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Python API

Miles Cranmer edited this page Dec 24, 2016 · 7 revisions


  1. Basic Syntax
  2. Blocks
  3. Pipelines

As described on the Home page, Bifrost is made up of blocks, rings, and pipelines. Blocks embody black box processes, and rings connect these blocks together. A network of blocks and rings is called a pipeline. Bifrost's Python API mirrors these concepts very closely.

####Let's start on an example: here we will perform an FFT on an array, and dump the result to a text file.

The following code generates a list of three blocks: a TestingBlock, which takes a list of numbers during its initialization (which we give as [1, 2, 3], an FFTBlock, which performs a one dimensional FFT on our input, and a WriteAsciiBlock, which dumps everything given to it into a text file (which we name as 'logfile.txt').

These blocks are created into a sublist, where they are proceeded by a subsublist of input rings, and a subsublist of output rings. The TestingBlock gets an output ring which we arbitrarily name 'my array ring', the FFTBlock gets the same ring for an input ring, and puts its results into an output ring which we name 'fft output ring' and WriteAsciiBlock gets an input ring of the same name.

This list of blocks, inputs, and outputs, is fed into a Pipeline object. Calling my_pipeline.main() then initiates the pipeline.

from bifrost.block import TestingBlock, FFTBlock, WriteAsciiBlock, Pipeline

my_blocks = []
my_blocks.append([TestingBlock([1, 2, 3]), [], ['my array ring']])
my_blocks.append([FFTBlock(), ['my array ring'], ['fft output ring']])
my_blocks.append([WriteAsciiBlock('logfile.txt'), ['fft output ring'], []])
my_pipeline = Pipeline(my_blocks)
my_pipeline.main() #Turn on the pipeline!

A file named 'logfile.txt' should now be created and filled with the result of our FFT.

As you can see, creating a high-throughput Bifrost pipeline from previously written blocks is a trivial process. This is the great thing about Bifrost: once you have modularized your functions into blocks, you can connect them seamlessly into a pipeline, and have your data streamed through in real-time.

#Dictionaries are the form of "key": "value" pairs. If 
# I create a dictionary such as x={"key": "value"}, 
# then calling x["key"] produces "value".
#I will use this key:value terminology in the 
# following demo.

#Always use MultiTransformBlock. I generalized it
# to work for SourceBlock and SinkBlocks as well,
# but have yet to rename it to be "Block."
class DStackBlock(MultiTransformBlock):
    """Block which performs numpy's dstack operation on rings"""

    #This section of code defines the INTERNAL ring names. These
    # are internal to the block. Whenever you create an 
    # instance of this block, it will use these ring names
    # inside of it to organize itself, regardless of the pipeline.
    ring_names = {
        'in_1': "Ring containing the arrays which are stacked first",
        'in_2': "Ring containing the arrays which are stacked second",
        'out': "Outgoing ring containing the stacked array"}

    #This dictionary has keys as the ring names. Note that
    # input rings are prefixed as "in", and output
    # prefixed by "out", for the pipeline to help
    # you debug misplaced rings. 
    #The values are descriptions---these are arbitrary and
    # can be empty strings if you wish. Future pipelines
    # may use those descriptions in dot diagrams or documentation
    # generation.

    def __init__(self):
        #This is called when you first initialize the 
        # block before putting it your pipeline. Use
        # the initialization to save any user-defined
        # parameters which will affect the algorithm.

        #Call this to allow the MultiTransformBlock's
        # initialization to take place, which activates
        # some necessary functions.
        super(DStackBlock, self).__init__()

    def load_settings(self):
        #This function gets automatically called (whether
        # you choose to define it or not) by 
        # MultiTransformBlock. It is called after reading
        # in the input ring headers, and before setting
        # the gulp_sizes. Use it to calculate these sizes.
        # This function is also called before setting
        # the output ring's header. Use it to calculate
        # the output header, and assign it to self.header['ring'].
        #Note that this function will be called again 
        # each time a new sequence of the ring is loaded.

        #Here is a safety check on the defined shape and
        # datatype of the incoming data. It makes
        # sure that the algorithm will work on the rings
        # in question.
        assert self.header['in_1']['shape'] == self.header['in_2']['shape']
        assert self.header['in_1']['dtype'] == self.header['in_2']['dtype']

        #Here I (initially) set the output header to be
        # identical to the first input header. This is
        # to get the data type and blanket-copy any other
        # parameters that may be important to algorithms
        # down-the-pipe.
        self.header['out'] = dict(self.header['in_1'])

        #Here I calculate the require input gulp_sizes
        # in order to capture one 'shape' per gulp.
        self.gulp_size['in_1'] = np.product(self.header['in_1']['shape'])*self.header['in_1']['nbit']//8
        self.gulp_size['in_2'] = self.gulp_size['in_1']

        #Here I calculate the output shape. This is
        # a dstack command, so I am adding an extra
        # dimension to my data. This dimension is
        # 2 in length, as we have 2 input arrays.
        outgoing_shape = list(self.header['in_1']['shape'])

        #Now I put this outgoing shape into the output
        # ring, and calculate the gulp_size needed
        # to output this much data per gulp.
        self.header['out']['shape'] = outgoing_shape
        self.gulp_size['out'] = self.gulp_size['in_1']*2
    def main(self):
        #This function is called once by the pipeline
        # once all of the rings are in place. It actually
        # gets called BEFORE load_settings, but 
        # the first time you open your input rings, that
        # function gets called. 
        #Define your algorithm with this function.

        #Here I do a blanket-read/write for loop. This
        # is necessary if you want to do your reading
        # and writing in synchrony. The command
        # takes the names of the input rings, and 
        # generates input_spans each loop. The self.write
        # command does the same for output rings. The 
        # self.izip command turns this statement into 
        # a single generator, so you only need one for loop. 
        #Make sure to order your input spans and output spans
        # according to how they are placed in the read and
        # write calls.
        for inspan1, inspan2, outspan in self.izip(
      'in_1', 'in_2'),
            #Inside this loop, I have my input data
            # in the form of inspan1, and inspan2. 
            # The output data allocation is in outspan.
            #All of the datatypes are loaded automatically
            # based on the header. All I do now is process the
            # input spans, and copy them into the output span.
            outspan[:] = np.dstack((
            #The use of the indices [:] here is very important. It
            # is a copy command. Stating outspan=... would 
            # reassign the name "outspan" instead of copying
            # data, so the output ring would receive nothing.
#Dummy function to generate data
def generate_ten_arrays():
    for i in range(10):
        yield np.array([1, 2, 3])

#Function to print numpy arrays
def pprint(array):
    print array

#The following list will contain all 
# of the initialized blocks, along 
# with their 'connections', which 
# define how blocks connect to eachother
blocks = []

#Each block is defined as a two-element
# sublist (a list within the list of blocks). 
# The first part of the list is
# an object---like the one I created above.
# When you create the object, you call the
# __init__ function, so define any algorithm
# parameters in that part.
#The second part of this sublist is a dictionary
# of connections. 'out_1'---the key, refers
# to the internal ring definition in
# the block. This would be one of the ring_name's
# that I defined above for DStackBlock.
# It gets used internally for organizing 
# the headers, gulp_sizes, and so on.
#The 0 is the value. It is the EXTERNAL (!)
# ring name. It is what we want to call the 
# ring in the context of this pipeline. 
# If you are confused because it is a number,
# note that you could also use a string in
# place of the 0. For example 'raw_input' 
# is a valid name. You could define
# your own Ring() object, and use that in place.
# So long as you are consistent. Each ring
# should only be named once as an output, and 
# as many times as you want as an input. Bifrost
# will let you know if you have used a ring
# twice as an output. 

#Here I generate an identical block to feed 
# another ring. Note that the INTERNAL name
# of the ring is the same as above, as it 
# is only a marker for the block,
# but the EXTERNAL name of the ring, the name
# that our pipeline will use, is different. 
#Here I defined the external ring to be 1. 
# We must refer to that name later on.

#Here we use the block we defined above
# to stack these inputs together. Note that
# the 'in_1' and 'in_2' keys are the same
# names we used in the block definition
# above. We have assigned these inputs to
# the rings 0 and 1 in our pipeline, which 
# are being outputted by the above generators.
    {'in_1': 0, 'in_2': 1, 'out': 2}])
#For the output, we define the external
# ring to be 2. This will be used later.

#Finally, I want to see if the pipeline has
# worked, so I print all the outgoing arrays.
# NumpyBlock by default has inputs=1, outputs=1,
# so for this block to be satisfied with
# no output data, we set outputs=0 in the call to
# the block. 
    NumpyBlock(pprint, outputs=0),
    {'in_1': 2}])
#NumpyBlock and NumpySourceBlock have
# their INTERNAL rings automatically
# defined as 
# in_1, in_2, ... and out_1, out_2...,
# for as many as you wish to make. 
#Here we set the only input to be 
# 2 --- the ring that is outputted
# by the DStackBlock.

#Create a pipeline with these blocks, and
# execute it (main). 