Releases: massenz/jwt-opa
Releases · massenz/jwt-opa
What's Changed
- Updating GH Release automation by @massenz in #41
- [#21] Enable fetching KeyPair from AWS SecretsManager by @massenz in #42
- [#36] Adding HTTP Headers to OPA Auth request by @massenz in #45
- Full support for AWS keypair/secrets & Refactoring for local secrets/keypair by @massenz in #46
- [#47] Allow users to add claims to API Token by @massenz in #48
Full Changelog: 0.8.0...0.9.0
Released to Maven Central
Use with:
implementation group: 'com.alertavert', name: 'jwt-opa', version: '0.9.0'
Fixes issue with JWT logging
What's Changed
- [Fixes #17] Support JDK17 by @massenz in #18
- [Fixes #19] Implements a KeypairReader bean by @massenz in #20
- [Fixes #22] Remove all JWT logs by @massenz in #23
Full Changelog: 0.6.6...0.7.1
How to use
Import in your build.gradle
ext {
// Use this version for projects that cannot use JDK 17
jwtOpaVersion = '0.7.1-jdk15'
// This release is compatible with JDK 17
jwtOpaVersion = '0.7.1'
dependencies {
// JWT-OPA Integration, see:
implementation "com.alertavert:jwt-opa:${jwtOpaVersion}"
Better debug logging for failures
0.6.6 Ver. 0.6.6
JDK 11 support for Release 0.6.5
0.6.5-11 Rel. 0.6.5-11
Support for Ant Matchers in authenticated routes
0.6.5 Release 0.6.5
Java 11 (OpenJDK) build.