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Common installation and execution problems

Miles Cranmer edited this page Dec 25, 2016 · 9 revisions

Do you have a problem that is not documented below? No matter how trivial the problem might be, please raise an issue.

(The program hangs)

This is probably because a Bifrost pipeline was started with an infinite timeout, and some blocks are not ending themselves. Quit the program (by ctrl-\), and make sure every block in your pipeline is reading/writing to its rings as it should.

ImportError: No module named pyclibrary

You have not installed PyCLibrary, or you are using two different python installations (e.g., one installed via apt-get, and one installed from source in a local directory, or one in a virtual environment). Make sure you are using the same Python to install libraries as you are to run programs. Get PyCLibrary from here.

OSError: ..../lib/ undefined symbol: cudaFreeHost

At the make step, nvcc did not link cudaFreeHost into You should make sure that and are set up for your system, and that your nvcc compiler can compile other CUDA programs. If you are still having trouble, raise an issue.

OSError: Can't find library with name

This means that PyCLibrary can't find your Bifrost installation. Whatever library folders it searches for Bifrost, you do not have the file there. To fix this, type


at your command line. If none of these folders contain the Bifrost installation (which you specified in, you have found the problem. Perform

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/my/bifrost/installation,

where /my/bifrost/installation is the folder where you installed the Bifrost "lib" (in, this folder is given as INSTALL_LIB_DIR). This should add Bifrost to the PyCLibrary search path.

OSError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Similar to the above error. You need to add the CUDA libraries to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH search path.

For example, export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/my/cuda/installation/lib64