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Model Data Format

tractortractor edited this page Nov 5, 2019 · 4 revisions

This document describes the mesh and vehicle model data formats used in the original Vangers game.


This is a basic 3D mesh format.

Source variable(s) Type Description
version i32 Must be 8.
num_vert i32 Number of vertices (num_vertices).
num_norm i32 Number of normals (num_normals).
num_poly i32 Number of polygons (num_polygons).
num_vert_total i32 number of polygons * number of vertices per polygon (3 for regular, 4 for bound)
xmax, ymax, zmax [i32; 3] Maximum bound of coordinates.
xmin, ymin, zmin [i32; 3] Minimum bound of coordinates. Never used.
x_off, y_off, z_off [i32; 3] For weapons — position of attachment point. For wheels — position of wheel in main model. For debris — position relative to mechos after explosion, but all original debris don't use this feature (value 0,0,0). Value is 0,0,0 in all other original models.
rmax i32 Maximum radius.
phi, psi, tetta [i32; 3] Must be 83,83,83. The game checks whether those variables are equal to 83 and never uses them.
volume f64 Volume. Affects many calculations. Must be positive.
rcm [f64; 3] Never used.
J [f64; 9] Inertia tensor. Affects many calculations.
vertices [Vertex; num_vertices] Vertex array.
normals [Normal; num_normals] Normal array.
variable_polygons / polygons [Polygon; num_polygons] Polygon array.
poly_ind [[i32; num_polygons]; 3] Arrays of polygon indices for sorting. Never used. Filled with 0 values in original models.

Vertex format:

Source variable(s) Type Description
tf [f32; 3] Precise coordinates. Never used. In original models they are equal or very close to less precise coordinates (variable below).
x_8, y_8, z_8 [i8; 3] Less precise coordinates.
sort_info i32 Never used. Value is 0 in original models.

Normal format:

Source variable(s) Type Description
x, y, z [i8; 3] Normal vector. Scaled to length 123.
n_power u8 Never used. Value is 0-8 in original models.
sort_info Option<i32> Never used. Value is 0 in original models. Doesn't exist in normals of polygons.

Polygon format:

Source variable(s) Type Description
num i32 Number of vertices (num_corners). Must be 3 in regular, 4 in bound.
sort_info i32 Never used. Value is 0 in original models.
color_id u32 Color index.
color_shift u32 Never used. Value is 0 in original models.
flat_normal Normal (without sort_info) Used in bound models while calculating collisions with landscape.
middle_x, middle_y, middle_z [i8; 3] Middle point. Polygons of bound model with zero_reserved color index have special middle point. middle_z for all those polygons is zmin of bound C3D. middle_x is either xmax or -xmax of M3D. middle_y is either ymax or -ymax of M3D. In all other polygons middle point is average vertex.
vert_ind, norm_ind [(i32, i32), num_corners] Vertex and normal indices per corner.


Animated 3D model.

Source variable(s) Type Description
n_models i32 Model count (num_models).
xmax, ymax, zmax [i32; 3] Maximum bound of coordinates. In original models equal to xmax, ymax, zmax of first C3D model.
rmax i32 Maximum radius of all models.
body_color_offset, body_color_shift (i32, i32) Determines color of body material. Possible offset values: 0-255. Possible shift values: 0-7.
models [C3D; num_models] Models.


The vehicles ("mechoses") format, containing multiple meshes (for the body and wheels) as well as some meta-data.

Source variable(s) Type Description
model C3D Body model.
xmax, ymax, zmax [i32; 3] Maximum bound of coordinates. In original models equal to xmax, ymax, zmax of body C3D model (variable above).
rmax i32 Maximum radius of all models.
n_wheels i32 Number of wheels (num_wheels).
n_debris i32 Number of debris (num_debris).
body_color_offset, body_color_shift (i32, i32) Determines color of body material. Possible offset values: 0-255. Possible shift values: 0-7.
wheels [Wheel, num_wheels] Wheels.
debris, bound_debris [Debris, num_debris] Debris models.
bound C3D Physical bound.
slots_existence i32 Bitmask. Only rightmost 3 bits are important. Each bit corresponds to weapon slot from right to left. Example: rightmost bits are "001". In this case weapon 1 exists, weapons 2 and 3 do not exist.
R_slots, location_angle_of_slots Option<[Slot; MAX_SLOTS]> Slots data, where MAX_SLOTS = 3. Exists only when slots_existence is not 0.

Wheel format:

Source variable(s) Type Description
steer i32 Value is 1 if steering, 0 otherwise.
r [f64; 3] Position of wheel in main model.
width i32 Wheel width. max x - min x
radius i32 Wheel height divided by 2. (max y - min y) / 2
bound_index i32 Never used. Value is 0 in original models.
model Option<C3D> Wheel model. Exists only when steer is not 0.

Debris format:

Source variable(s) Type Description
model C3D Debris model.
model C3D Debris physical bound.

Slot format:

Source variable(s) Type Description
R_slots [i32; 3] Location of slot.
location_angle_of_slots i32 Rotation angle by y-axis in special unit of measurement. angle in radians * 2048 / Pi
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