 / IS31FL3731, 2x8x8, QFN28)
- i2c simulated EEPROM
- MEMS loudspeaker
- US microphone
- SAO 2x3 - V1.69bis standard
- UP5K
- Breakout of remaining IOs + SPI / I2C
- @todo PMODs US:
- 2x8 : 10bits+1 ADC, MOSI, SCK, SS1, SS2, HILO (ADC, DAC TGC, HILO, ..) based on AD8332
- 1x8 : Trig, HVP, HVN, PDAMP, i2c, i2c, EN, IO
- @done use the driver
- test on several probes
- get driver from aniss
- test with BLDC on some probes
- @done redo probes sheets
- Have all in one sheets
- teardown subpart
- experiment subpart
- others ?
- Thinking of the un0rick website.. have subdomains like experiments, probes, ... for general aspects from echomods ?
- @cancelled redo the geography part.. using geopandas ?
Ultrasound stuff
- @done integrated mouse optics in the article, from "A Free-Hand System of the High-Frequency Single Element Ultrasound Transducer for Skin Imaging"
- @done my objectives at
- @todo Documentation - update for lit3 once it is ready, with,, and
- Motors
- DRV8313, L6234
- Brushless DC (BLDC) motor with Arduino – Part 2. Circuit and ...
- SN754410NE
- FFT at
- AFE5801 on a PMOD ? + MAX14806 ?
- @done : Analyse de la compétition (lecoeur,, (siderus),, , )
- @done documentation ghpage to update,
- @done encode lib in npz : and check dependences with
- @done up5k update - for the refs (includes block RAM, SB_SPRAM256KA, but i2c and SPI too (SB_SPI and SB_I2C)) -- see refs at
- qrcode wifi
- @done get a spidriver
- MEMS : SPH0641LU4H-1 (PDM) et IS31FL3728 pr 8x8 en i2c
- icebling:
- @done Repushing some silent experiment - using it as a benchmark for lit3rick and un0rick boards
- @done Need to repush libpyUn0.
- @donetodo get somes boxes to sort VNA, piezos, attiny's stuff
- @cancelled SAO for Belgrade !
- SAO: FT232RQ -
- upduino Flash - ice40 connection
- FFT generator :
- Corresponding :
- Manuf confirmed a LDO was rotated 90degrees. Means tests on lit3rick v1.3 can now be done.
- @done silkscreen v1.3 to be updated.
- daugther board on esp32 m5stack for viz ?
- @todo get to add bins
- to flash
- to run tests
- to do single acqs and details
- to stream i2s
- test INMP441 ?
- SAO ideas: apa102 LEDs ( WS2812B-2020 also, 2x2mm)
- see - SparkFun LuMini LED Matrix
- @done lit3rick examples : complilation :
- @done explore bivi's and
- @SAOLIT : ATtiny861A / ATtiny84A ?
Having fun with StyleGans
- StyleGan:
More GAN
- Trained:
- First experiment from a while testing pulse width
- Minie v1.4 (argh already??)
- Connect i2s to IOs
- Remove onboard HV generations
- Connect TopTurns to IOs and remove TopTurn SPIEXT/HV/Header - keep 4x2 through-header with ( 5V, 2xi2c, HV_EN, GND, 3.3V HV+, HV- -- HVp close to 5V, HVn to GND )
- Connect HILO to free Rpi header
- Remove TopTurn protection
- Move TopTurns IOs Rpi Header
- Do buttons need pullups, or FPGA has internal pullups ? Or can they be on
- Rappel DCLK on ADC ?
- Remove ADC online footprint for capa
- Remove footprints for I2C pullups
General use IOs:
- 2xBtn : Bt1,Bt2
- 4xi2s : (already D1,D2 in)
- check
- i2s on RPi4 - fe203000.i2s
- curl | bash
- rpi-i2s-audio
- echo 'my_loader' | sudo tee --append /etc/modules > /dev/null
- Need to have a i2s master on RPi
- sudo rmmod snd_soc_hifiberry_dacplus
- sudo rmmod clk_hifiberry_dacpro
- Others
I send 2 channels. Into one channel always 0x3F into second channel 0x29. 0x7C is shifted byt 2 bits value 0x29F3.
- Headers
- header for the card
- 2x header for RPi
- header for i2s
- header for SPI, CS1, CS2
- header to feed in HV
- duplicated header to have HV on separate daugther board
- place for VGA output (based on fpga outputs) see refs - 3 pins: RGB + H/V-SYNC (or R for monochrome here
- Pullups
- spare space for solder-though pullups on i2c lines
- Logic
- LEDs for PpHV, PnHV, PDamp, HILO
- Deported buttons for ButTrig, ButUser
Separate small card
- Preamp path, MD0100 +Preamp design (+ filter) for 19dB
- Impedance adaptation
Separate HV card
- Same footprint as HV setup -> 2.54mm distance should be ok
Tagging wav files?
- Daughterboard:
- HV-source
- USB : FT2232H - FTDI (SPI - ) - connecting I2C, SPI, one on each bus. Getting other IOs linked too (HILO, CDONE, RESET, ...)
- VGA output
- Yeayyy finally pushed MS3 for i2s on . Missing the filtering part but that should be fine - thanks Andrew and Bogdan.
- Interesting LPC55S6x : M33 + LPU
- Doing echo-tomo
- @ongoing do impedance matching tests on a new piezo and tests impedance matching on the new piezo to see if that improves things =)
- [Enveloppe detection ongoing](] on the up5k
- @done run simuls for pulse duration
- lit3rick vF ongoing with AD8332
- first a-law experiment :
- worked on comparing both boards: -- need a full fledge mini before moving forward with the comparison.
- verilog alaw compression is ok and simuls on icarus OK too.
- Idea for i2s update on rpi :
- @done check newer lit3rick.vF
- @done merge bgd/and (acq + i2s + transfo)
- @cancelled go onto yosys (not possible from a up5k perspective.. too tight on timings)
- @done understand echoes from acqs.. weird things
- @done consider additional CS ( ) or SPI ( )
- ULP on ESP32 interesting
- @done need to check if reset, ice_reset_ft and ice_reset_rpi are connected in the VHDL v1.1 Matty
- A couple of pHATr1cks out !
- How to create a device node from the
code of a Linux kernel module? check.
- How to create a device node from the
- Got a DRV8834 and another low voltage driver
- Interested in
- Waiting for the pHATr1ck's !
- Doppler ... lol.
- experts .. DrR ?
- @done finish 20200608a and make a gif
- for piezos
- Received minie. Seems ok to flash. Waiting DP's bin to test analog line
- test Microphone MEMS: MSM261S4030H0 est un microphone MEMS à sortie numérique I2S omnidirectionnel, à port de fond. Il a des performances élevées and do pHAT
- pHATr1ck motherboard is designed, thanks ahmed
- received upduino v2.1 and v3.0 for further tests!
- Got motherboard design. Forgot VGA. Need 5 pins (H/V/R/G/B). 68R for H&V, RGB at 470R if different channels. 180R if all three are connected. ref. Pins from: PCM1,2,3.
- 640*480 -> 128 us = 512 (4px per us) x 256 (8bits). Rest is fun.
- DB15 socket
- DEBUG 24MHz8ch -> device is fx2lafw. Pulseview working.
- @todo check artists meet makers
- Brilliant read:
- @done Close the todos.
- Just realized the pH4Tr1ck project had been alive long. Need to close it. Put back an AD8331 on the main board and that's it.
- Working on meters.. a few things to learn along the way?
- See also : Analysis and Selection of Appropriate Components for Power System Metrology Instrument
- @done bin for un0rick ftdi control - done! that's the usb/usb_vga part =)
- @done lit3rick v1.5 with AD8331
- @done complete a lit3rick motherboard
- adding a 0.1uF cap increases the LNA performance: yeay ! But shitty wires mean: noise.
Always wanted to have a riscv inside my board ;)
- Interesting :
- Toolchain for riscv at
- (?) in priority, if it doesn't work then..
- make download-tools
- make -j$(nproc) build-tools
- R0 on the bottom.. and .. good to go !
- Very interesting: games :
- lit3rick structure
+ lit3rick
+ images
+ doc
+ overview
| \
| \ paper.pdf
+ article
| \ design_ideas
+ software
| + bonuses
| | \ other_verilog
| + verilog
| | + barebones
| | + i2s_stream
| + rpi_utils
| | \ icoprog, ifoprog
| + python
| + lib
+ examples
| + acquisitions_n_processing
+ hardware
| \ archive_of_upverter
| \ schematics
\ lit3rick.pdf
- fun stuff:
- @todo integrate some documentation for un0rick and lit3rick as in
- @todo move forward on some new hardware like the ft600
- @done add a section on the un0rick place: "If you like the silly things I do, you can say thanks by"
A week of documentation ahead =)
- @done With the help of @Jorge Arija, happy to release two small boards for HV !
- for a LM3478 fixed output at +-90V (changeable between 80 and 200V by changing a feedback board), single 5V input.
- for a small unipolar output of 250V with minimal BOM cost from 5V.
- @done Need to update website with Jekyll pages and tutos for the different products.
- @donenotnecessar mapping registers of the lit3rick device
And the website is on. Now on to:
- try the 250 supply
- try the +-90V supply
- FUp with waveshaping on lit3rick (more flexibility)
- FUp on the USB component for un0rick
- Receive Zynq
- Do ADC08200 PMOD
- also improved biblio for the article, including competition
Work on the rectenna project
- Pitch
- Good ideas An Approach for Managing Manufacturing Assets through Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting & designs and antennas.
- Basic idea or
- Completing the website.
- Improving lit3rick code
- @ongoing find the i2s issue
- Pushing a few experiments related to lit3rick
Got some new experiments going on. Getting a un0sb
- 32 lines dump
- and noise level for increasing gains on un0rick on a 50R load.
Playing with ESP32 ideas
- Listing files?
- IOs & stuff
- Interesting
- Other stuff
- is out yeah!
Impedance matching exercice is out =)
- for creating postgresql tables
- Impedance matching on hp2121 seems good.. not actually no.
- @done check motor for the hp probe (done: black and white cables)
- VGA output on the un0rick, yeah!
- Test with the HP probe - see more about this probe
Done with the VGA part for the un0rick!
Will now need to go on the lit3rick adaptation with David
Cosine generation on ESP32
PWM: ledCwrite
DAC ? GPIO 25/26
- ADC: 36 (ADC1)
- DAC: 26 (channel 2)
- PWM: 0
- Ongoing: tagging images for missing experiments, cleaning around
- @todo FUP i2s w Andrew
- @todo energy harvesting + low power blink
- @done mechanical runs on wirephantom
- @todo finalize article
- @done add DRV2700 mentions ?
- @todo clear hilbert ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
- @done Worklog: why not working on Rpi4 out of the box? --> issue with XFERs, see 2020-12-29 in worklog
- pastebin alternative:
- Replacing XFERS! With read/write bytes
- Read some good verilog tutos : for good tutorials - still looking for the interactive verilog stuff
Blink of an eye.. already 10th. Week off ahead. Playing.
- CLD Acquisitions two other BK probes
- Do library pyUn0
- Do image creation pyUn0
- DONE Try slower images with first BK
- FUp Andrew
- DONE FUp Renata
- Push page VGA
- FUp Jan
- FUp Jacques
- FUp Minie v1.6 . AD8332.
Other stuff:
- Dashboard revenues open projects
- Do musik stuff
- Short 2021 story =)
Getting reviews comments right:
Site web
- usb un0rick - DONE
- vga un0rick - DONE
- lit3rick -- Démo vidéo + GIF - DONE
- lit3rick micropython - DONE
Fun stuff
PCB antenna reference:
@follow Orders:
- ESP32 batteries
- Batteries
- PiNoir
- BoitesASon
- MHP30
Writers decks
- game of lenses
- Mood, plot, action, backstory, character
- Message written
- 4k words reached, now editing. Plaything is here.
- support to michael for his experiment
- ST25DV64K !!
Growth ?
LIO shop to be filled in! As soon as items reach =)
Need to push on the short story
Max14866 design released -
Try and push some links:
- Backup FX2LP's existing 128kbit (16kbyte) EEPROM data
- Write SDCC-generated I8HEX file to FX2LP's RAM
- SUSS: article from v3 to v4, inc. images
- new uncle !
- altium version of lit3rick making progress
- AD9835 for DDS / dds arbitrary waveform generator ? --
- PCBs for max14866 received.. mouser delayed
- MAX14866 tests done, seems to work
- lit3-32 done, waiting for the companion board to be ready (FTDI + Hv)
- Playing with arrays
- Asked for CMUTS
- Hackathon US+COVID: done :)
- back to k210 for nets?
- Progress on to actually get some precleaned data
- Did some progress on the ft600 interface, going up to 50MB/s. Could be better.
- Faster core for the ft600 ? Partnership with Bogdan?
- lit3-32 back from the fab. 100dB gain really?
- Yeah for Canada
- got an old 10PV, trifreq, to play with. Would be nice to interface it to 32Msps direct!
- chip crisis:
- nothing for the ft600, daugther, lit3-32 and MUXes!
- Doing progress with Jacques
- Getting a new BMV, this time with doppler?
- Too much work ;)
- received first lit3-32 - thanks Silvio and team.
- andrew to help on adaptation
- ft600 support with bogdan
- need to put an io for reset ;)
- Haven't been making boards for a while
- damn chip shortage
- Prototypes (ft600 et max14866) have been delayed far too long
- Let's find a solution soon =)
- Jorge's onto something for the lit3-32 ?
- HV modules:
- Trying others from aliexpress
- f
- OS, and maintainers?
- Progressing on the lit3-32 :
- History: sharing the original murgen files. Dating from May 4th 2016! Where have these 6 years gone ?
- Starting a substack haha
- OSH : MRI - new stuff
- Newer stuff? Possibly great PMODs to come.
- Still need to debug my existing PMODs FT600 haha
- What about a nice Msi001 Msi2500 PMOD ? New SDR stuff.
- Alternative is CH569 .. great thing. To explore. Maybe for the David friend.
- Work: starting something new! Cool and busy.
- Radicalized - Cory
- Progressing on OSH MRI - fast FPGA + USB3, done, yet to receive the pulse and receive (AFE) parts.
- lit3-32 is going to prod, one batch out.
- un0rick restarts, first batch since a while
- Check out the repo content about wulpus and prisma, some new things happenning.
- Name out soon on an interview, and on a national newspaper?
- Pissed at Slack cutting history of the chat channels
- Wireless probe on the way?
- Moar probes with pyusbus
- Moar to get
- - finger movement recognition
- 10.1109/MIM.2022.9693453 - flexible
- 12 bits ADC
- 150 us acquisition, single channel
- 6 Msps interleaved mode
In 150 us (one line) you will get 6x12x150 = 10800 bits of data. On Wi-Fi speed 54Mb/s it will take 10800/54000000=0.0002s (200us) to send these data.
In practice, we rather see 8Mbit/s, thats 1.2ms to send it.
Lower specs (for dev kit - 1 to 2 image / s OK)
- SPI is 40MHz
- 14 bit
- 2 Msps
- Comm through SPI
- 10ms between lines - 64 lines gives 640ms / image)
- 200us at 2Msps is 400 points is 5600 bits is 700 bytes
- 5600 bits per 10ms is 560,000 bits/s is 70kbytes/s.. should be OK with ESP8266/EMW3165/equivalent ;)
More ESP8266 notes
- HAD->Murgen
- HAD->AutoFinancement->OpenSourceHardwareContest
- Sofian->Murgen
- Serveur Matthieu->Output Image->Benchmark->Image processing->Jean-Francois
- Image processing->Output Image->Print
- Modules->Tester
- Modules->Transducer
- Mech->BiVi
- echOmods->WoodBox->Arthur
- WoodBox->LogoLaserCut
- Transducer->Jan->2 types to test
- Croaker->STM32F205RG->STM32F205RG->M3
- STM32F205RG->6Msps
- uC->Croaker->TFT Screen
- Croaker->SD Card
- uC->Vlad
- Modules->Alim->Mogaba
- Modules->echOmods
- Modules->HV
- Modules
- Modules->TGC
- Modules->Controler
- uC->Feather Wiced
- uC->Wifi
- uC->EspruinoPico->BiVi
- HAD->Phantoms
- Phantoms->Virginie->HAD
- Phantoms->Static->HAD
- Phantoms->Materials->RP-6400->Latex->Virginie
- Modules->Doc
- Modules->Motherboard
- Documentation->DocBuilder->BiVi
- Documentation->GitAliases
- Documentation->MakeDoc
- Documentation->CreateSchemaBlock->GraphViz
- Wifi->Format->TCP
- Modules->DDS->R-2R
- AG->Strat->AutoFinancement
- Modules->Fab->MacroFab
- Vlad->MacroFab
- DDS->Arduino
- Acquisition->PRU->Vanderbilt->EdgeFlex
- FlyLabs->EdgeFlex
- PRU->Up to 10Msps+
- Acquisition->RedPitaya
- Pedagogie->Aforp->Tao
- Pedagogie->ESIA
- Pedagogie->ENSCachan
- Pedagogie->Isep->Frederic
- Pedagogie->ENS->MichelB
- MichelB->Modules
- Aforp->Apprenti
- Pedagogie->Vanderbilt
- EdgeFlex->Fab
- ENSCachan->Satie->Constant->Transducer
- Fabs->AutoFinancement
- Inspiration->MakerFaireParis
- AutoFinancement->Fiverr
- ENS->MichelB
- Wifi->ESP8266->ESP32
- ESP8266->ADCSPI->Send
- Wifi->Igor
- Acquisition->Enveloppe->max-hold-reset
- max-hold-reset
- BiVi->LPC810->NE555 du 21eme
- ADCSPI->Feather Wiced
- ESP8266->Comm2RPi0->RPi0
- Igor->ESP8266
- RPi0->Oscillo->CA3306
- RPi0->CSI->Camera->ToHack->Hack RPi0 CSI (Camera)
- Igor->Feather Wiced
- Mech->Mech-athon
- Format->UDP->Broadcast
- Enveloppe->ADL5511
- ESP8266->ESP8266.ADC->HSPI
- ESP8266.ACD->AD7274
- Edgeflex->Modules Ready->PiZero->Modules SPI
- Modules Ready->BBB->Modules SPI
- ESP8266->Modules SPI
- ESP8266->Igor->Code
- Igor->PCB
- WICED->KGhosh
- Todo->Comm->An->Nicolas Felix
- Vermon->Nicolas Felix
- Vermon->An
- Comm->Langevinium
- Comm->Tanter
- TODO: Tanter
- TODO: Nicolas Felix
- Comm->P6->V2->FabLab->Voir PCMLab (Jussieu)
- Partenariat->Edgeflex->Revenues
- WICED->Wifi
- TODO: Hall Of Fame
- Done: DDSTest
- Done: DDSTestWith
- TODO: ProdEdgeFlex
- Sofian->KiCAD->OpenSource
- Virginie->Phantoms
- Murgen->KiCAD
- BlogJanice->OpenSource Gel
- Phantoms->OpenSource Gel->Publis
- OpenSource Gel->Analog Two
- OpenSource->GOSH
- SendMiniCircuits->ProdEdgeFlex->Tests
- ArduinoNano->DDSTest
- DAC->DDSTest->Tests->RPi0
- Comm->Publication
- Murgen->Caskey->Zach->Todo Merge all doc
- GitHub->Zach->Caskey
- EMW3165->Igor
- HAD->1000$->Matos
- Comm->AutresBlogs->Andre
- DDSTest->AOP
- NextSteps->Industralisation->Bitmaker
- Industralisation->Vermon->Nicolas F.
- Industralisation->PRS->Find PRS
- TODO: Find PRS
- NF@V->Conseil
- NF@V->Mecenat
- NF@V->Expert Normes
- Caskey->IEEE
- HAD->HAD Followers->Gros->BBB Foundation->Financement
- HAD Followers->Gros->Atmel Corporation
- HAD Followers->Individus->anfractuosity->Chris->zymeter
- HAD Followers->Gros->Texas Instruments
- HAD Followers->Gros->TODO Démarcher Gros
- TODO: Démarcher Gros
- Caskey->Partenariats->Gros->Experts
- uC->Liste uC
- Zach->PRU
- Caskey->Vanderbilt
- NF@V->ContactsNF->FRANCE LIFE IMAGING->MEDICEN-> A. Da Costa->26 Nov 2015
- IEEE->IEEE Tours
- FRANCE LIFE IMAGING->Reunion 21 Sept.->IEEE Tours
- ContactsNF->TI/MAXIM/ANALOG&Al->AD->Cedric
- ContactsNF->TI/MAXIM/ANALOG&Al->Microchip->Thierry
- NewModules->Hannin
- NewModules->Silent
- NewModules->ToadKiller
- BBB->Baptiste Pierrat->FastPRU->UpTo3Msps