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Edge Scaling

Marcus Fedarko edited this page Mar 22, 2018 · 1 revision

If the input assembly graph file has edge frequencies given (either as bsize in GML files or as a multiplicity attribute in LastGraph files), then edges in every connected component will be relatively scaled by their frequency. That is, edges with relatively higher frequency values than other edges in their connected component of the graph will be made thicker than other edges in the viewer interface, and edges with relatively low frequency values will be made thinner.

To account for "outlier" edges (which might be far more frequent or far less frequent than other edges in a connected component, and therefore skew the relative scaling process), we use Tukey fences to detect high and low outlier edge frequencies for each connected component. High outlier edges are given the maximum edge thickness and colored red, and low outlier edges are given the minimum edge thickness and colored blue. (These color assignments can be modified in the color settings, though.) The remaining non-outlier edges in a connected component are scaled relatively, without taking detected outlier edges' frequencies into account.