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2019_04_30_Kirby Guild Meeting Summary

Anders Skarby edited this page Apr 30, 2019 · 1 revision

This page contains a meeting summary from the Kirby Guild meeting, held on April 30th, 2019.

Roadmap and alignment

Jakob and Alexander was asked to present a Roadmap for Kirby (for the DRB project) - which was quite difficult to do, since Kirby is facilitating the DRB teams work. The approach to meet that requirement was that they went through the various UX designs to identify requirements, and then go from there. Kirby is however a moving target (any plan becomes stale quite fast).

This process revealed that we're still a moving target, UX designers are not deciding on shared components (fast enough), but Jakob and Alexander are able to identify these cases, and then "push back" to the UX'ers. Time is however of the essence (a huge factor), and this is not a good thing.

The time factor can be mitigated by using walking skeletons, and symlinking dev-branches into DRB.

Component Status

  • Finalizing Calendar
  • Bugfix for Modal
  • Kickoff of Action Sheet
  • Spiking on Collapsable list
  • Bring your own icons

all are landing sometime soon (sometime this week, or end of last week - fingers crossed).

From that point on, we should have most Components in some version - then we need to iterate on them, with improvements, fixes etc.

PR Review Checklist

Anders created an initial draft of a guidelines document for reviewing pull requests, the document can be found here:

Pull Request Review Guidelines

Please edit and change as you see fit.


There were a few questions:

  • Are we missing hover functionality on lists (for web)
  • Do we have feedback behaviour for the list?

Capture these in enhancements for Kirby.

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Other ways of doing things are not wrong - however a project of this size requires consistency in the way we cooperate to be manageable.

Ultimately it will help you save some time getting from a new issue to a merged PR.

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