Releases: maragelis/ParadoxRs232toMqtt
Releases · maragelis/ParadoxRs232toMqtt
Fixed double arm status when arming sleep or stay.
Fixed serial buffer becoming corrupt on mg5000 panels.
Fixed an issue where system would not send commands to panel if code had a 0 in it.
Added the ability to use hardware RX/TX or d13 d15 (default)
Added PGM enable disable (needs testing)
Added Hassio and Homekit topics
Added Event and sub_event descriptions
Added SetDate command. (sets Panel to current date)
Added Mqtt username and password
Added ability to turn off getting all events.
Moved zonestate to panelstatus.
Fixed an error where when there is a 0 in the user code, panel would reject login.
Code cleanup
Added pgm_on and pgm_off command (see wiki)
Added OTA to mqtt (disabled by default enable with OTA=1)
Added ability to swap serial back to default RX/TX
Serial debug moved to D4 (enable with TRACE=1 payload)
return to hardware serial RX/TX 13/15
will do some cleanup on next version
Fixed panel login issue.
Serial trace can be activated sending Trace=1 in mqtt payload. (Trace=0) disables trace very important.
Fixed an issue where json payload was not parsed correctly.
Did some code cleanup to increase serial read speed.
Fixed bug with panel login .
ParadoxAlarmSystemOTA.HASSIO.bin (HomeAssistant ON TraceFlag OFF)
This is a stable version of v2
Arduino 2.4.2 core
Paradox connection serial moved from hardware RX/TX to d13-d15 io
Mqtt more stable
Debug through usb
Mqtt Status messages
Zone status Topic
Arm status Topic
Release of precompiled V1